The special meet

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Carina's pov
I don't think any of us got a lot of sleep last night. Evelyn kept waking up, whit nightmares which is understandable. It's currently 7am and even though we don't have to be there until 11am I couldn't fall asleep again, and Maya decided to go for a run. Luckily Evelyn is still asleep, I'm making French toast for breakfast so there's a bigger chance of her actually eating breakfast. A couple minutes later Maya walks through the front door.
"Good morning my love" she says before giving me a passionate kiss.
"How was your run" I ask once we separate from the kiss.
"Great, is Evelyn up yet"
"No or she was still asleep when I left her room" I answer.

Maya's pov
After my shower I decided to go and check on Evelyn, it's still a couple hours until we have to be there, but I think it's better if we have a slow morning so we don't need to rush. I slowly make my way over to her bed.
"Good morning sweetheart" I softly say while stroking her hair. She wakes up almost immediately.
"I think Mama has made French toast for breakfast" I say trying to sound exited.
"I'm not hungry" she says and roll over so she's facing the wall.
"I get that, but I really need you to eat something"
After a bit of silence she speaks up.
"Why do I have to see him, there has to be a reason why my mom didn't want me to see him" I really wish I new the answer to that, and the last thing I want to do is force her to meet him.
"I don't know sweetheart, but hopefully we just have to go in and see him for a couple minutes and then we can leave" I say trying to comfort her.
She agrees to come downstairs and try to eat something.
"Morning Bambina" Carina greets Evelyn when we come down stairs.
"Do you want some French toast"
Evelyn nods, that is one thing we have noticed with her, when she's nervous, scared or just have a lot of feelings at the same time she goes quite. She hates talking about feelings just like me, and I know realize how annoying it has been for Carina when she just wants to help, but I refuse to open up. Luckily I have come a long way and talking with Diane really helped.

After breakfast we decided to watch a movie on a couch to distract us, although I can't focus on the movie. I'm watching our little girl laying with her head in Carina's lap while Carina is playing with her hair. I know we're just meeting Evelyn's dad, but I'm still worried about why he wanted to meet her. I mean he's her dad so even though they never met they probably still have a bond. And maybe he wants her to come and live with him, and he probably will get his way since he's her biological dad.
I didn't even realize the movie had finished, but I hear Carina speak up.
"We need to leave soon, so we need to get ready"
Evelyn gets up and go up to her room and Carina to our room. I got ready after my run so I clean up after breakfast while they get ready.

After cleaning up I go up to our room to see if Carina's ready since we need to leave soon. I walk into our room expecting to see her getting ready, but instead she's sitting on the bed quietly crying.
"What's wrong?" I ask sitting down next to her.
"I don't know I just, we can't lose her" she answers now loudly crying. I place my arms around her and she rest her head on my chest.
"I know my love" I say kissing her head. We stay like that until Evelyn appears in the door.
"Mama are you okay" she asks obviously worried.
"Yes bambina im okay, I'm just a little nervous about the meeting today" Carina answers honestly, we want Evelyn to know it's okay to show her feelings and it's okay to cry so we are not going to lie to her.
"Come here sweetheart" I say moving a little away from Carina so she can sit down next to us.
"I'm nervous too" Evelyn says looking down at the floor.
"Do you want to talk about what you're nervous about with the meeting" Carina asks her moving a pice of her hair away from her face.
"I don't know" she answers now starting to get upset.
"That's okay, but remember that we are going to be there the whole time and if you want to leave at any point you just tell us okay." Carina says, trying to comfort her.
We stay like that cuddling on the bed in comfortable silence for about 5 minutes, before I check my phone and see that we need to leave now so we won't be late.
"I'm sorry to ruin this moment, but we need to leave now" I say breaking the silence.

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