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Evelyn's pov
I'm awakened by the light shining trough the window. I like being awakened by the light, but it's only 7 am so I only got an hour sleep. So this is going to be a goo day. I hear some sounds from the kitchen down stairs and decide to go down. I have a really good hearing it was scary being looked in a room in the basement and never knowing what's going. So I learned to notice every single little sound and what it meant. After some time I could exactly how long it took from I heard the basement stairs until he came into the room. I took 30 seconds or 40 if he had something with him. I walked down the stairs and saw maya in the kitchen. She must have heard me coming down the stairs because she turned around the second I came into the kitchen.
" hey kiddo, did you sleep well?" She asked me. I didn't want to worry her so I just nodded.
" good do you want some breakfast. I made pancakes". I wasn't really hungry, but I don't think my body can function without any sleep or food. I nod and she hand my a plate of pancakes.
" where's carina?" I ask realizing Maya was the only one in the kitchen and I didn't see her on my way down.
" oh she sleeping, she isn't really a morning person" Maya said and laughed a little. I smiled, I wasn't a morning person either. My mom basically had to drag me out of bed in the mornings to get mo to school on time. I ate some of my pancakes it wasn't as much as I should have eaten, but I'm making progress every day. We sat there and talked about what we were doing today. Maya said we needed to go to the mall and buy some clothes, stuff for my room and anything else I might need. I'm scared about going to the mall since I haven't been around big crowds of people since I got out of room. I do need clothes trough I only have a set of pajamas and the sweater and pants I was wearing yesterday. I didn't want to ask for to much. One time I asked sir if I could get a new t- shirt and some extra food. He just laughed at me then slapped me across the face and told me I didn't deserve it. I wish I had my old clothes. The ones that mom bought for me. The pink leggings and pink T- shirts with princesses on. I don't know what I like either. Do I still like pink?, do I want to wear dresses?. Ok I can deny that now, there's no way I'm getting a dress. I get pulled out of my thoughts when carina enter the kitchen.
We sit there talking for a while before I go to my and get dressed and read to leave. I was wearing the same outfit as yesterday, because it was either that or my pajamas. When I think about it I would rather we're my pajamas. I love comfy clothes. I was the kid who showed up to school in pajamas. Mom didn't like it, but she was often to tired in the morning to fight with me.

We got in the car and drove to the mall. I still hated cars and I was pushing my nails as far into my hand as possible. It surprises me that it didn't start to bleed. I always used to to this when sir did things I didn't like, it's like an coping mechanism. I feel the pressure and pain from my nails instead of all the other stuff that's going on. I must have zoned out because suddenly we stopped. Maya and carina got out and Maya opened the door for me.

As soon as we walked into the mall my chest started to get tighter. There was so many people and I had no control over anything. Sounds was coming from every were, people were talking, laughing and some kids was screaming. I couldn't focus on anything, whiteout thinking I grabbed Mayas hand. She squeezed my hand and didn't let go. I felt safe with Maya on one side and Carina on the other. We walked into H&M. There is so many clothes every were and I don't even know what I like. We walked over to the kids section and I just looked at all the clothes.
" so what colors do you like?" Carina asks.
" I don't know, sorry" I say softly
" it ok we will find out what you like" she say and smile. We walked around there for at least an hour. We found some sweaters, T-shirts, pants and shorts. We also bought some indoor jackets. Since I'm used to being looked up in a pretty hot room all the time, my body isn't that good at regulating temperature. So I get cold pretty fast. I also had to go down some sizes on almost everything since you know I don't really have the body of a 12 year old. We went to some other stores and bought shoes and some outdoor clothes. I got brown converse. I also found out that I don't really like pink anymore I like brown and green more. Lastly we went to target and bought some decorations for my room before we headed back to the house. I was so exhausted when we got to the house. Being around that many people for so long can be really exhausting. I always had to keep an eye on everything.
" why don't you go and take a nap before we organize your new clothes?" Maya say as we walk inside. I guess you could see how exhausted I was. It wasn't weird I was tired since I hadn't gotten a lot sleep. I went up to my room. It's wired calling it my room, but also it was the only place I could be alone and have control over everything.

When I entered my room the blanket and pillow was still on the floor. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep in the bed to I didn't bother trying. I laid down on the floor and to my surprise I actually fell asleep pretty fast. I guess my body was very exhausted.

Maya's pov
When we got home carina suggested Evelyn should go and take a nap. We could both see how tired she looked and it wasn't weird, because we had been walking around at the mall for really long and even I was tired. We put the bags down and went over to the couch and sat down next to each other. I rested my head on her shoulder and we just sat there in comfortable silence for some time. Before carina spoke up.
" I feel so bad for that little bambina, she looked so stressed when we were walking around"
" I know, it must be hard for her. I just want to go back in time and I just want to go back in time an prevent everything that happened from happening" I say
" I know Bella, we can't really go back in time, but we can help her know". We lay there for probably an hour before we decide that we probably wake up Evelyn so we don't fuck up here sleeping schedule even more. I go up to here room. The door was already a little open so you could see in. My heart melted over that little girl. She was laying on the floor with only her blanket and a small pillow. I carefully walked up to her and sat on the floor beside her.
" hey Evelyn you ready to wake up" I say softly while stroking her hair. She had beautiful long brown hair. We had to cut it a little bit at the hospital because she hadn't get it done in over 4 years. She flinched a little but as she woke up.
" it's ok it's just Maya" I say still keeping she soft tone.
"You ready to organize the stuff we bought" I added she just nod. Carina brought the stuff upstairs. Me and Evelyn decorated her room while Carina out her new clothes away. When we were done Carina made dinner and we ate it on the couch while watching a movie. We tried to let Evelyn pick a movie, but the last time she watched a movie it was probably Barbie ( I didn't know what 8 year old kids watch so yeah. To be honest I still watch Barbie sometimes). We picked out some random movie from Netflix. When we finished the movie it was getting let's so we all went to bed.

I don't know if like this chapter, but I hope is not to bad. Feel free to comment if there is anything you want to happen in this story.

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