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One thing I've learnt this past few days is that in life there will always be bad and good times, however, nothing last for forever, i know for sure that the horrible experience I'm facing today will come to an end,
Good times also come to am end to, i have learn to be patience and be contended with what I have, all this is temporary and some day, soon everything will come to an end.

"If you are tired of the marriage you can come back home,
Come and stay with me, give people the reason to insult me more and point out how badly my parenting skills is."my mum say upset as she arrange the clothes in her suitcase.

"Or do you think I'm happy to?
There's nothing fascinating about been a single mum, I'm not saying I'm not happy but the society Always have something to say, stay in your husband house, no matter how bad it is it will get better, I'm fed up to with peoples opinion, beside the Ibrahim is doing fine now.
You should also find something to do so you won't occupied your mind much with things,
He will come around, I've called him this morning to, exercise some sabr he will forgive you insha Allah, it will just take time, love doesn't die just like that ."she say with a sigh and i just look at her.

"When ummah,
He's already marrying a second wife an.....

"Is the second wife staying on top of your head?
Stop worrying about anything,
If you want anything just ask me,
Stop disturbing yourself about anything, just try and win your husband back,
I'm very busy this days you know that rukayya please don't add up to my problems, Nabila is staying in her husband house regardless how bad it is so will you,
This men are all the same."she say and I just stay quiet.

My mum won the election, she's been so busy my brother's are writing there final exams and she's already said they will leave the country to study elsewhere, Nabila's husband was caught cheating on her by his dad and things don't go so well but nabila is still with her husband even when everyone suggested she should leave him it makes me realises in life, love isn't the only thing that matters in life, choice's to matters, everything seems to get worst everyday Ibrahim just completely block his brother's and I out of his life, it bothers me alot.

"Here is the credentials you said I should bring the copy."i say handing her the brown envelope, she collect it and open it, she go through it and put them back before dropping it on the bed.

"By next week they list will be out insha Allah his name will be among but I won't guarantee you the specific country but his name will be among."she say and i smile with a nod.

Apparently Ahmad told me about this scholarship the government are offering 20 people to go study in the UK and US, he told me he applied but there's no guarantee, so i spoke with my mum and she ask for copies of his credentials, I'm so happy for him already tho i haven't tell Ibrahim yet but I'm sure he will be happy.

"And stop thinking too much about haidar, insha Allah they will find him it's just matter of time,
I will credit your account do something with your life and stop sitting doing nothing, or do you want to work in the hospital?"she ask glancing at me and I shake my head.

"Daman I'm thinking of going back to school but I will wait till our results is out."i say and she nod.

"How many days are you staying ?"i ask and she release a heavy breathe.

"I don't know but i will come back for your brother's grad insha Allah."she say and I nod.

I spend the entire day with my mum, talking about things that have been bothering me lately as she give me some word of encouragement, i see her off at the airport before the driver drove me back home.

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