ᰔchapter 23ᰔ

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Your POV :

As me and Vance were walking in the street, I kept spotting so many missing posters of Finney and Robin. "Wait can we go check on Gwen real quick?" I asked Vance. "Sure" he simply replied. And with that we changed our direction towards the Blake's home.

When we finally reach their house, I slowly knock on the front door. After about 30 seconds, I hear the lock of the door unlock. The door slowly opened to reveal Gwen. "Hey Gwen" I said with a smile. With that, I feel her wrap her arms around me forming a tight hug. "I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I'm sure both Finney and Robin will be okay" I said trying to comfort her. When we finally pull away from each other, we hear Gwen's dad yell "who's at the door?!" Gwen flinched a little. "Just some friends!" She yelled back. A moment of awkwardness interrupted, we stared at each other thinking of what to say. At one point I was gonna burst out laughing, but I tried to resist. I don't want Gwen to think I'm laughing because her brother is missing or anything.

Suddenly that awkward silence ended by Vance. "Well me and Y/n need to go. Sorry about your brother again" he said grabbing my hand and dragged me away. "Bye Gwen!" I said as she waved goodbye. Vance and I walked for about 10 minutes till we reach the Grab n Go. "oh shit we forgot about the incident." I said staring at the open sign that was turned around saying that the store was closed. "fuckkk" Vance groaned in responce. He then walked over to the glass the glass window and looked trought it. "I guess the store will be closed for some time" he sighed. "It's fine, we can still go to the arcade" I suggested. He nodded and we started walking some more.

It has been about 20 minutes of walking till we had arrived to the arcade. As soon as we took a step inside, the humidity had changed. There was a big smell of kids and sweat everywhere. Everything was neon and had many different shapes as decorations. We bought a couple tickets and started walking around trying to find something to do. "What should we play first?" Vance asked. I looked around and something had caught my eyes. Without saying anything, I grabbed Vance's hand and pulled him towards that one dance game.

(Idfk what the name of the game is, but it's like a board with arrows on the ground. And then there's this music that you have to dance on the beat. Yk the game right. Idk how to explain it lol)

"Seriously. That is one of the worst arcade game you could pick" Vance said staring at the screen. I giggled as I stepped on the left board, placing my left foot on the left arrow and my right foot on the right arrow. I placed the right amount of tickets in the machine and the screen switched to the player option thingy. "come on I ain't playing by myself" I said as Vance just rolled his eyes, stepping on the platform next to mine. We got into our positions as the round had started. The beat was slow at first but it had picken up the paste as it became more and more harder to keep track. "Holy- shit- how can you- survive- this" Vance said out of breath as he missed a couple touches. "Practice" Was all I said as I seemed perfectlly fine. I was right now only focusing on the game.

The beat of the music was now going really fast. Vance was missing alot while I was starting to loose my balance. Yes I was good at this, but not that good.

When the game had ended, I felt Vance almost fall off. "This is making me want to kill myself" he said looking at the score on the screen in front of us. I had won by alot. And when I mean alot, it is alot. We collected our tickets and went onto the next game. Vance wanted to try this basketball one. We placed some of the tickets in the machine and got into postion. When the game had started, Vance wasn't missing a single hoop. I was still getting points but not as mush as him. When it had ended, we collected our new tickets and went to the next game...

We stayed at the arcade for hours and hours just having fun. The two of us together. It was now about 7:30 pm, Vance and I had won a big amount of tickets. I had 1305 tickets and Vance had about 1500. We were now in the shop where you can buy different prizes with the tickets collected. I looked around when my eyes landed on a cute cat plushie. I grabbed it and looked at the price. "1000 tickets" I read out loud. Oh wait I had enough! I kept it and looked around for more stuff. At the end, I came out of the arcade with the cat plushie, a wistle and a couple snacks. Vance had bought a matching dog plushie, mini fireworks and candy bars. We both still had a couple more tickets but deacided to save them for next time. "Today was so much fun, but I'm kinda hungry for pizza" I said as me and Vance walked down the street. "alright then follow me" Vance said back turning to the left, me following right behind. We had to go into random people's backwards as a shortcut since it was getting kinda dark and rain was going to pour soon or later.

Vance brought me to a pizza place. As we enter, a friendly cashier greated us. "Hello! How may I help you?" She asked with a bright smile. "One medium peperoni pizza" I said. (You can change the order if you want) The cashier nodded and gave us the total amount to pay. As I was going to give her the money, someone gave their money instead. I looked to my left to see Vance smirking. "I'll pay" he said. As I was about to fight back, the lady had already taken his money. I sighed as I put the money back into my pocket. "Next time I'm paying" I said as we sat down on the mini red couches that were supper uncomfortable. "Sure" Vance sarcastically replied facing me. We talked about random thoughts as we waited for the pizza. When it arrived, we ate and laughed and talked some more.

After we finished, we threw the box and left. As soon as we stepped outside, it started rainning crazy. But to be honest, I didn't mind it. I like the fresh rain touching my skin. But Vance seemed kinda bothered by the rain. His hair was sticking to his face as his clothes became dranched in water. Mine did too. My shirt was sticked to my chest, revealing my chest's size. And I didn't like that very much. I hated wearing tight ass clothes, especially leggings. 

As we walked trought the empty steets, the rain started falling lighter than before. "It looks like you straightened your hair" I laughed as I looked at Vance's hair. "oh shush!" he replied as he stopped for a bit. When I had realized that he had stopped, I stopped too. "What?" I asked getting closer to him. Without saying anything, he pulled himself for a kiss. He didn't grab my chin or anything, because he was already holding the prizes from the arcade. I kissed back feeling a smirk form on his face. I also wasn't really able to grab his waist nor his neck because of the stuff I was holding.

When we arrived at my house, we dryed off and I changed into my pyjamas. Vance of course took off his shirt and pants. Leaving him in his boxers only. We went into my bed and I turned off the lights. We cuddled together and soon enough, I fell asleep...


Another chapter done! Anyways I've been thinking and I want to do a Brady Hepner fanfic or smth idk... Or maybe I should do a Fred Wealsey one (Yes ik I'm like rlly late to the harry potter shit) but it might take to long so maybe not.... Oh shit what about an Evan Peters fanfic lmao... Can y'all give ideas lol idfk what to write about 😭

Anywhos have a good morning/after noon/night <3

ᰔpinball machineᰔ (Vance hopper x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now