ᰔchapter 21ᰔ

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Your POV :
Suddenly I heard a pair of feet walking behind me. I turned around to see Vance going to his locker. "Vance" I said walking to him. "I told you to leave me alone" he said not even paying attention to me. "Just tell me. Is ever-" I tried to talk but without being able to finish, Vance pinned me hard on the lockers. "Everything is fine!" He angrily said yelling. "Well it doesn't seem like it!" I yelled back.

We stared at each other for about a minute till I felt his lips on mine. He kissed me roughly, letting all of his anger out. When he pulled away, I was just staring at him. He sighed. "It's just yesterday night was rough at home with my dad... that's all" he mumbled. I look at his lips for a second then back at his eyes. "Oh I'm sorry this is happening to you. If you want you could come over at my place for the night. I'm sure my step dad has his night shift so we'll be fine" I suggested. A smile grew on Vance's face as he pulled me back into a kiss. "Yea it would be nice to sleep with you" he said as he pulled away. We stared at each other for a minute till Vance started to kiss me again. It wasn't bad at all. In fact it made me feel better.

"You guys will seriously make me trow up" we heard someone say. Vance pulled away and looked at the person. It was Bruce. "Oh shush when you'll get your partner, y'all will be kissing nonstop" I said. "Yea but at least we would make out somewhere more private and not in the middle of the hallway" Bruce said. I playfully rolled my eyes and looked back at Vance. A smirk grew on his face as he understood what I wanted. "So us kissing makes you throw up?" Vance said to Bruce. With that, he pulled me for another kiss. "Ew stop it" Bruce said making fake trow up noises. We all laughed and Vance got off of me. We went to the cafeteria and joined our friends.

The rest of the school day went by better than the morning. After school, we had nothing planned so we didn't hang out. Vance walked with me home.

I unlocked the front door and made sure step dad wasn't here. He wasn't. Good. I let Vance in and we both headed to my room. I close the door behind me and right before I was able to turn around, I felt Vance turn me around and pull me into a passionate kiss. Our mouths moved in sink as I felt is tongue wanting to enter my mouth. I let him take full control as his tongue started exploring the inside of my mouth. He wanted to be dominant and I wanted to be dominated by him. Small moans escaped my mouth as he continued. He slowly brought me to my bed and dropped me on it, him being on top of me. When we pulled away to catch out breaths, I stared at him. How beautiful his eyes were. His blond curly long hair being messy which made him look twice as hot. He pulled himself for another passionate kiss.

Oh how this felt amazing. We kissed, talked and laughed for hours till I started to feel hungry "I'm hungry" I said. "Wanna go to the grab n go?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed my money. He did the same and we were now walking on the sidewalk. As we reach the grab n go, we see people leaving. "Why is everyone leaving?" I asked Vance. "I don't know" was all he answered before walking towards the entrance of the store. Me following behind. As we enter, we see at least more than half of the snacks on the ground. The fridges were opened and some of the drinks had been smashed to the floor. It's liquid pouring onto the floor. "Holy shit what happened here?!" I told the cashier. "No idea, I was just at the back putting some boxes away and when I came back, the store was like this" she answered to me.

Suddenly I didn't feel Vance's presence next to me. I look behind to see him next to the pinball machine. Well it isn't a pinball machine anymore. The glass cover had been smashed. The buttons were gone and the decor around had been scratched. He was looking down at the machine. He looked sad and angry. I walked towards him and hugged him from behind. "It's fine Vance we'll find another pinball machine for you" i said. We stayed like that for less than 10 seconds when Vance pulled himself off of me. He walked towards to the cashier lady and yelled "WHICH ASSHOLE DID THIS!" The cashier looked at him terrified. "I-I don't know" was all she said in a scared tome. Vance angrily sighed. I went to him and grabbed his chin to face me. "Look Vance it's fine. I heard there's an arcade not to far from here. They have multiple games" I said trying to calm him down. "Yea but there was my damn high score on this one" he angrily said. I pull him to a deep kiss. He kisses back and I can feel his breathing becoming slower. When we pulled away, we say Emily and Sophie's group laughing at us from the window. They were mocking us and taking pictures of us.

