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2weeks has past and there's no news about haidar disappearance, there was a massive search, constant announcement on both state and national television, the internet and any other means of information to be reach out to people but all effort in vain, everyone seems to go back to there usual life activities, but my own world seems to be at halt, it's easy to let go if maybe haidar is dead then I know he's gone but he's missing, everyday i keep wondering where he is?
What is he doing?
Has he eaten?
Is he sick?
How many times has he cry to see me,
Is he in danger and worst of all, is he even alive?
All this question churn inside my head and i can't help but cry all the time, I have cry to the point my tears have dried up,
I'm always praying, the night seems short and the day seems longer, nobody have to tell me for me to know I've loss massive weight, my mum election is next she seems occupied and normal as tho her grandson is not missing, ibrahim seems busy and occupied with his site work, I feel so alone the only person that seems to care about me is my two brother in-laws and my two friends Salma and nabila.

"Thank you for coming nabila."I say with a smile waving at her as she wave back at me from inside the car, I wait until she drive away before I open the gate and enter the house.

I close the gate shut with a sigh and walk inside the small compound, I grab the red plastic chair and sit under the mango tree shade, I release a deep breathe and just stare blankly at the compound, ibrahim is seeing someone, I don't know who but I have read his chat with the contact, I copied it and the few minutes i try to call she doesn't pick.

"Aunty rukky."Ahmad call opening the gate gaining my attention.

"Ahmad you are back early?I say looking at him as the gate open again and Bello walk in.

"Good afternoon rukky."Bello greet and i nod.

"Afternoon uncle Bello,
How was work?"I ask as the two walk toward me.

"Alhamdulilah."Bello say with a sigh and sit on the white plastic chair next to me.

"Aunty rukky is there food?"Ahmad ask and i nod with a chuckle, I haven't been cooking lately I have alot on my mind that cooking is least of my problem.

Ahmad head inside leaving me and Bello, ever since haidar disappearance Bello was the only one I could turn to,he became that shoulder i could cry on, he became the elder brother I never had.

"How are you?"he ask and i nod.

"I'm ok not fine."I say releasing a heavy breathe with a sigh at once.

"It shall be well."he say and i nod.

It will be well ofcrse but it's just never going to stop hurting maybe until i found haidar.

We stay quiet for a while before I decide to speak.

"Ibrahim is seeing someone."I say but it's more like a question.

"You don't have to worry about that rukayya, everything is going to be fine, I know you two's relationship has been sour, I don't know what to tell you honestly speaking but just know that , whatever has a beginning the end will surely come, so what if you hurt him in the past?
We were all hurt by the way you treated us but life is nothing and everyone deserve a second chance, even Allah SWT we offend him and he forgive us,
Rukky dont bother about ya ibrahim, he will come around."Bello say and i shake my head.

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