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Sauntering out of the bank, I quickly remove my ringing phone from my pocket and sigh as i walk to my car.

"Hello rukky,
I just leave the bank I'm on my way."I say and quickly end the call not wanting to hear more of her insults, I shake my head and open the car door with a sigh, I climb the car and drop the wrapped brown paper bag on the passenger seat, I start the ignition with a sigh and start reversing  not paying much attention until a bashing sound behind me makes me quickly look up at the rear view mirror.

"Ya Allah."I say with a sigh and come out of the car.

"Are you blind ?
Why won't you pay attention to where you are going to."the man who comes down from a white BMW yell and i sigh.

"I'm sorry sir."I say looking at my dense car with a broken back headlight with a heavy scratch and his slightly dense car.

"Will sorry repair my car, I just bought this car today for my wife how will I take it home now, what nonsense."he say touching his car and I sigh with a facepalm as my phone start ringing which I'm sure is rukayya again.

"I'm very sorry sir."I say and the man glare at me before climbing his car calling me names, I sigh tiredly and climb my car before removing my  ringing phone from my pocket.

"Hello rukky sorry,
I'm on my way there is slight hold up,
Sorry."I say and end the call before maneuvering out of the bank and drive speedily to the school.

With no any other choice I decide to collect some loan from the bank,
I seriously need money,
I need to pay Ahmad school fees and now re pay rukayya fees to,
Let not mention the fact that i have indulge alot in the site money, everything is just soo fuck up for me,
I am still angry at rukayya for using her tuition fees to buy that stupid asoebi but I need to pay the tuition fees again since it's her final exams,
I halt few blocks from the school and I spot Ahmad coming towards my car, I quickly count his fees which is 120,000naira from the money, I collected loan of 500,000 naira,
Hopefully I get to repay by the end of the month, I count a separate 90,000naira for Rukayya before coming down from the car.

"Ya good morning."he greet with a smile and i nod.

"How is school?
Have they start the exams?"I ask and he shake his head.

It's postpone to 12pm there are alot of students that didn't pay and parents are complaining they haven't received salary, the school and the parent's are holding a quick meeting."he explain and I sigh.

Here is the fees,
120,000 right?"I ask and he nod.

"Thank you ya."he say with a smile and i nod with a smile.

"The school accountant is outside i will pay to him right away."he say and i nod.

"Take this."I say and hand him the extra 2000, he collect with a smile as i look up and my wife is coming.

"Ya you bashed your car?"he ask looking at the back of my car and I nod.

Hury and go pay,
So you will study before the exam."I say and he nod before walking away.

"Ibrahim what sort of embarrassment is this?
The whole school now know i haven't pay my tuition fees,
God forbid wlh."she say before standing by the car with a frown making me to sigh.

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