ᰔChapter 27ᰔ

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Your POV :

There is no way I'm gonna get myself in more trouble. I quickly turned around and fast walked away, hopping that the leader of the jocks and Emily didn't see me. But it was too late. Their friends had stopped me from going any further. "Look who it is. Didn't actually think you would show up" I heard Emily say with a recognizable smirk plastered on her face. "Guess I have some curiosity" I simply replied trying to play it cool. "Well guess that following your 'curiosity' wasn't a good idea. The jock replied walking closer to me and Emily. "Ever since Vance disapeared, we had been planning to take it as an advantage to get some revenge" Emily spoke staring into my soul. "So you two are together or something?" I asked. "What no! Eww." the jock said over and over disgusted. Emily just stood there. A sad expression on her face. Their friends quietly laughed as I just waited for the perfect moment to escape. I looked around and see a metal pipe laying against the wall.

I could try and use it, but that would be to much... Right? Actually never mind, I can hit them as much as I could with that thing.

Vance would've done that.

Without anymore hesatation, I ran towards the pipe and held my hands tight around the cold object. "Oi!" one of the jock's friends said as everyone's attention turned to me. "Drop that" Emily coldly said. "Make me" I simply replied with a smirk forming onto my face. She looked at me furiously and I loved it. Oh how it's fun making people mad at me. The jock and his dushbags did a sort of wall blocking me from running away. "Hit me, I dare you" I said adjusting my grip to the pipe, slowly bringing the pipe upwards, prepared for of any of them of they try to throw a punch.

A full minute passed and we were still there standing like complete idiots staring at eachother. "Do something" Emily groaned feelign annoyed. And with that I swinged the pipe as hard as I could and it hit the jock straight into his head. Within 3 seconds later, he fell onto the ground, blood dripping out of his mouth. The others quickly looked at me and an other jock swang an other punch, hitting me straight on my back. I quickly turned around and hit him with the metal pipe.

When the jocks became tired, I quickly made a run for it. I ran and ran as fast as I could making many lefts and rights hopping to loose the angry men chasing me. After I lost them, I stopped, dropping my bag back onto the floor to catch my breath. When I looked back up I realized that... I was lost. I must've ran for a while, not realizing where I was going. Dang it. This isn't good, at all. I didn't have any way of comunication and the houses around me looked strange and bad news. I picked up my bag and slowly walked around the neighborhood hopping to find anyone that I knew. But at this point, there was no one outside. It was either because there wasn't many people who lived here or either because there was only old ass people here. I kept walking till my feet stopped walking right infront of a house. I didn't know why that spesific house but I just stared at it. It kinda did look like something I've already seen but my brain wasn't clicking in.

Suddenly it hit me.

Vance's house.

That was the house and I'm sure of it. Well the one in my dream, but it's worth a try. I walked on the path that lead to the front door. I hesitated at first but ended up knocking on the door. I waited 30 seconds before knocking again... And again... Nothing. I looked through the window. The lights were off. Guess no one was home. I sighed as I walked away. His dad was probably at work or something. To be honest, I always wondered where his mom was. I know she's somewhere here in Denver, but never saw her. How did I know about that? Well because of school. I was walking throught the hallway and passed the principal's office. I may or may not heard the princapal talking to Vance about if he gets into more trouble, she might call his mom and expell him or something.

I also heard that Vance's parents are divorced, and in my dream, Vance was probably at his dad's house. Maybe Vance is staying at his mom's for a while and had to leave in a rush. But I'm not certain.

I kept walking and walking towards nowhere, till I find reconizable trees in the distance. Those were the ones from the forest me and Vance used to spend our time together. I started walking towards it feeling a tingling feeling in my gut, confident in where i'm going even though I didn't know where I was. I kept on walking in the forest full of memories of me and Vance. And then I find a mark on a tree. It indicated ''Y/n x Vance " with a heart around it.

I rememeber when we worte that we were young and in love we thought that we would be together our whole life, we thought we would never be separated from eachother. Well fate had something else in store for him and it kills me that i can't see him or talk now or maybe even for the rest of my life.

The more I advance in the forest the more I start to feel nervous. This doesn't feel like a good decision but I can't go back now Emily and the jocks could be looking for me right now. I start to see a trail of smoke coming ahead. By gut I follow the trail and find a small campsite next to a small river that leads to the city. I crouch down on all fours and try to make the least noise as possible.

I stand behind a tree and watch a person as they came out of their tent. I tried getting closer to see who that person was, not realizing that I had stepped on a branch, snapping it in half. "Fuck" I mumbled as I hid behind the thick tree hopping that the person didn't see me. After a couple seconds, I slowly turned my head to look at them. They were wearing some sort of mask to cover their face, giving them a weak vision and also making them more mysterious. They also were wearing some black coat to hide their hair and body.

Suddenly they turn their head back to the fire, crouching near it. For a second I thought of running towards them and also pin them to the ground so I could see who they were. But who knows, it might me some strong men with a knife that will stab me. But I didn't really care. I just wanted to find out who that was. Without anymore hesitations, I made a run for it. I ran as quick as I could, making as less noise as possible. And with that I bumped hard into the person falling straight onto them. They started to try to push me off, but I didn't let them. I quickly snatched the mask off of their face and as soon as I look at the unmasked face, my eyes widen as I look in shock at....



Anyways more creds to my friend for helping me in this chapter 😍 (Same friend from chap 26 btw)

Have a good morning/afternoon/night <333

And make sure to eat and drink today <33333

ᰔpinball machineᰔ (Vance hopper x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now