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"Ibrahim where do you want me to get 5million this urgent,
It's not even a week i gave you the 5million you requested i have to even borrow some money from a friend to give you that,
You are not even telling me what you want to do with the money?"rukayya say and i sigh scratching the back of my ear.

"Rukky."i say with a sigh and sit on the edge of the bed next to her.
"I need money to complete this project, they've paid me in full and I used some of the money to buy this house, i don't have to explain to you in details for you to understand,
I know i have been calloused to you and all but you are my only hope,
I've already collected loan from the bank, i promised This is the last time I'm going to request money from you."i say staring at her and she sigh.

"I will see what i can do before Friday,
If you are in need of money this much why are you still persistent about a big wedding?"she ask and I roll my eyes.

"Rukky i have already shared the IV,
There's nothing i can do about that,
Wedding is in two days how will i suddenly cancel the event."i say and she just keep quiet.

Rukky gave me the 5million i requested 2days ago, she Credited it into my account and even apologize, our relationship is still sour alot of people will think I'm using rukayya but I'm not, i didn't force her to help me and i certainly have made my intention to her clear that our marriage isn't going to miraculously work out just like that.

"Should I bring you food?"she ask and i shake my head standing up at once.

"I need to go back to site,
Can I get 200k from you now?
I don't want to go to the bank.
I will pay you when i get back"i say and she nod.

"I have 150k it's the money for Ahmad scholarship clearance that i promised him."she say with a sigh and stand up.
She open the bedside drawer and remove the neatly new 1000naira notes and give it to me making me to smile.

"Thank you rukky,
Please don't forget about the money,
I really need it urgently."i say putting the money inside my pocket as i head for the door.

"I will try,
"Sai ka dawo"she say and i humm in response before leaving the bedroom.

I saw Ahmad washing rukayya car,
Her mum i guess gave her the white Mercedes-Benz GLE 450, she barely use it Ahmad is the one i saw driving it for the past 2days, i still find it difficult to believe Bello chooses to stay in that house, it's clear he's not happy about my success, sometimes the people we call family are the ones that doesn't even care about our success i push all the thoughts away and head to the main building, i push the parlour door open and my sister is laying on the couch pressing her phone.

"Welcome ya."she say sitting up at once.

"Thank you Maryam,
How much do you say Aisha need for the gown?"i ask sitting down with a sigh.

"We've made a deposit of 300k saura 150k."she say and i sigh.

"What kind of a gown is that,
All this are just so expensive."i say and remove the money rukayya just gave to me and hand it to her.

"It's bridal dinner gown,
Ya it's what's trending I'm sure you will like it when you see her on it that day."Maryam say Making me to smile with a nod.

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