Good news

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Evelyn's pov
I woke up to the sun shining in my face it was so long since I've been woken by the sun. It was nice feeling the warm feeling on my face I sat up and looked around the room. Carina was sleeping in a chair in the corner she had stayed her all night just as she promised. I sat in the bed watching the outside for about an hour before carina woke up.
" buongiorno bambina" she said and smiled. Because of mom's friend I new what it meant.
" good morning" I say softly.
" did you sleep well?" She asked I just nodded. Just then the door opened. I flinched and started to panic.
" hey it's ok it's just Arizona and Amelia " carina said I calmed a little down. I didn't know who Amelia was but she didn't look mean.
" how are you doing today?" Arizona asked. I didn't know so I just said I'm okay.
" do you think you want to try and eat something?" She says. I was a little hungry and I wanted to get out of here so I nodded.
" ok then what do you want to try?" She asked. I didn't know what I wanted to eat sir always decided for me. And all I have had to eat the last 4 years are bread and old fruit. I shrugged.
" what did the man give you when you was in room" carina asked me.
" bread and fruit" I say I look down at the floor so I don't have to meet their eyes.
" maybe we can try som yogurt and fruit" Arizona say and nod.
" while I go and grab the food do you think it's ok if dr Shepherd check you out" the blonde doctor ask me. I didn't want it, but I'm scared that if I say no they will be mad. So I just nod. Arizona leave to get the food and Amelia steps forward.
" As Arizona said I'm dr Shepherd, but you can call me Amelia. Im going to check your head and your reflexes" she says she also had a calm voice, but it was a little bubbly at the same time.
" the first thing I'm going to do is use this light to check your eyes. It's not going to hurt" she says. I hesitate a little, but let her do it. She did some other tests one where she had to hit my knees and my legs would move up. It was a little fun, but I didn't show it. When she was done Arizona came in with the food. It was a strawberry yogurt and some apple slices. The Appel didn't look like it use to look. The apple I use to eat was browner and sometimes had black dots. She walked out again and it was only me and carina. I looked down at the food and up at carina. Normally I had to wait for permission before I could eat.
" it's okay you can eat" she said I tried one of the apple slices and it was the best apple I have tasted in my whole life it was crispy and not even a little brown. While I was eating me and carina talked about her work or I was mostly her talking and asking me questions the I would give short answers or just nod and shook my head. I learned that she had pink scrubs because she helped women deliver babies, Arizona was a pediatrician and Amelia was a neurosurgeon. I told her that I had read a anatomy book and wanted to be a doctor. We talked some more and I eat some more of my food I managed to eat 3 Apple slices and some yogurt. When I was done eating someone knocked on the door I flinched at the sound and started to panic, but when I saw who it was stopped panicking. Maya walked trough the door. It was weird, but I was happy to see her.
" Hey Evelyn, how are you doing" she asked and walked up to my bed.
" fine" I answered. I didn't know if I was fine but I wasn't not fine either.
" that's good I heard from dr Robbins that you have tried some food" she said it almost like she was proud of me. I remember my mom used to be proud of me even if I just did small things as helping making dinner or cleaning my rom.

* a week later

It has been a week since I got out of room. That's 7 days. I68 hours. 10 080 minutes, 604 800 seconds. I feel like I'm doing a little better I ate a whole apple yesterday, but that was all I ate that day. But we can see on the positive side and say that I ate a whole apple. I still get scared when people come into my room or knock, but it's getting better. Im still not comfortable being in a room alone with people other than Maya and Carina. I still don't trust them fully, but I'm getting there. One thing that still hasn't gotten better is my sleeping problem. I sleep little to nothing every night, but I don't want to tell anyone so I just lay in my hospital room looking out the window. I was outside for the first time since I got kidnapped yesterday or I was outside when Maya found me and walked me to the aid car, but that doesn't count. It was nice being outside feeling the air although it was a little cold. Carina say that it's because I have been eating so little. But I got this grey Sloan fleece jacket and I really like it. Dr Robbins said yesterday that I might be able to go home soon, but I don't get it because home is either room or my old house. I don't want to hurt Maya and Carina's feelings so didn't say anything. I also smiled for the first time a couple days ago that might not sound like a big deal, but if was nice smiling again. The last time I did that was the morning I got kidnapped when my mom and I was talking over breakfast. If you were wondering what is was smiling about it was something Amelia said and Carina got mad because she said that she shouldn't say that in front of me.

