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I've been admitted in this stupid dirty hospital for the past two days, I'm perfectly fine but the doctor insisted that i stay because they want to make sure I didn't have any post traumatic brain injury or whatever, Ibrahim barely come to check on me and the few times he's here he doesn't stay long saying he have work to do,he told me he got a small contract but he's hoping to get more that the client promise him more work, the only person that stay with me in the hospital is Ahmad then my friends that visit, my mum is busy with the election but she makes sure she call me whenever she's free to make sure I'm doing fine, the doctor told me i will be discharged today which I'm looking forward to because I'm so exhausted and tired of staying in this place.

"Aunty rukky you should call ya Ibrahim,  they say we still have pending 20k to pay before leaving."Ahmad say and I sigh, i dial Ibrahim contact and after several rings he didn't pick making me to sigh.

"It's almost haidar closing time,
Go and pick him from there you should go home, go to our bedroom, the bedside drawer by the left, check among my handbag you will see one red one with a touch of gold open inside the bag you will see the key to the bedside drawer, open it you will see my ATM card and some money, bring it all for me, take this 500 and do transport."i say and hand him the money as he collect with a sigh.

"I will go with some of this things."he say and grab the small bag my stuffs are inside and the flask he brought breakfast for me this morning before leaving, i release a heavy breathe of exhaustion and I sigh relaxing my back against the wall.

The door open and I look up, making a smile to creep on my lips, nabila, aunty Salma even you, longest time."i says smiling as the two girls enter the room, nabila has been coming to check on me since I've been admitted but Salma and I haven't met since the incident that transpire between me and her months ago.

"Rukky how body?"Salma ask sitting on the plastic white chair as nabila sit next to me on the bed, i give her a curious look but didn't comment, she's been usually moody this past few days and she doesn't want to share what's bothering her.

"I'm fine alhamdulilah,
Longest time,
You just abandoned me like that,
You dey this country at all?"i ask and she sigh.

"I dey fah rukky,
Life has just been hectic,
My wedding self is next month."she say and I smile widely.

Who's the lucky guy?"i ask excited and she scratch her forehead with a sigh.

"It's nobody fah,
We met at the airport last 6months he help and well here we are today."she say with a smile as i glance at nabila who's lost in her own thoughts.

Which work is he doing?"i ask curiously, because I'm sure Salma it's going to marry from a wealthy family especially because of her family background.

"He's just one of the aviation officer's,
He's from Kaduna state,
He's doing fine alhamdulilah, beside all that doesn't matter."she say and I snort but didn't comment.

"So which event are you doing for us?"i ask and she shake her head with a smile.

"Just dinner,
Ridwan is not a social person,
So dinner alone then bridal shower that I will do."she say and i nod.

"Allah ya kaimu"i say and nudge nabila.

"What's wrong with you?
You've been off since last week self?
What happen?"i ask and she just shake her head with a tiring sigh.

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