ᰔchapter 17ᰔ

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Your POV :

Finally it's the end of the day. As I was walking out of class, Vance appeared right in front of me. "Hey darling" he said. I slowly smiled and did a small wave towards him. "Hey Vance" he put his arm around my neck and we walked towards my locker. I grabbed my stuff and we both left together to the Go and Grab.

I watch Vance as he tried again to beat his high score. Which he again fails. "Poor Vance, you'll beat your highscore next time" I said holding my laughter trying to comfort him as he just sweared under his breath. Ever since we got together, Vance has been getting himself in way less trouble, which I am proud of and suddenly I spot his bruised cheek. I don't know if I should let it slid. He's my boyfriend, I should be taking care of him...

"Hey Vance, are you okay?" I asked concerned. "Huh? Yea why?" He answered with a confused look. I took his hand and dragged him outside of the store. "Look this might sound really weird but I had a dream about you last night. And I saw you in your room crying on the floor. I know this might no be true but today, I saw a bruise on your cheek and I thought maybe the dream was real. But it's probably just because you got yourself into an other fight or something... You know what, I'm probably saying nonsen-" before i could finish, Vance placed his hands on my neck and pulled me into a deep kiss. Which of course I kissed back.
When he pulled away, I stared at his cold blue eyes. He wanted to say something but something stopped hi to do so. This moment suddenly dissapeared as we both heard some laughter coming from the distance. I truned my towards the noise to see Emily and Sophie coming towards our way. I don't think they saw me and Vance kiss.

But then, I felt Vance's arm drag me away from them. We fast-walked away so they wouln't see us. Vance brought me to the park where we usally hang out. I started getting confused. He didn't talk to me the hole way. Was this because of what I had said to him.

We went up the castle thingy. As we sat, Vance turned around to face me. "What are we doing here?" I managed to say. "to talk i guess" He shrugged. "About?" "What happened to me last night"

Huh? Wait is he okay?

He sighed before opening his mouth to talk. "I don't know how you know, but yes last night, I was... crying" His voice cracked mid talking. I quickly pulled him into a hug. "Oh Vance. Who did this to you?" I slowly said holding him thightly. "My... dad" Was all he said. For some reason, just seeing Vance like this made me want to cry. I never seen him so down. He's usally always energetic and loud. Seeing him sad and quiet just doesn't feel like him. But everyone has many faces..

I kept comforting him till he felt better. We stayed at the park for an hour and a half, just chilling and having some fun till Vance deacided to bring me somewhere. I followed him and he brought me to the forest. We walked up a passage that brought us to the top of a big hill. The sun was slowly setting which gave a beautifull view.

Vance sat on the grass. He patted his lap giving me a signal to sit. I smiled as I sat down. The back of my head was against his chest and his arms were wrapped around my waist. He smelled like burned cinamon and burned firewood. Just me in his arms made me feel happy and comfortable. We stayed in the same position for a couple more hours just talking and keeping each other company. When the sun was fully set, we started heading back home. It was a comfortable silence till Vance decided to speak. "Hey babe.. is it okay if I sleep at your place tonight?" I looked at him confused. "Uh sure I guess" was all I answered before we went silent again.

As we arrived at my house, I slowly open the front and look inside to make sure step dad wasn't here. He was on his late shift but who knows, he might just be at home. When I realize that step dad wasn't here, I let Vance enter and we both went straight into my room. "Alright well I'm goimg to change into my PJ's" I said to Vance. "If you want I could try and-" And right even before I say half of my sentance, Vance takes off his shirts. Followed by his pants. I couldn't resist so I just stared at him. A smirk grew on his face. "Like what you see" He teased. He then walked towards me and pulled me for a kiss. Which I again, kiss back.

After what felt like hours of kissing, Vance pulled away. We stared at eachother till I realize that our bodies were touching, his hand on my waist keeping me stable. "Vance.." I slowly whispered. His smirk just grew bigger and pulled me in for an other kiss. This time, our tongues were fighting for dominance as our lips were moving perfectly in sync.

When we pulled away to catch our breaths, my face had became a blushing mess. It feels so good to just be in his touch. The next thing you know, Vance started kissing my neck, instantly hitting my sweet spot. "Vance..." I said again but this time, a groan escaped my mouth. He continued kissing, making love marks all over my neck. And to be honest I wasn't declining it. When he officially stopped, he gave me one last small kiss before letting me go and change. But of course, me not being used to amazing kissing, my legs were numb. When I did one single step, I instantly lost my balance and almost fell to the ground. "Careful there sweetheart" Vance said as he pulled me back up and helped me get back on shape.
When I officially change into my PJ's, I walked out of the bathroom to find Vance sitting on my bed waiting for me. "Shall we m'lady" he said in a poor British accent. "Since when are you such a gentleman?" I giggled as we both got under the covers...
Yes i know it's been like a week of not publishing anything but here I am 😌

Have a good morning/afternoon/night <33

ᰔpinball machineᰔ (Vance hopper x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now