ᰔchapter 4ᰔ

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Your POV :
As we walk to the park, I spot a black van not to far from where me and Vnace were. A masked man came out. I then I see black ballons in the trunk.


It was probably just a magicien or something, so i just ignored it and continued to pay atention to Vance. But it got to the point that I saw the same van when we had arrived at the park. It sent shivers down my spin as I see that same masked man staring at me. "Hey uh Vance..." I slowly said. "Yea?" He said with a worried look. "You see that van over there... I feel like it's following us" I added. He turns to look at my direction. But both the van and the masked man were gone. "Huh? I swear I've seen a black van and a masked man right there" I say confused. "Uhhh ok?" Vance not buying it. I just sigh. "Forget it. It's probably just me" he just shrugged and went back to talking about some random shit...

It was now about 9 pm. There was barely any noise. It was just mine and Vance's voices that was being heard trough the neighbourhood. "It's getting late, I should head back home" I said standing up. He gets up as well. "Let me walk you home" he smirked. "I mean sure I wouldn't mind" I smiled.

"I still don't understand why are you suddenly being so nice to me?" I asked as we walked trough the empty street. "Well it's because I just feel sorry about what happened to you" he simply answered. "Oh ok"

Right before I open to front door of my house, I turn to see Vance staring at me. I felt like he wanted something. So I just threw myself onto him in a big hug. Right before he says anything, I interrupt him. "It was fun today, we should do this more often" I then feel his hand on my head as he plays with my hair. I few giggles escaped my mouth as we stay in this position for minimum 5 minutes. "Well I should get going" he said pulling away. "Good night" i said. "Night" He said back. And with that, I slowly enter my house with a huge smile on my face. But it quickly gets crushed as a sent of hard alcohol gets in my nose. I try to make as less noise as possible hopping that my step father hasn't heard me. I slowly walk to the living room. As soon as step inside, I find him passed out on the couch. His underwear was the only clothing he was wearing. Many different types of alcohol were spreaded all on the floor and the tv was on. A weird Chanel was playing. I sigh as I decide to clean up a little. I turned off the tv and I cleaned the dirty dishes
that were laying in the sink...

After about 30 minutes, I had finally finished. I sigh as I flop straight onto my bed. And with that I fall  asleep. I was to tired to change into my pyjamas and even to tiered to get cozy under my blankets....

The next thing I knew I woke up by my annoying ass alarm. I got up and headed to the bathroom. I changed into a basic extra large t-shirt and some ripped jeans. I added some extra accessories and did my makeup. I wasn't hungry so I straight grabbed my stuff and headed towards the school building....

Ok I'm sorry for not posting in like 5 days? but yea...
Have a good morning/afternoon/night <3

ᰔpinball machineᰔ (Vance hopper x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now