ᰔchapter 14ᰔ

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Your POV :

It has been a couple hours since me and Vance were hanging out, but good things must come to an end right. I said bye to Vance with a kiss and walked off back home. And I shit you not, I spotted the same black van from before. And this time it was following me. And it was like really close to me. I didn't want to get kidnapped today. So I did the smartest thing I could've thought of.

I walked over to the closest front door I could find. Which was a house with a small flower garden giving the house a happy vibe. I knocked on the front door as fast as I could and turned around to see the driver of the black van staring right into my soul. I gulped as I then rang to door bell. Soon enough, the door opened to reveal Robin standing there looking confused. "holy shit I am so happy it's you" I said. A more confused Robin stood there. "Huh?" He said. I quickly looked behind me to see that the van was still there and the masked man was still staring at me. I looked back at Robbin. "Can I please come in and stay for a little" I asked. He realized that I needed help with something so he agreed. He opened the door more to let me in..

He then quickly brought me up to his room and of course Finney was there. We looked at each other for a second and I smirked. "ooo you two must of been having a moment" I teased and Finney's face turned bright red. "No we weren't!" Robbin said also a light red colour happearing on his cheeks. I just kept teasing them for a while till Robin decided to change subject.
"So why are you here?" He asked. "Alright you might laugh at me but it's cause I've been seeing the same black van following me it's been days now and I swear if you didn't answer that door, I would've gotten kidnapped" I said all in one breath. Robin and Finney just stared at me dumbfounded. Before they could say anything, the room door opened to reveal a women. She must be Robin's mom. And of course she was staring at me like if I had killed her full family. "hola mama" Robin spoke.

Oh right spanish family. "hola darling. May I ask who this fellow women is?" She said with a bright smile. "This is a friend from school. Y/n" The long haired boy answered. "nice to meet you. I'm Robin's mom, but you can call me Molly" The mom said still smilling. (Not me not being able to think of a spanish name 😭) Molly walked inside of the room holding a plate of diffrent candy bars. She carfully placed it down on Robin's desk and walked out of the room not saying anything else. The three of us stared at each other before Finney said. "Alright let me get this straight. You think that someone is following you in a black van and if Robin hadn't answer that door, you would've gotten kidnapped." I nodded. "And you didn't eveb think of calling the police!" They young boy added. I just looked at him with a '😃' expretion on my face. (Why can't I find the words to explain shit :') ) I tried to think of an excuse but thank Robin for being here. "Well it's most likely because it's been at least more than 3 weeks and the police still can't find a missing child!" He said. Finney just sighed not wanting to say anything back. I nodded in agreement. For the next hour, we just continued talking and also I guess helping Robin with his work. Finney told me that, that was the reason he wass here, but of course I still think that it's cause they wanted to make out and do the work an other time.

When it was time to say goodbye and head home, Robin's mom wanted to give us a ride home. Which me and Finney declined, But as sweet as Molly was, she insistead. "I won't let you kids walk home by yourself in the dark. There's a kiddnaper on the loose." She said as she grabbed her car keys.

Both Finney and I got in that back seats. The car ride was really awkward but I'm just happy I was the first one to get dropped off at my house. I said bye to Molly and Finney and opened the front door of my house. There stood my step dad. He was standing in front of the entrance of the living room. I wanted to walk away pretending not to see him but he stopped me. "Where were you? And who was that gorgeous women that dropped you off?" He said in a teasing voice. I looked at him in disgust and didn't answer. Instead I just went to my room. He tried to stop me, which didn't stop me from slamming the door and locking it.

This man was drunk. Again. I mean I'm used to this. He disgusts me so much. How did I even end up here...

So I was suppose to publish this chapter like at least 5 days ago but like my computer didn't save the changes so yea....
Anyways have a good morning/afternoon/night <3

ᰔpinball machineᰔ (Vance hopper x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now