ᰔchapter 19ᰔ

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Your POV :

For the rest of the day, Emilly was giving me a lot of death stares. It got to the point that it was just annoying. I wanted to punch her again but this time harder.

Right before the bell rang, I saw Emilly sliding her finger horizontly over her neck giving me sign that after school, she will try to beat the shit out of me. Which I'm not even close to being scared of her. But right now, I didn't feel like getting myself into more trouble. I just wanted to spend time with Vance. Stay with him till it's 10pm. Then just go back home and sleep. Hoping that he could cuddle with me. Wake up. Go to school. Spend time with my friends and repeat the cycle.

No but like it sounds so cheesy but I just want to be his and only his...

I grabbed my stuff and went straight to find Vance. I fast walked towards his locker, only to find people chant "fight, fight, fight" over and over. When I got towards all of the chanting. I saw a huge group of students making space for two specific people fighting. I got infront of the croud to see Vance fighting one of the jocks from the cafeteria. It was the one that wasn't able to finish one single sentance. But not gonna lie, he mannaged to give Vance a bloody lip and a scratch on his cheek that was also bleeding. The jock had a black eye and a bloody nose. And he also looked weak. Vance was able to continue fighting for an other hour at least.

Poor jock.... Actually no it's his fault to mess with Vance...

Not a minute later, Vance pinned down the jock onto the floor. He then started punching him, more and more blood rolled down onto the floor. "Vance! That's enough!" I tryed saying but the noise of the others wasn't helping.

Suddenly, I felt something hard hit the back of my head. With that I fell on the ground. I hadn't passed out or anything. It's just that I wasn't excpecting it. I got up and looked behind me to see Emilly with a woden bat in her hands. Vance stopped punching the jock and looked at us.

"You are dead meat (last name)" She said swinging the bat upwards. Without hesitating, I punched her hard in the stomach instently making her drop the bat on the floor. I then punched her again on the nose, making it bleed some more. She fell on the floor. I pulled her hair to make her look up at me. "Listen here you little bitch. If you dare try and to come close to me, I. Will. Beat the shit out of you. Then I'll make you beg for me to stop, which I won't. I'll continue doing shit to you till you leave this school" I said with a deap tone. I then pushed her head back to the ground and stood up.

Fun fact about Emilly, she is one year younger than me. I get it that I'm stronger than her but like she keeps acting older and thinks she's better than all of us, which disgusts me so much.

I looked over at Vance to see a teasing smirk on his face. "That was so hot" He wispered in a low voice. The way he said that made shiver in a good way. "You know what else is hot?" I teased back.

But right before he could answer me back, we got interupted by soemone. "Alright that's enough lovebirds. You guys are gonna make me puke if you continue" Robin said dragging us away. "Ya'll can start your kisses and buisness later, when you're alone" He added.

Robin brought us to the boy's bathroom. "You know I'm not allowed to be in here" I said. "So?" Robin shrugged. I just rolled my eyes and went in. We cleaned the blood off of ourselves and Robin brought us outside. There stood Bruce and Finney waiting for us. "Finally what took you guys so long?" Bruce stated. "I brought them to the bathroom to get themselves cleaned up, but if I was any more late, they would've been making out in front of the school" Robin said. Suddenly, Finney winked at Robin and suddenly they were somehow actors now.

"Oh Vance your'e so hot" Finney said mocking me. "Oh how I love you" Robin then said trying to act like Vance. "Do you want to come over and have sex?" Finney added with a high pitched voice. "Anything for you suger pumkin" they then both started making kissing noises.

Bruce laughed his ass off while I was blushing red and Vance was starting to get pissed off. "Cut it off you two" He said. But Finney and Robin ignored him and continued there 'good' acting. "Oh how I want to come inside of you babe" Robin teased. "Stop it you two!" Vance added while I was just here blushing crazy.

When Finney and Robin finally stopped, we deacided to go to the Go and Grab. As we went inside, Vance quickly rushed to the cashier and extanged his money for pennies. Robin and Finney went to the candy section while me and Bruce went to the back for drinks. "What are you getting?" I asked the boy. "I don't know. I guess I'll grab anything that looks good" He answered. I just nodded and looked at the different options of drinks. "Be honest with me here..." He whispered. "Did you and Vance,.. Do it?" He continued looking up to make sure no one was listening to us. I got confused at first but quickly realized what he ment. "No we didn't!" I said playfully hitting Bruce's shoulder. He just chuckled and grabbed a random drink from the fridge. I grab two drinks, one for me and another one for Vance and we go towards Finney and Robin. "So did you guys get what you need?" I asked them. "I did but Finney can't decide if he should get normal or sour skittles" Robin said annoyed. "Shush I need silence to think" Finney said grabbing both packages of skittles. We stared at him as he started massaging the two bags with his thumb. "What is he doing?" I whispered to Robin. "Being Finney" he answered also whispering. "How long till he finally decides?" Bruce asked. "No idea"

"You know what just get both of them" I said pulling both bags out of Finney's hands. We went to the cashier and payed for our stuff. I walked towards Vance and stared at how focused he was on the game. Within a minute later, he loses. "Dammit" he said. I just chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Here" I said handing him a drink...
Anyways have a good morning/afternoon/night <333

ᰔpinball machineᰔ (Vance hopper x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now