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Running briskly inside the hospital building that i got a call I enter the ER unit confuse.

"Excuse me,
Please is this where My mum was brought?"i ask confuse at the doctor wearing the blue scrubs.

"Hey calm down,
Whats your mum's name?"he ask gently looking at me with a worried look on his face.

"Hajiya halima maiwada."I say impatiently looking at him and he nod.

You are rukayya right?"he ask and i nod quickly.

Just calm down."he say gently tapping me on the shoulder but I quickly remove his hand.

Where's my mother?"I ask and he sigh.

"Your mum is here i just need you to calm down,
Right."he say and i shake my head in disbelief.

"I don't want to calm down,
I just want to see my mum!"I scream at him and he he nod in understanding.

"I know, I know rukayya,
Your mum.....your mum is moved to the mortuary."he say and i give him a confuse look shaking my head at same time trying to process what he just say.

"My mum is what?
No, the mortuary?
Why will you take my mum there?
I just got the call and i come as soon as i can,
Why will you take my mum to the mortuary?"I scream at him as he gently grab me by the arm.

"Calm down rukayya,
Your mum passed away before she was rush to the hospital,
She sustain a.......

"I don't want to know,
I just want my mum back,.
where is my mum ?
Mummy!"I scream crying all at once screaming my mum's name as tho a miracle will happen and she will miraculously come to me.

"Rukayya calm down."the doctor say but I just keep screaming mummy.

"I want to see my mummy,
Ummah!"I yell as he grab with full force out of the ER unit as i scream my mum name.

"Rukayya!"he call trying to calm me but my brain find it difficult to process the scenario, I just want to see my mum that's all I can think of,
How can my mum died and leave me,
My brother's,
I barely take care of myself, how can she even die and leave such heavy responsibility on me.

I don't get to finish screaming a hot slap landed on my cheek.

"Shut up,
Jus...just stay calm."the doctor yell at me as i hold my cheek in confusion just staring at him crying.

He coil his hand into a fist and sigh tiredly before releasing it and massage his forehead.

"Stop screaming,
Sorry for the slap,
Sorry for the lost to."he say looking at me as i just stand crying confuse.

My mum barely have a good relationship with her family, she's an only child of her mum, her dad married 3wives my late grandmother is the third wife, after my grandfather died they all denied my grandmother her own share of property, she raised my mum all by herself and died few years after my mum finished the university, I know nothing or anyone to relay on just my mum's friend Nabila mum who seem to be like my mum bestfriend, my mum life literally revolve around her career of been a political lady with high standard of socialite.

Life Of IbrahimWhere stories live. Discover now