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"i didn't tell you because you were barely home Ibrahim,
Beside Ahmad himself have try to tell you himself but........

"But what?!"Ibrahim yell at rukayya who sigh tiredly.
You have finally succeeded in turning my family against me, and you think this things you are doing well make me love you anymore please stop trying to complicate my life for me I don't understand how you do things and then try to act as the victim,
You know what the only reason you're still in this house is because I don't have it the confidence in me to divorce you but if I can say word you will not have the audacity to still hovering around trying to ruined my life."Ibrahim say and rukayya just stare speechless.

"I did what I did for Ahmad out of love nothing more, Ibrahim I can never turn your family against you,
You are the one that have become so busy with life that doesn't have time for them, stop...........

Look rukayya don't upset me this afternoon, the only reason i come to this house is because I left some important stuffs if not you won't even see me to say all this crap,
Good you got my brother a scholarship and so what?
Did you three plan this again without any concert what's the need of Telling me,
We are all moving out to my new house, tell them the people that matter's to you,
If they like the should come if they like they shouldn't it's there decision to make, on Sunday i will send someone to take you.'ibrahim say and rukayya just stare at him.

You bought a house without seeking my opinion?'she say and Ibrahim roar into laughter.

"Your opinion?
You've lost that privilege rukky,
That was then when you have a say in my life but not any more,
I bought a house with my own hard earn money and you don't have the right to tell me how I will spend my money,
Nonsense."he say with a hiss and exit the bedroom as rukky just stare at the door.

She's fed up with everything, everyday she thinks things will get better only for it to get worst,
After what happened between she and Maryam,
Ibrahim gave her a serious warning to stay away from his sister if she wants to continue her marriage, he make her apologize to Maryam, she did it not because she want to but because she want to prove to Ibrahim she's sorry and want things to get better in there marriage but nothing seems to matter to him, yesterday the scholarship list was out and Ahmad name was on the list of people going to the UK she was excited and even try to call Ibrahim he didn't pick as always, Ibrahim have completely stop staying in the house the last time rukky saw him was the day of the misunderstanding with she and Maryam when he left and came back, after the unnecessary drama of she apologizing to Maryam which is 8days ago he left and she haven't seen him until this afternoon.

Rukayya sigh and exit the bedroom, she lay on the 3 sitter couch in the parlour and sigh, she doesn't know what else to do to make Ibrahim understand she's sorry, she feel so tired of everything going on, she just wish she can see her son maybe it will reduce the pain she's going through.

Rukayya!!"the familiar voice call snapping her out of her daydream and she quickly look up with a sigh.

"Uncle you are back?"she say tiredly and sit upright.

Bello just glance at her and shake his head, he's not blind he can see everything going on, he doesn't understand how his brother can be this callous, at this point he doesn't blame rukky anymore, her brother deserve whatever she did to him in the past, just because he's bless now doesn't mean he will be this hardened on her to forgive, forgiveness is part of cycle of life, he doesn't even understand why rukky is putting this much effort if he can he would just tell her to leave this thing she's going through that she's calling marriage

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