Sick day 2

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Maya's pov
I wake up to some weird noises I check the time and it's 2am. It doesn't take me long to realize what the noise is, I quickly make my way to Evelyn's bedroom her bed is empty, but I hear noises coming from the bathroom. I quickly make my into the bathroom, and find her sitting on the floor with her head in the toilet violently throwing up. I rush over to her sitting down behind her holding her hair back and stroking her back.
" I.. I'm sor..ry " she stutter. I can't believe she just called me mom, I'm not sure she meant it. Maybe she's just completely out of it and it slipped out of her, but I have a feeling she meant it this time.
"It's okay, you have nothing to be sorry about" I say trying to comfort her. I guess Carina heard what was going on and came into the bathroom. Evelyn have now stoped throwing up and is now sitting in my lap with her head resting on my chest. She has no energy to hold herself up and I'm not even sure she's awake. Carina went to grab a glass of water and the thermometer. She's trying to take Evelyn's temperature, but she's using all the strength she has left to fight her of.
" I need to check you temp bambina" she says softly, Evelyn give up fighting her off.
"103" Carina says sounding worried.
" we should get her in the shower to try and get her temp down" Carina adds. I look down at Evelyn who's just laying there, and be the look of her I'm pretty sure she won't be able to stand in the shower, I'm not even sure if she's able to sit on her own.
We decide that we don't really have a choice because we don't want her temp to rise any more than it already have, so Carina turn on the water and we help her undress. Carina went into her room to change her sheets, so she'll have a fresh clean bed when she's out of the shower. I manage to get her to sit by herself, but I'm still sitting right outside in case she needs help. After a while she starts shivering, so I help her out of the shower and into some clean pajamas. I help her getting into bed and Carina came in with some meds and a class of water.
"Here take this" she says softly, handing her the pill.
"No I don't want to" Evelyn reply.
"Please sweetheart it will help you feel better" I say hoping she'll expect the pill. She thinks about it for a second before taking the pill. Carina stands up and we are about to leave the room when we hear Evelyn say something
"Mama, Mom can you please stay" she says crying. We both turn around and share a look before Carina answers
"Of course bambina" we both get into bed with her, one of us on each side. I start stroking her hair until I hear her breathing even out. I look up at Carina who's laying there looking at
her. After only two minutes I feel myself drifting off to sleep.

I woke up to someone moving next to me, I open my eyes and see Evelyn silently crying.
"Hey, what's wrong" I whisper since Carina is still sleeping and I know she has an early shift.
"Nothing, sorry I woke you up" she whisper not looking at me
"It's okay you don't have to say sorry, and I can clearly see that something is wrong" I say still whispering.
"I'm tired and want to sleep, but I can't".
"Come here" I say opening my arms and she moves over so she's resting her head on my chest.
"Can I ask you something" I ask after a little bit of silence.
"Okay" she answers sounding worried
"Why didn't you tell you weren't feeling well, you could have stayed home from school and rested instead of pushing yourself through the whole day" I ask. I know I would have done the same thing when I was her age or I did, but that was because of my dad. I didn't learn to let myself rest until I met Carina.
"I was sucking it up and not complaining so you guys wouldn't get mad" she says lifting her head to look at me.
"oh sweetheart we would never get mad at you for being sick it's a human thing and something you can control, why did you think we would get mad"
"Sir got mad when I was sick, he said that I need to suck it up and not complain" she says and my heart broke hearing her say that I can't believe that bastard. I can see her zoning out so I guess she's thinking about something that happened in Room.
"What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours" I ask
"Just something that happened in Room" she reply softly.
"Do you want to talk about it" I ask she probably will say no, because she never talk about Room. To my surprise she start telling about one time she was sick and he yelled at her for being sick. And the worst part is he hit her too. I don't get that man, I don't get how you can treat a child like that.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that and remember neither me or Carina will never get mad at you for anything like that and we will never ever hit you" I say when she's finish telling me about Room. She only look up at me and give me a smile before going back to resting her head at my chest.
"Do you want to try and get some sleep" I ask her
"I don't know if I can"
"Just close your eyes and I will be right here the whole time" I say stroking her hair. After about 5 minutes she finally falls asleep.

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