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2days since i moved back to Ibrahim parents house i won't say I'm happy with the result, this place is never any lady dream home, it's a 2bedroom main flat and 2 other bedrooms outside by the gate, Ibrahim and I use his late mum bedroom while his obnoxious sister is in the other bedroom, the two bedrooms outside is for his two younger brother's, Ibrahim doesn't look very excited about me coming back, I'm sure it's because of that witchcraft girl Aisha, yes, I'm leaving Ibrahim after the election but that doesn't mean he will do as he please or start seeing any lady, I'm still his wife and I'm certainly not going to share his poor self with any woman,  i know for sure Ibrahim siblings don't like me but that doesn't give the guarantee to disrespect me I'm still there elder brother's wife anyway, I'm currently in the kitchen preparing Haidar food that he will take to school, I've already make it clear to Ibrahim that  i won't be his siblings cook so his sister cook separately while I cook mine.

"Aunty rukky it's past 8am,
Are you still taking haidar to school?"Ahmad say and I think in response.

Ahmad is the only person i kinda rappole with very well, mostly because he's very respectfull and doesn't like to meddle much into my business, anyway it's not everyone that will hate you in a family, regardless how evil everyone think you are there's always that one person that sees the good in you and in my own case Ahmad is that person.

"Are you going to work behind?"i ask him as he stand in the one side of the kitchen .

But I will come back early today,
Don't worry i will pick up haidar on my way coming back i thought you said you will be going somewhere today?"he ask and I think in response.

Do you want to eat?"i ask and he shake his head.

"I'm fasting,
Aunty rukky let me get going my oga is not a nice person."he say and I we both chuckle.

"Don't worry,
I'm going to raziqah house today have already told her about you,
Insha Allah you will get a place at the pharmacy before we get money and open ours right."i say and he laugh.

"Ameen aunty rukky,
Bye."he day and disappear from the kitchen door making me to release a heavy breathe as i quickly round up with arranging haidar food and exit the kitchen.

"Haidar."i call entering the bedroom, haidar is playing game on my phone, i collect it from him and adjust the uniform before grabbing one of my hijab and put it on before carrying him, i quickly grab the car key and exit the bedroom just in time Ibrahim is coming inside the parlour with that Aisha girl trailing behind him.

"Yawwa rukky drop Maryam and Aisha off at school mana it's almost past there exam time they are getting lats."Ibrahim say, i don't what makes him think i can drop his sister with this stupid Aisha girl,i shake my head before looking at him then back to the Aisha girl.

"Good morning ."Aisha greet as Maryam saunter out of her bedroom.

"Good morning ya."Maryam greet zipping her backpack.

"Good morning aunty rukky."she greet and I just exit the parlour without a care, the nerve of Ibrahim asking me to drop this girl in school is unbelievable, i open my car and drop haidar in his car seat and shut the door.

"Maryam open the gate for me."i say as the two girls and Ibrahim comes out of the parlour, Maryam quickly open the gate as i glare between Ibrahim and Aisha as i climb the car.

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