ᰔchapter 25ᰔ

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Your POV :

It has been over a week and there was still no sign of Vance. At this point everyone thinks he got kidnapped by the Grabber. But I somehow still have hope that he's still alive. I mean it takes over a couple months before the grabber strikes again. And since he currently has two kids in his basement, it should take him twice as more time before finding his next victim. There was thousands of missing posters all over Denver. I missed him so much. If just I can have any possible clues on where he could be. I was right now at home, in my room drawing in my sketchbook, when I suddenly heard the phone ring. Step dad wasn't home so I went and picked it up. "Hello?" I said throught the phone. "Y/N! It's Gwen. Come to my place as quickly as you can!" I heard Gwen say. She sounded worried so I quickly said "Okay" and rushed to her house.

As I arrive, I see her waitng infront of her house waiting. "Gwen!" I yelled getting her attention. She grabbed her's and Finney's bikes and rushed towards me. "Hop on Finney's bike and follow me" was all she said as she started ridding her bike in the middle of the street, me following behind. I followed her till we arrived at a house. There were police cars and police officers all around it. I stared at the house for moment then it hit me. That was the house in my dream. I had completly forgot about it. That was the house where Finney was. Holy shit, did I have the answer this hole time? But only Finney was in my dream. What about Robin? Was he already dead? Without realizing it, I had completly zoned out. "Y/N?" Gwen asked as I felt her shake me. "I'm here don't worry" I reashured her and we both walked towards the house. One of the cops told us to stay by the fance and wait. We did as he said and waited. About 15 to 20 minutes later, Gwen randomly just gets up and runs across the street. At first I got confused, but quickly realized what she was doing. There he was. Finney. I got up and ran towards the siblings.

Finney looked like a mess, but I didn't care and hugged the two. "Where's Robin or Vance?" I asked. "What do you mean Robin and Vance? They were never with me" Finney said.

Both me and Gwen froze. I mean I didn't really think Vance was kidnapped but Robin? Robin wasn't kidnapped! If so then where could he possibly be? "Wait Robin isn't here?!" Finney half yelled with a even more sadder expression on his face. "Robin disappeared the same day as you. and we also don't know where Vance is. He hasn't been seen for over a week now" Gwen explained.

Many ambulances came and made sure Finney wasn't injured or anything. I watched as Gwen cuddled with him. In a brother-sister way. Soon, their dad showed up and started begging for an apology. Why? Because of how he acted to them. He was kinda like my step dad except a little softer I guess. A bunch on strangers were grouping around confused, wanting answered on what's going on. I wonder how the school will react to Finney literally killing the Grabber. This whole thing lasted the hole day. A lot of things were discovered about the Grabber. He somehow owned two houses. One where he trapped his victims and the other where he kept his dead victims. 

We, as in me, Finney and Gwen, got asked questions about random things, from the cops. I was barely keeping up with the cops, since my mind was stuck with Vance and Robin. Where are they? Please don't be dead. I did cared about Robin. I didn't want him to be dead or anything. He is such a sweet kid. In fact he was one of the first person to talk to me when I was new in school. He stayed with me till Grey came into my life.

When it was finally time to go back home, I said bye to the Blakes and went to my house. As I slowly open the front door, I see that barely any of the lights were on. That most likely ment that step dad wasn't home. I sighed as I went to the bathroom and changed into a confortable pair of pyjamas. As I was putting my clothes away, a note from the t-shirt that Vance had borrowed fell to the ground. I bent down and picked it up. I unfold the piece of paper and read "meet me in the backward. Address : house 7741". The note replayed in my head as I think of where could that house be.

And then it hit me. That's the Grabber's house! How could Vance know about this. He went missing a week ago. No one knew where the Grabber's house was. What if the Grabber gave the note to Vance and killed him there. Wait no that's impossible. Finney would've seen Vance. But the Grabber does have two houses. But the police didn't discover his body in the second house. This thing got me so confused. Suddenly, I'm now thinking if the time when I was in forest trying to find Vance somehow conects with this. Ugh, I regret not paying attention to when we did the detective's subject in English class.

I end up grabbing my bag, a flashlight, a couple snacks, and more useful stuff. I grab the note as well and put my shoes back on. And with that, I left back to the Grabber's houses. At this time, there would be no one near. I remember saying my goodbyes to the Blakes after when the cops had left.

After walking trought the empty streets, I finally arrive to the Grabber's house. The one where he kept his victims, when they were still alive, since the other one didn't have a backward. I climbed the fence and find myself in the Grabber's backward. I turned on the flashlight and looked around, hopping I could find something useful.

Suddenly, I heard something move. It came from a bush. "Hello?" I asked worried, pointing the light of the flashlight towards the bush. Nothing. Probably just the wind... Right? I took a deap breath and slowly stepped toward the bush. After a little hesitation, I swung my hand onto the bush. A bird came out of it and flew away. "It was just a bird" I mumbled out loud.

I kept searching for about 20 minutes, finding nothing usefull. This was all just a waste of time. But I didn't give up so quickly. I left the house and went to the forest. I still have a suspention about something there. Just the fact that someone had left when I was there before made me think that whoever that person was, they were hidding from life or maybe even from me...


I'm thinking of actually killing Vance in this story but that wouldn't be fun for y'all. But I could if you want tho... I'M ALSO HAVING WRITTERS BLOCK SO HELP

Anyways have a good morning/after noon/night <3

ᰔpinball machineᰔ (Vance hopper x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now