ᰔchapter 24ᰔ

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Your POV :

I woke up finding that I was alone in bed. Vance wasn't here. It was 9 am. That's weird, I looked around my room to see if he had left a note or anything. But there was nothing. I started getting worried. His stuff was gone too. The shirt that he had borrowed was hanging on the chair next to my desk. I assumed he was wearing his white sleeveless shirt with his sleeveless jacket on top. And of course the same pants as yesterday. I wish I knew where he lived. Oh fuck I do! Well not really I just know how his house looked like. But to be honest I don't even know if he went back to his house. He could be at the park or something. Maybe he went to a friend's house. I thought about where he could possibly be. But nothing came to mind. So I grabbed a random pair of clothes and got ready to search for Vance.

 So I grabbed a random pair of clothes and got ready to search for Vance

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I went to the kitchen and grabbed the phone that was sticked onto the wall. I looked throught the phone book thingy searching for Vance's house number. I flipped the pages till I reached the "H" section. I slide my finger down the page stopping at "Hopper". I do the number on the phone pad and wait. After a couple rings I hear a man say. "Hello? Who is this?" he sounded like he was late night drinking yesterday. How do I know? Because of how his words were so sloppy. "Hi uh is Vance Hopper here?" I asked, not answering his question. A moment of silence appeared on the other end for a second. "Uh no. Wait who is this again?" He asked again. I paused for a second then answered. "I'm a friend of Vance" "Oh ok. Well Vance isn't here. In fact he hasn't come home it's been a couple days. But it's not really my problem" the man added. "Oh okay uhh do you by any chance know where he could be?" I then asked hesitantly. "I just told you he hadn't come home it's been days. Does it look like I know?" the man said this time a little louder. "alright well bye then" I said annoyed. Without letting him say anything back, I hung up. I re opened the phone book. This time searching in the "Y" section. I dialled the right number and waited for someone to answer. "Hello?" Someone said. This time it sounded like a sweet women. "Hello. Is Bruce Yamada here?" I aksed. Why did I call Bruce? Because he was the second closest friend to Vance. "Yes he's in his room. Do you need to talk to him?" The lady asked. "Yes please" I simply answered. Suddenly I heard her yell Bruce's name. After a couple seconds of waiting, I hear a tiered Bruce speak. "Hello?" he asked. "Hey Bruce it's Y/n. Sorry to interupt. By any chance is Vance at your place? If not do you at least know where he is?" I said hopping he would have a helpfull answer to any of the two questions. "uhhh to answer both of your questions. No he isn't here and no I don't know where he is" Bruce answered confused. "oh ok well sorry again for interupting you. I should go now. Bye!" I said hanging up without being able to hear him say anything else. I put the phone book away and went to the living room.

I sighed as I sat on the coach. "Where is he?" I said out loud. I stayed seated for some time wondering where Vance could've went. His stuff wasn't here and he didn't leave any note.

At one point, I had enough. I grabbed my bag and slid on my shoes. And with that I was now walking around the neighborhood looking for my boyfriend. He could be anywhere. And knowing Vance, he could be in an other state by now. I went the Grab n Go. He wasn't there. I then deacide to go to the park. He also wasn't there. I after that went to the forest. I remember he had told me that he likes hanging there when he needed some time alone or just because he felt like it. I searched around trying to find anything useful. There was a path which I followed, leading me to a small abandoned house made out of wood. It looked like a shed in a garden  but bigger. There was a small picnic table giving the place a more friendly vibe. "Vance!" I called. No response. I gulped as I slowly open the door. "Vance!" I called again. This time, I heard soemthing move. I looked to my left and see a lamp. I walk towards it and slowly press my fingers on the lightbulb. It was still warm. That means, someone was here. It has to be Vance. I looked around trying to find any other sign. Nothing. I sighed as I went back outside. Where else could he be? At this point, I just gave up. Maybe I'll talk to him tommorow, at school. That's even if he shows up. With that, I went back home...

The next morning, I didn't want to go to school. Without realizing, I had over slept.

I felt someone shake me. I opened my eyes to see step dad standing right next to me. "Wake up. You only have 25 minutes to get ready and to be at school." He said. "What?!" I said as I ran out of bed and started getting ready. As I was aplying my makeup, a thought came to my head. Why did step dad wake me up? Usually he wouldn't care at what time I woke up. He just hated reseaving a call from school saying that I was late. So he would blame it on me for not waking up early.

I didn't have time to eat so I quickly ran out of home. I ran towards the school seeing barely anyone outside. Great, I'm late. At this point, I didn't even need to rush anymore. I had ethics first period so I'm fine. The teacher was nicer than the others. He doesn't care if you're sleeping in his class. He even told us that he was only doing this job for the money. I went to my locker, grabbed the stuff I needed and went towards the class. As I enter, all eyes were on me. "You're late" the teacher said. "sorry" I simply replied as I walked to my usual seat, which was at the back. In this class, I was with Grey. "Wht are you late?" they wispered. "over slept" I answered resting my head on the desk. "Oh okay" thay said back. "Wake me up when the class ends" I said as I closed my eyes. I heard them hum as a yes. Without a minute later, I fell asleep.

"Y/n. Wake uppp" I heard Grey's voice speak. I opened my eyes adjusting my eyes to the brightness of the room. I looked around to see people leaving the classroom. "It's the end of first period" Grey said standing up from the chair. I got up aswell and grabbed my bag. As we were walking trought the hallway, I looked around hopping to see Vance. "Who are you looking for?" Grey asked. "Vance. Have you seen him?" I said. "No, I didn't" they simply replied.

My next class was with Bruce. I stepped into the classroom to see him sitting at his usual spot. I sat down next to him and the teacher started the lesson. "Have you seen Vance today?" I wispered to Bruce. "No. I thoutgh you knew." He asnwered still looking at the teacher. "Well I don't".

The next three classes went by really slow, but it was finally lunch time. I just wanted to go back home and lay down on my bed and do nothing for the rest of the week. I made it to the cafeteria and sat with the others. I didn't bother grabbing a plate and get some food. I wasn't hungry. "Why aren't you eating?" asked Gwen while shoving some of his pizza into her mouth. "I'm just not hungry" was all I said. "Have any of you seen Vance today or yesterday?" I blurt out again. I don't know why I'm asking the same question to everyone. "No" they all answered. "you literaly asked me that yesterday and this morning" Bruce said. "I know dumbass" I said...


Another chapter done. Guess who won't be lonely on Valentine's day :D

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