ᰔchapter 5ᰔ

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Your POV :
As I arrive in front of the school building I hear someone call my name. I turn around to see Grey skateboarding towards me. "Hey" I said smiling. "Heyyy" they said back. We talked for some time till the bell rang. "See you at lunch?" I asked. "Yep" Grey simply said before heading of to their class. As I walk through the crouded hallway, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around to see the one and only Vance Hopper. "Hey" I said. "Hi" he said back. "Do you need anything?" I asked. "I just came to walk you to your class since we are both together" he smirked. "Really?" I said shocked and confused. "Yea.." "oh ok" i added. "So uhh did you enjoy yesterday?" He asked trying to make a conversation. I chuckle as I look at him. "I loved it... want to do it again?" He looks at me as we make eye contact. "Sure" he confidently said. I smiled as we finally arrive to our class. "After you" he said holding the door for me. "Such a gentleman" I giggled as I enter the classroom. Both me and Vance take a seat at the back of the class as the teacher started the lesson...

After 1st period, I said bye to Vance since he needed to do something with his friends. I check my scheduele to see that i have gym class.

"shit" I mumbled to myself as i realize that I only had 5 minutes to change and be at the gym. I rushed through the hallway, got changed and arrived perfectly in time. "your'e almost late (y/l/n)" The teacher sighed. "sorry" I mumbled as I sit down with the others as the teacher starts explaining what we'll do today...

After running for 30 minutes, the gym teacher made us do push-ups. And I wanted to die. No wait... I was already dead. But other than that, we played a simple game of dodgeball, which my team clearly won...

It was now lunch. I sat at the table me and Grey usally sit at. I waited a couple minutes till they arrive. They take a seat and we both start eating our lunch. We talked about anything in mind till I see Vance walking with his friends towards us. I stare at his beautiful features.

Wait what? Why am I thinking like that? I cant like Vance Hopper...
But he can be sweet... right?

I was overthinking way to much as I zone out staring at him. "Y/n?" Grey said poking my face to try and make me zone back. "Huh?" I said slapping her hand away. But right before they say anything, Vance interrupts them. "Hello lady's" he smirked. "Oh hey Vance" I happily said. Moose looked at me disgusted. I just looked at him with a confused look. "What do you want?" Grey asked. "I just need to borrow your friend for a minute" Vance smirked staring at me. I just sighed as i got up and walked towards Vance. "w-" Right before Grey could say anything, I interupted her. "don't worry, we won't take long" "oh right, you two stay here as well. It's something private" Vance said to his so called 'freinds'. And with that, the both of us left. "Where are we going?" I asked as I looked at Vance. He had a serious expression on his face. "Somewhere" was all he answered....


Alright I'm so srry for not posting anything for weeks. Cause of school and also since I don't have much ideas so if y'all can give ideas or smth, it would be nice.
Have a good morning/afternoon/night <3

ᰔpinball machineᰔ (Vance hopper x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now