ᰔchapter 6ᰔ

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Your POV :
Vance took me behind a huge staircase. It was kinda dark but there was enough light to see my surroundings. I sigh as I look straight at him. "What do you want?" I asked him as he just grins. And with that, he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards me. Our bodies wern't even an inch away. I felt my face heat up. Butterflies grew in my stomach as i feel his warm breath against my skin. I knew I was red as a tomato. We stay in that position for a couple more seconds till Vance suddenly just burst out laughing. He lets go of me as i suddenly felt embarrassed.

"hahaha! You thought!" He said still laughing. "oh shush-" i said as i rolled my eyes. "oh come on that has to be funny" The boy added still laughing. "no but i bet you did want to feel my lips against yours" I teased as he just smirked. "What if i did?" He teased back. I got close to him as our bodies were once again closer. I looked up at his glowing blue eyes. I was at least one head shorter than Vance.

(sorry not sorry for making y'all short..)

"i feel har-"

Right before he finishes his phrase, I shove his face away. "no. Don't start with that" I said as a smirk grew on his face. He just chuckles as i take a step back. "So was this why you needed me?" I asked changing the subject. "oh right.. No it wasn't..." Vance said. A small moment of silence appeard between us two but quickly disapeard as Vance spoke again. "It's about my friends.. They told some kids of this school rummers about you.. And at any moment, the hole school will know about it. And i'm kinda worried about it" He said as he ended with a nervous chuckle. I just stare at him blankly. "What are does 'rummers' about" I asked. "Uhhh about you being a slut and hooking up with many boys. Stuff like that.." He said taking his time chosing the correct words. My eyes widden as I sigh. "And you just letted them say shit like that about me" "What no. I tried but I couldn't change there minds" He tried explaining. We both tried to find any solutions to this but just couldn't...

So we decided to head back to the cafetaria hoping that nothing bad would happen. As i walked trought the hallway, everything seemed fine. No one was staring at me nor wispering to each other when i passed by them.

This was probably just a prank...

I thought as we enter the cafetaria to find half of the people surrounding a table. They were all chanting "fight! Fight! Fight!" I look at Vance to see him frowning in confusion. We walk towards the circle of students and i spot Grey running towards us. "What on heart is going on here?" I asked them. "It's about Moose and that Robin kid!" They said.

Didn't they already fought before?...

"Moose felt angry about losing against him last time so he's doing a rematch" Grey added with a chuckle at the end. "dumbass" Vance mumbled. We then walked towards the croud.

"Oh shit it's Vance Hopper" We heard some kid say. And with that everyone stops chanting and they all stared at Vance. Within a second Robin realizes his aperance and stops beating the shit out of Moose. He gets up and smirks at Vance. "Isn't it sad that your friend is embaressed like that" Robin said as some of Mosse's blood drip onto the ground from Robin's knuckles. Vance sighed as he pulls out a pocket knife out of his pocket. "Let's make this quick. I'm not really in the mood to fight anyways" Was all he said as he takes a couple steps in the circle. "Vance stop!" I tried to warn him, but he didn't listen. As both fighters got into there positions, Robin throws the first punch, but the blond doges it like it was nothing. Vance swings the knife he was holding but Robin dunks down so it wouldn't hit him. "Stop it you two!" I yelled but without any succes. They continued fighting till I had enough. I stepped in and snatched the knife straight out of Vance's hand. I mean it wasn't to hard since he wasn't looking in my direction. "Sorry not sorry but you two have to stop" I said. Robin frowned as he stared at me. "Oh so you want to join the fight?" Robin said as some kids said "oooo-" "I would but it wouldn't be fair for you. You're all messed up" I teased. "Get out of hear you slut" I heard Vance's other friend say. Everyone froze. "Yea that's right! This girl right here is a fucking slut!" He repeated louder. The people around then started whispering to each other. A visible smirk grew on Moose's face even thought he was on the edge of passing out.

Within a minute later, everyone started laughing and calling me names.
A tear rolled down my cheek as I looked at Grey. They had a worried expression on their face.
Are they believing Vance's shit friends?...

I thought. An other tear rolled down my cheek as I watched the students around me laugh like maniacs....

Alright since I'm sorry for being late on posting, I did this longish chapter :D
Have a good morning/afternoon/night <3

ᰔpinball machineᰔ (Vance hopper x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now