I glared at them as I went and grabbed a shard of glass from the pinball machine. That was it. I wanted to leave a mark on them so that they'll never forget how fucked up they are. I walked outside of the store and was about to cut Emily's neck and leave a permanent mark. But somehow I felt Vance's arm wrap around my waist to stop me. "They cops are coming so you don't want yourself to end up in jail" he said. "Yea slut listen to your boyfriend" Emily mocked again. More anger filled my body. I felt like steam was coming out of my ears at this point. "You little bitch I will beat the shit out of you!" I yelled escaping Vance's arms and rushing towards her. I jumped on her and started punching over and over. She was screaming in pain waiting for someone to help her. The kids around us started chanting while Sophie and her friends tried to pull me off of Emily. Vance couldn't resist laughing of how dumb Emily was. Suddenly we heard cop sirens coming our way. Vance rushed into the store, got some snacks and came back towards the fight. I didn't even know he stole them cause I was to busy with Emily. He lifted me in bridal style and ran away. The other kids ran away as well. Two of the jocks pulled Emily away from the store as their friends followed them. The cops arrived and found some of Emily's blood on the ground but ignored it as they entered the store to investigate...

"Vance you can put me down now" I said as he was walking on the sidewalk. "But you're so light" he simply replied. "Yea but I have legs for a reason" I said and he just sighed. "Give me a kiss then I'll put you down" he said with a smirk. I playfully rolled my eyes pressed my lips against his. When I pulled away, he carefully placed me down. We continue walking till we reach my house. "Oh shoot we still don't have snacks" i said as I felt my stomach do noises. "Then what's this?" Vance sarcastically said as he pulled some bags of chips and some candy bars. I just smiled as I unlocked the front door. We went onto the couch and cuddled together as we watched a random horror movie, eating our snacks along the way.

At some point through the movie, my eye lids starting to get heavy. "I'm starting to get tired" I said with tiredness in my voice. "The let's go to bed" Vance suggested. I nodded in agreement and we both got got up. Vance and I cleaned up a little and we both went to my room. I grabbed a pair of pyjamas and changed in the bathroom. When I came back, I saw Vance already under the covers, his jacket, shirt and pants on the ground. I hanged my clothes onto the hanger and got into bed with Vance. We cuddled together and I quickly fell asleep.

Vance's POV :
As soon as Y/n went in the bathroom to change into her pyjamas, I took off my clothes. I was now only wearing boxers. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my back. This sent flashbacks from yesterday night....

Vance's flashbacks :

I just had gotten home. As soon as I stepped in the kitchen, I felt something hard hit my back. "Fuck!" I yelled in pain as my dad was hitting me over and over with his belt. "You dumbass child!" He yelled as I try to get away from him by grabbing an empty glass bottle and smacking it onto his head. "Fuck you!" The man yelled again stopping for a second. I took this opportunity to run to my room. But somehow I wasn't fast enough to lock the door which made my dad barge in my room and started beating the shit out of me with his belt. At this point I wasn't able to feel my body anymore. I just felt pain and more pain. He then started saying negative shit to me.
As soon he left my room, shutting the door hard, I weakly sat against the wall, and started crying...

End of Vance's flashback :

I looked at myself trough Y/n's mirror. A hole bunch of bruises were all over my body. I sighed as I got comfortable under Y/n's blanket. I didn't want her to see what dad had done to me. Why? Because it would make her more worried about me and right now she's dealing with enough...

When Y/n finished changing, she hanged her clothes on the hanger that was sticked to the side of her closet and got in her bed. We cuddled together and soon I felt her breathing slow down. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep...

1813 words (I usually only have 1000 so I'm kinda proud of this)🫡
Anyways I'm gonna go trough y'all of the chapters of this book to fix up the mistakes I've made cause I know I did a lot like for example I wrote go and grab instead of grab n go 💀

Have a good morning/afternoon/night <3

ᰔpinball machineᰔ (Vance hopper x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now