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Sauntering inside the hospital building i wave slightly at the doctor who's staring at me, I hiss and briskly walk to the familiar hospital room, it's been 2days since i came regarding my divorce I was so busy that I didn't have time to come the next day so i decide to come today,
I use the handkerchief and grab the door handle before pushing the door open.

"Good evening aunty rukky."ibrahim junior sister greet and i look at the man laying on the bed with the gauze wrapped around his eyes.

"Is rukky here?"ibrahim excited voice say Making me hiss.

Please excuse us."ibrahim say and his junior sister exit the bedroom.

"It won't change anything ibrahim,
You must divorce me, it's not an option and I'm certainly not looking for your opinion,
"Gaba daya auren ga ya isheni"
Just give me my divorce or say it because it won't make any difference."I say still standing.

"Rukky we can work this out,
I had my surgery yesterday and the doctor assure me that it went well and insha Allah i will gain my sight back,
I will hustle and make money, we will be happy again."ibrahim say and i hiss.

"That's your pathetic self speaking,
Where will you start from,
No house, no car nothing,
You are a failure ibrahim,
You failed as a husband and I definitely don't want to spend my life with someone weak like you."I say  angrily at him.

"Rukky divorce,
Didn't know?"he say his voice calm and gentle.

"Know what?
I don't want to even know just give me my divorce."I say with a loud hiss.

"Rukky dont you think you are overreacting to everything
Islamically i.....

"Mallam ibrahim, I didn't come here for you to preach to me and i will assure you I certainly know about all this hour pathetic excuses."I say and ibrahim sigh.

"Rukky why won't you take all this as a part of test from the almighty?
We are humans a......... 

"Ibrahim please,
I will leave now,
The next time i will come to this place you will give me a divorce i am sick of your pathetic self,
Man will be acting all pathetic like a lady."I lament before leaving the hospital room ignoring ibrahim voice that's calling me.

I head to the hospital parking lot grumbling to myself as i briskly saunter to my mums car that i come with, I climb the car and deliberate wether to head home or go to the clinic, I sigh and start the ignition,
Throughout my drive to the clinic i keep on thinking about everything going on in my life, my life used to be perfect until ibrahim walk into my life, all plans crumble to the ground and it's as tho the more I try to hope the more things become complicated.
I halt in front of the clinic and quickly come down from the car answering my ringing phone.

"Nabee,. I dey hospital
"Zan kiraki if I'm done." I say ending the call at once as i head to the lab.

"Excuse me,
Is Aliyah around?"I ask the man that come out from the lab.

"Yes."he say and take some few feets back and peek through the lab.

"She's coming."he say and i nod muttering a thank you.

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