A new normal

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Evelyn's pov
I heard Layla coming home about an hour ago, but I didn't feel like leaving the room. It's currently 7 pm and I haven't left the room one time. It just doesn't feel right walking around in someone else's house, but my dad called me down for dinner so now I have to go down stairs. I walk into the kitchen just as James put the dinner down at the table. It didn't smell half as good as Mamas food, even mom makes food that looks better than this and she's a terrible cook. Uncle jack told me she poisoned mama with lasagna once. I sat down at the table, Layla and James sat down on the opposite side of me next to each other. James served me a plate with some kind of fish that looked sadder than my life in Room. There was also some potatoes and carrots. Layla started to talk about her day with her friends and how many new clothes she had bought. She also asked for more money since they both were going out tomorrow. I'm honestly starting to think that James is her sugar daddy. I stay silent trying to eat my dinner, and it doesn't look like they want me in their conversation. I remembered the first couple of days with moms, even if I didn't want to talk they tried to include me as much as they could. After a little while James and Layla had both finished their dinner. I still had about half of my plate left, but I'm full. Layla walks into the living room and James is cleaning of the table so now I'm the only one left at the table.
"Can I be excused, I'm full" I whisper looking down.
"No, you eat up all your food" he says sounding mad.
"But moms said I should listen to my body and stop when I'm full" I try to argue back, but I quickly regret it.
"First of all those faggots are not your moms, I don't want to hear a single word about them. And second I said you have to eat up your food so that is what you are going to do. And when you're done you are going to to the dishes" he yells and storms off. As soon as he leaves I burst into tears, I try to stay as silent as possible. I try a couple more bites, but I can't. I quietly take my plate to the kitchen dumping the rest of my food into the garbage can making sure to leave some papers towels on top so he won't see it. I quickly do the dishes before walking up to the room. It's now 8 pm and I'm exhausted. I decide to get ready for bed, so that i don't disturb James or Layla when they are going to sleep. I brush me teeth before trying to braid my hair. After trying for probably half an hour I give up and just put it in a ponytail. I sneak out of the bathroom and into the room, I quietly close the door, normally I don't like to close the door fully, but I don't feel safe leaving it open. I sit down on the bed and just let the tears fall down my face. I keep hearing mom and mama saying that he will be nice, and I hear mg social worker saying that it will be good for me to live with my real family. James and Layla are not my real family, mom and mama are. I know we don't share the same DNA, but they make me feel safe.
Wait the letter, I grab me bag and take out the envelope mama gave me. I carefully open it and see a piece of paper and another smaller envelope. I look at the smaller envelope and it says " open on the 17th of May". That's my birthday. I pout it back before taking out the piece of paper. I unfold it and see that it's a letter from mom and mama.

Dear Evelyn

We are guessing that it is now your first night at James, and we just wanted to write you a little letter to help you through the night. We hope you ate at least something for dinner, if not that's totally fine. Just remember that your body needs food and we know eating is hard, but even if we're not there physically to help you, we are still there with you. We hope you got a super nice bedroom, maybe even better than the one you had. Of course we aren't sleeping in the room next door, but maybe you won't even notice. We know you have been really stressed and anxious about moving and than you tend to get more nightmares when you're anxious. But remember, they are not real and you are safe and we're sure James won't mind you having a sleepover in his bed if they get to bad. If not you have our numbers on your phone, so don't hesitate to call. It doesn't matter if it's the middle of the night we will always be there.
We hope you have a great day at school tomorrow, or as great as a school day can get. We know you really don't like school so if you just want to call and complain that okay too. We won't be making this letter to long, you might still have some unpacking to do. And we know you aren't a big fan of new people, but pleas try not to hide out in your room. We're sure James can't wait to get to know you, and we're glad he gets to because getting to know you might be one of the greatest things that has happened to us.
We love you and always will, don't hesitate calling, even if it's just to talk.
And no dating until you're 25(mom) , but if you do, be safe(mama).

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