Back home?

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Maya's pov
"What" Carina manage to say after trying to process what I jus said.
"She didn't give much information, but James can't have custody of her anymore and because of her past she thinks it's better to put her in a familiar home" I explain. We didn't have to discuss if for long, I call Violet back letting her know we are more than happy to take Evelyn in. Violet tells us to come in and so she can give us more information before we hopefully can take Evelyn home for the second time.
The car ride was silent I think we both needed time to process what's happening. I park the car, but neither of us move.
"You need to breathe" Carina says grabbing my hand.
" I know I just.. how did this happen" I ask trying to make sense of it all.
"I don't know, but this time we are not going to let anyone take her away from us." Carina comforts.

Evelyn's pov
I wake up from a nightmare not long after I fell asleep.
"Good morning" Violet smiles
"Do you want something to eat, you still haven't eaten anything today" she asks. I'm not hungry, it feels like there's a knot in my stomach and the thought of food makes me nauseous.
I shake my head no.
" I've called you old foster parents and they have agreed to foster you again" she says trying to make it sound exiting. Why do they want me now?
"How about while we wait we play a card game" Violet suggested probably seeing me nerves and wanting to cheer me up. We play for a while her asking me yes or no questions so I can just nod or shake my head. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. The lady from before pokes her head through the door.
"There's someone here for you" she let Violet know, Violet give her a nod in response before getting up.
"You wait here and I'll be right back" she says before walking out. She left the door open and I can hear Violet greeting someone and I'm guessing it's Maya and Carina. I decide to see if I can see anything so I slowly lean forward, stopping when I see the three of them standing in the hallway. Violet has her back towards me, Maya and Carina facing her. I see Violet explaining something while Maya and Carina are listening. Suddenly Maya look in the direction of the office and I quickly lean back hoping she didn't see me. I don't know why I'm acting this way, just a couple months ago they were the best thing that has ever happen to me. I saw them as my moms and they were the only people who made me feel safe. It hurts that they gave me up, I know they were just fostering me, but a part of me was hoping for them to adopt me. Maybe I became to much or maybe I'm too broken for them?
My head hurts from all of these thoughts. I pull my knees up to my chest resting my head between them.

Maya's pov
We get inside and a woman shows us up to a hallway full of offices. We get told to wait here, and the woman walks to the office at the end of the hallway, she knocks before poking her head inside saying something and a few seconds later another woman whit short brown hair, dresses in a blazer and jeans, walks out.
"It's nice to finally met you" she says before shaking my hand then Carina's.
"I know you two said yes to fostering her on the phone, but I just want to fill you in with all the details before you say yes for sure" she says with a serious tone. Both Carina and I know that there's nothing that could change our minds. Violet takes a breath before starting to explain.
"So as you know she ran from the house yesterday, I haven't gotten out of her where she spent the night since she won't talk, the police also didn't get anything out of her. I'm guessing she was out on the street, since her clothes were still a little wet from the rain when she came here. My college tried to contact James foe a while before he finally answers. We told him we found Evelyn and that he could come here and collect her, he did not have the reaction we thought. He got super mad and used some pretty harsh language to explain how he did not want her living with him and his wife and their future baby. He blamed the fire on Evelyn as well as some other incidents. I have not gone into detail when I explained this to Evelyn, she only knows that James no longer wants to have custody of her." She explains taking a break before continuing. My eyes wander to her office behind her where I see Evelyn poking her head out, but when she sees me looking at her she quickly disappears from my sight.
"I have also tried to ask her why she ran, but as I mentioned earlier she won't talk. Later I offered her some water and an apple to eat, when she grabbed the glass I noticed some bruises on her arm as well as some tissues and tape, so if I were to guess she either got injured in the fire or when she was out on the streets and tried to fix it herself. As for the bruises they look like someone grabbed her. I asked her more about the bruises and we ended up with her having to write since she didn't want to talk. The only thing she wrote was 'it was my fault' after some further questioning I found out that James most likely was the one who grabbed her. She didn't say that directly, but from what I saw it was pretty clear. Now as I mentioned I offered her some food and water, she has not eaten anything and I'm guessing she hasn't eaten since yesterday, she did have a bit of water. She's also looks pretty exhausted so I don't think she got much sleep, so I let her have a Power nap in my office while I called you, but 45 minutes after falling asleep she woke up from what I asume was a nightmare"
This is a lot of information to process, I can't believe she had to go through all of this and we had no idea. I feel Carina grab my hand giving it a tight squeeze.
"I know this is a lot to take in, but I need to know if you two are still ok with fostering her?" Violet asks.
Even though we both know we still want this we look at each other, showing that we both want this.
"Yes we are still willing to foster her" I say smiling at the thought of her living with us again.
"That is excellent to hear, I'm sorry for asking so much, but after all she has been through I really want her to find a good family" Violet explains.
"We understand" Carina respond.
"I'm going to tell her the news and you two can wait outside the door so we don't overwhelm her.
We follow Violet and stop outside the door when she walks in. She bends down so she's at Evelyn's level. I hear her quietly telling her something, but can't hear exactly what she's saying. Evelyn nods in the response before they both stand up and walk up to us. It's weird to see how distant Evelyn is with us, she has not made eye contact with me or Carina and it almost looks like she's afraid of us.
"Hi kiddo we are so happy to see you again" I tell her and she actually look up at me giving me a faint smile that quickly fade.
"So you can can take her home now and I'll come over to do a house visit in about a week" Violet says before saying goodbye to Evelyn.
"Are you ready to go home" I ask her, it feels so good being able to say that again. She carefully nods and the three of us head to the car.

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