ᰔchapter 12ᰔ

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Your POV :

After Vance helped me get all cleaned up form the blood, we left and went back downstairs for our next class. I sighed as I realize that I had History. As I reach my class, I spot Grey chatting with some of their other friends. I sighed as I sat across of them not wanting to interupt anything. But the only seat left was next to that one basball player that won against finney. Bruce Yamada if I remember correctly. I walked up to him. "Hey is it okay if I sit here?" I asked. He looked up at me kinda dumbfounded but answered with a simple "It's alright" I made myself comfortable and waited for the teacher to show up and for her to start the lesson.

It's not like I'll listen to the boring old crusty musty annoying voive of the teacher, but I had forgot my scetchbook in my locker for some reason. So I have nothing to do. I mean I could talk with Bruce. I've heard he was friends with Robin... Or was it Vance?
But me being me, I can't even properly say hi to someone without sweating crazy.

I had zoned out thinking of random things when I got interrupted by Bruce. "Wait you're the girl that Vance talks about, right?" He said. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I whispered to him. "Your Y/n. Oh by the way, if you didn't know, Vance and I are friends" He added with a warm smile. "Ah ok..." I didn't know what to say. We stared at each other akwardly trying to think of something to say. "Don't tell him that, but I once heard him say that your hair smelled good" Bruce randomly said making a light red shade appear on my face. Bruce giggled at my reaction. "You two like each other don't you" He then said.

Oh right, no one knows about me and Vance being a thing together. Should I tell Bruce? I mean he did tell me that he's friends with Vance. But I should probably check with Vance first...

"I mean... He does have nice hair" I commented. It's true. Vance does have good looking hair. It's noce and fluffy, fun to play with. "Ooo Ok-" Right before Bruce could say anything, he gets interupted by someone. The techer. "Yamada and L/n! Leave this classroom and wait for me outside. I'll come and see you two later!" She yelled making the whole class stare at us. I look at Grey and their friends. Their friends were quietly laughing at me while Grey just stood there looking at me with a worried look. But I didn't seem to care. Both me and Bruce got up and walked outside of the classroom. "Oh well guess we'll have detention" Bruce said. I just shrugged and rested my back against the wall. "I don't mind it to be honest" He looked at me for a second then back at the lockers. "At least you're okay with it" He said with a sigh escaping his mouth. "My parents are really strict with school" He then added. "Oh ok" Was all I said back. "At least you have someone that cares about you" I mumble not realizing I had said that loud enough for him to hear. "Huh? What do you mean?" He then asked looking back at me. "Oh uh nothing" I looked away. "No no tell me"

I thought about it for a second then sighed. "It's just that me and my step dad don't have that 'father' daughter bonding excpirience" I said with a weak smile. "Do you have another familly memeber out there?" He then asked.

Why was he so interested with my life? I mean it could just be cause it's the first time he meets someone like me... Right? But meh...

"I don't think I do. Step dad never really wanted to talk about 'familly buisness' and all" "Oh okay, well at least you have Vance- I mean uhh- yea Vance cause you know he's like a close friend to you right- not like I know anything romantic or anything" Bruce stuterred with a nervous chuckle at the end.

Was he okay? I feel like he knows something. Pff- not my problem.

I just shrugged at how he acted and waited for the teaher to come outside. After at least an other 2 minutes of waiting in an awkward silence, the teacher finally came out of the classroom, and shit you not, she sure did looked pissed. "I'm going to make this clear" She paused before continuing. "Both of you detention today after school" And with that, she opened the door for us so we could re enter and head to our seats...

It was finally the end of the day. And I sure wasn't excited for detention. I was suppose to go with Vance to the Go and grab. He said that today was finally the day he beats his highscore. And to me who got detention with the one and only cool ass baseball player Bruce Yamada. As I went to grab the stuff I needed for the hour of detention, I spoted Vance waiting at my locker. "Hey there sweetheart-" He teased as I got closer to him. "Hey.." I said back. I don't know how, but he quickly had spotten that something was up. "Is everything okay love?" He sounded worried. I mean I understand he was worried about me, but at this point it's only detention. It's not like it's going to be that bad. Why was he taking everything so seriously. Not that I don't like it or anything, It's just I never seen Vance being this soft towards someone...

"It's nothing much, I just have detention right now" I said unlocking my locker. "oh so you won't be able to come with me" He said sounding sad in a sarcastic tone. "Can't you just ditch detention and come with me to the Go and grab" He begged. "Sorry but no I don't want to get in more trouble" I told him reaching my hand up to his head. "Well I have to get going now. Bye Vance" I playfully said walking away from him. "Bye sweetheart" I heard him say. 

Time to head to detention....


I've been thinking about it and like I feel like the mini author's note at the end are annoying to some people, so like I'm going to try and stop writting them..

 But anyways, have a good morning/after noon/night <3

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