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2weeks have passed and I haven't seen nor heard from Ibrahim, from what I heard he and his wife left the country the next day after the wedding for their honeymoon, I saw a few pictures on Instagram and I must agree they are happy, my heart aches I cry and cry to the point my tears have dried, I am hurt by Ibrahim actions, the fact that he didn't call nor even send a text message to apologize makes me realize just how unserious he takes me, Bello does come to check on me almost every day, my mum also came once it's all over the social media Architect Ibrahim gift his new wife a brand new Mercedes Benz C350, I just choose not to think about that because if I continue thinking I would just get depressed.

"Aunty Rukky I've finished frying the plantain."Ahmad say gaining my attention and i look up to him.

"Should i dish the rice for you?"he ask and i shake my head.

"No, the plantain is ok."I say and he sigh.

"I will put the rice and you must eat, since morning you drink only tea and two slice if bread."he say and Chuckle.

"What are you now?
My husband?"I say and he snort.

"I'm better than your husband."he say and i facepalm with a sigh as i watch him dish the white rice.

"This pepper soup is delicious,
I promise you."he say and i smile.

"The previous one you cooked last week was very pepperish."I say and he laugh.

"It's call pepper soup for a reason bes....... there's a knock on the parlour door making us both to look at the kitchen door.

"It's probably ya Bello,
He say he will come this evening."I say and Ahmad drop the food in my front before exiting the kitchen.

I stare at the food in my front with a sigh, getting hurt by someone we deeply care for is definitely the worst feeling ever, I cannot even imagine the pain ibrahim has been through because of me all those time.

"Mijinki ne yazo."Ahmad say entering the kitchen making me to quickly look up.

Ahmad enter the kitchen and continue whatever he's doing and ibrahim stand by the kitchen door, his head staring at the floor and after a while he look up, I didn't want to look away, I just stare wondering who this man standing in front of me is, ibrahim has always been a nice man, I never in my entire life ever think he will do something to anyone let alone me, sure people were right when they say "if a person can love unconditionally then that person can hate unbelievably" every day ibrahim morphed and transit into another person, I wonder if he can ever go back to his old self.

"Ahmad can you excuse us?"he say and i turn my gaze to Ahmad who's just standing with his hand fold to his chest.

I want to eat."he say and i furrow my brow at him with a scowl making him to roll his eyes but walk out of the kitchen.

There's an intense quietness in the kitchen, ibrahim staring at the floor while I stare at him, he look different and well dressed he even change his facial beard style, he usually keep this neat scruffy beard but now he keep one of this Brad Pitt goatee, he look good with it but I prefer him with his scruffy beard.

"Rukky."he say with a heavy sigh and look up at me.
"I know you are angry with me and you have every right to be upset and mad at me.....he say with a long pause just staring at me before he walk inside the kitchen to where I'm standing, I just stare at him I am speechless there's honestly not word to describe the emotions running inside of me.

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