ᰔchapter 16ᰔ

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Your POV :
And with that I woke up. It was all just a dream. But it felt so real. Except the fact that I was a ghost but the way the Grabber's dog bit my leg, I could kinda feel the pain, but it's normal... It happends to a lot of people to feel what happened in their dream...

I try to ignore the pain and went to the bathroom to change. I wore a basic large hoodie and some baggy pants. I also did my normal makeup routine. After doing all of that, I got out of the bathroom and headed downstairs to the kitchen. My stomach was growling crazy. I need food. It's been long since I felt hungry in the mornings. But I guess, I could eat something. I opened the fridge and grabbed an apple. There was barely anything in there. Most of the fridge was filled with different alcahol drinks. Step dad likes to keep his drinks 'cold and refreshing' so he ends up trowing away most of the food in the pantry and stocks the fridge with his alcahol...

As I arrived to school, I saw Vance with Bruce. They were really loud not gonna lie but meh. I walked towards them as I felt many pairs of eyes staring at me. Why can't those rumers be over by now! It's just getting annoying at this point! "Hey guys!" I said as I smiled at them. Both Vance and Bruce stopped talking and looked at me. A huge smile appeared on Vance's face. Bruce just waved with his iconic grin. "Hey sweetheart" Vance teased.

Suddenly a flashback from the dream I had replayed in my mind. It was when I saw Vance crying on the floor. My smile slowly faded away as I saw a huge bruise on his face. What if the dream was true. I mean just the part about Vance. Should I ask him if I could go to his house? What if it's the same in my dream. I quickly snapped back to reality. Vance and Bruce were staring at me with worried looks on their faces. "Y/n. You good?" Bruce asked. "Oh yea, I'm fine I'm just really tired that all" I lied. I mean it wasn't really a lie but you get the point.

We talked for 15 more minutes till it was time to head to class. I said bye to both boys and went to english class. And of course, when I entered the classroom, everyone stared at me with a disgusted look. I ignored them all and sat at the back desk next to the window. For the rest of the class, I wasn't paying any attention to the teacher and looked at the rain pour down. I was thinking of my dream. Just the thought of Vance crying sent shivers down my spine...

As the last bell before lunch rang, I rushed out of the classroom to find Vance. Yes I know it was just a dream but I just want to make sure that he's okay. He did have a bruise this morning. So it could be something related. But it's probably because he had an other fight with someone.

I was overthinking way to much that I suddenly bumped into someone making me fall on the ground. "Ow" I mumbled. "Oh sorry slut" the person said. I looked up to see that it was Emily. Ugh why does it always has to be me. Well at least Sophie wasn't with here.
I quickly got up and walked away. But of course she tried to stop me. "Hey wait up" She said in her dumb and annoying voice as she tried to catch up. "Look I'm just here to make a nice calm deal with you-" she began. "No I'm not interested" I said as I started walking faster. "Wait but you don't even know what it is" "ugh fine what is it?" I groaned as my walking became slower. She then dragged me into a more calmer part of the school.

"Since you and Vance are friends and you practically are a slut, I was wondering if you could u know make Vance fall in love with me"

That was her deal!? I swear I want to end her. I wanted to tell her so badly that me and Vance are together so she would just shut up. But he probably isn't comfortable with it so I'll have to wait.

Suddenly I heard a male voice speak up.
"Hey Y/n" It was Robin. "Hey Robin" I smiled. I looked at Emily to see her freeze. The hole school was afraid of Robin, except his friends. I mean sometimes he does scare me but let's not change subject. "Is everything alright. I never knew you and Emily are friends" he said looking over at Emily. "Well actually she is only here to make a dumb deal with me about Van-" Suddenly, I felt Emily's hand cover my mouth so I wouldn't be able to speak. "Don't listen to her, she's only saying jokes" the girl said with a nervous laugh at the end. She removed her hand off of my mouth and literally just ran away. Both Robin and I stared at her till her body wasn't visible anymore. "Your welcome" Robin said. "Thank you" I said back with a playful eye roll. We both walked to the cafeteria talking about anything that came to mind. And yes, I wasn't hungry. Robin invited me to sit with his friends and I guess I accepted. I sait down at the table. Finney and Dawn were with us. "Hey Y/n" They said in usion. "hey" I said back with a smile...


Have a good morning/after noon/night <3

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