Unwanted party

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Evelyn's pov
I've been living with James and Layla for a while now and everyone told me that I would get better I just needed to get used to it. But I still miss mom and mama, and I feel so guilty for missing them. My social worker said that I would be good for me to live with my "real" family or biological family as I like to call it, but if this is how a biological family works then I would rather have my real family. James is almost never home and if he is, he's working or having friends over. Talking about having friends over, tonight he is having some sort of party. I've heard both him and Layla talking about inviting all of their friends. Normally they only have a few friends over and they always get super drunk. Drunk people tends to trigger me in some sort of way, because of what happened in Room. Every time Sir had a party, his friends would come and pay me a little visit. I think we all know what does visitation included. But I don't think I can tell James that, I don't want to be the reason he can't have his friends over and have a good time.

James burst into my room
"You need to get ready, party starts in one hour"
"Why do I need to get ready can't I just say in here" I ask, I can't be downstairs if the whole place is going to be filled with drunk people.
"You need to help serve the guests and many of them haven't met you since you're always up here in this room, so Layla have brought you this dress to wear so you need to thank her. And remember my rule tonight" he answers slightly annoyed "children will be seen not heard" I whisper. He throws me the bag with the dress and walks out. I get up, quietly closing the door after him. I take the dress out and of course it's pink and to make it even worse it has a big ribbon at the back. I can't believe I have to wear this, mom and mama would never force me to wear something I didn't want to.
I stand in front of the mirror looking at myself in the dress, and it's like I can't even recognize myself. I hate how I look in dresses.

I walk over to my desk to fix my hair, I just brush through it because I don't really know how to do my hair.
My hair is pretty long now and I'm thinking about cutting it, it's so hard to manage and it reminds me of my Room since I wasn't able to cut it. Maybe I should ask James about it later.

I walk down stairs and see James filling up the fridge with drinks. I'm already starting to feel anxious just by the look of all those drinks. Just as I sit down on the table Layla comes into the kitchen. She's wearing a short, black dress that sits tight on her body.
"I need to go and get something from the garage" James announces as he walks out, so now there's only me and Layla left in the kitchen.
"Thank you for the dress" I say breaking the silence
"You're welcome, it looks nice on you although we might need to feed you more to get some more fat on your body. You're what 12, 13 and you don't have any boobs or anything on your hips, so buying clothes for you are going to be hard if you don't start growing soon"  Layla says with a chuckle. I don't reply, but she's right I'm turning 13 tomorrow and I still look like I'm 9.

People have started to arrive and I have managed to keep a low profile so far, I try to stay in the kitchen because there's not as many people in here.

"I need you to bring the people outside some more beers" James says entering the kitchen. it wasn't a question he just demands that I do it without even asking if I'm comfortable with it. I have no choice but to bring them the beers, but that means I have to walk through the living room where most of the people are. Then I have to actually interact with some of them when I hand them the beers. I carefully walk through the living room after grabbing the beers. The music is loud and everyone is pretty drunk so luckily no one notices. When I get outside I see 4 men sitting around the table in the garden.

The day before I got saved from Room Sir had 3 friends over, they all came into Room and two of them ended up playing their games on me while the other watched. Having people watch made it even worse, it was so humiliating and as I cried for help they stood there encouraging him.

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