Carina and Maya have switched on sleeping in my hospital room. It is mostly Carina since she is working here, but Maya do it when she has the night of. Today it was Friday and Maya had the day of. So we were looking at things for my new room and Maya told me that is not like old room. New room has a window and I can open the door whenever I want. We were also looking at clothes, but it was so hard to know what I liked and what I didn't like because I never got to decide what I wanted to wear.

" hey Evelyn" Arizona said walking into my room.
" hi" I say softly. I still find talking a little hard.
" I have some good news for you" she said smiling. I just look at her confused. And I also was scared because good news usually was sir having friends over and they would rape me.
" since you are staying with maya and carina. You can go home today. Your weight is going up and if there become any problems carina is a doctor and Maya a paramedic" she said. I don't know what to feel I'm happy I don't have to stay here anymore, but I'm not going home I'm going to Maya and Carina's home. Maya ask some questions about my eating schedule. It sounds like I'm a baby. Then Maya went to their house to fix some things. So I decided to make a fort. I took the blanket from my bed and put it over a table that was standing into the wall. I should be to old to build a fort, but I felt safe in there. It was dark and it wasn't a lot of place it was just like room.

I was sitting in my fort just thinking about every thing when I heard the door open.
" hey Evelyn. Nice fort you got there" I hear Amelia say.
" thank you" I say softly.
" can I come in?" She asked I thought about it and decided to let her in.
" I wish I could build forts when I was on my break" she said as she looked around in the fort. I didn't respond I just looked down at the floor.
" so are you excited to go home?" She asked. Why is everyone calling it home. Room and my old house is home.
" it's not home" I say softly.
" where is home then" she asked me. I'm scared that if I say anything she will tell Maya and Carina and then they will be mad.
" it's ok , I'm not going to tell anyone" she added. It's like she read my thoughts.
" room and my old house" I say softly.
" do you miss room?" She asked. By now I have already told her that room is home so it won't hurt to tell her that I still miss it.
" yes" I say quietly.
" that's ok, if I had spend every day for 4 years in a place I would have missed it too" she says. I liked Amelia she always understand me.
" how was your old house?" She asked
" it was nice. I had my own room full of toys and teddy bears" I answered. I didn't like talking about my old hose. It made me think about my mom and then I would get sad.
" your lucky, I never had my own room. I had 3 sisters and I always had to share" she said.
" I wished I had siblings, maybe my mom wouldn't have gotten so sad when I left and she'd still be here" I said and a tear rolled down my cheek.
" she would have been very happy that you are back and safe" she said and smiled at me. We sat there in comfortable silence before Maya and Carina walked in the door.

Maya's pov
Carina and I had to fix some stuff at home before Evelyn came home. We didn't do to much on her room because we wanted her to decide herself how she wanted to decorate it. We headed back to the hospital and went to her room. When we walk into the room the bed was empty and the table in the corner had a blanket over it and two pairs of feet sticking out.
" and you guys are doing what now?" I asked. Amelia and Evelyn got out from under the table before she
" I made a fort"
" well it was a really nice fort" I say. Then Amelia got paged.
" good bye Evelyn, I hope you'll come back and visit" Amelia say
" good bye" Evelyn say before Amelia leave. She wasn't at the hugging stage yet, so no good bye hugs.

" well we brought you some clothes to change into before we go" carina say and hand her the clothes. It was just some grey sweat pants and a light blue sweat shirt.
" thank you" the little girl say before she goes into the bathroom to get changed. She comes out dressed and we get ready to leave. She didn't have any personal stuff. So there wasn't really anything to pack. Then we walk out the hospital room ready to bring our new family member home.

I'm sorry for not updating yesterday, but I had an English assignment and let's just say I really like doing things the last minute. So I was going to get it done yesterday, but me and my friend ended up watching a movie and tik tok instead. So I had to do it today.

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