Girls night

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Evelyn's pov
"How about this" Vic asks scrolling trough Netflix.
" 365 days really?, that's almost to inappropriate for us" Andy answers back. I look at the information on the movie and it says that is about some woman getting kidnapped by a mafia boss. I don't think Maya or Carina would appreciate them showing me a movie about kidnapping so that's probably why we can't watch it. But what's a mafia boss.
" what's a mafia boss" I decide to ask.
"Uh it's uhm a" Andy start clearly not knowing what to say.
"Ask Maya" Vic help her
" okay" I say.
We look through Netflix for at least half an hour, maybe more before we finally find something to watch. I mean it you spend more time looking for something to watch than actually watching it.

We spent the rest of the night eating snacks and watching movies. I think we all fell asleep on the couch because suddenly I woke up on the couch resting my head at Vic's shoulder, who also was asleep. I didn't see Andy anywhere, so I get up and walk into the kitchen where she's making breakfast.
" good morning sleepyhead" Andy says as I sit down at the kitchen island.
" morning" I reply still tired.
" how did you sleep" she asks
"Good" I answer actually telling the truth. I don't think I've slept this good in a long time, but that can be because we stayed up until like 2 am, so when I fell asleep my body was to tired to even have a nightmare.
" what are you making?" I ask
"Pancakes, and I'm done so we should probably go and wake up Vic" she says and we both look over at Vic, who's still fast asleep on the couch.
" or maybe we should let her sleep in" Andy adds and we both laugh. She sits down next to me and her me a plate. She gets a notification on her phone.
" looks like they are missing you, it only 10 pm and they are already asking when they can pick you up" she says laughing. I respond with a small smile. It's still weird having someone care so much. The only person who have ever cared so much about me is Mom. She was the only person who came to my school events, she was the only person who missed me when I was at school and she was the only one who would listen to me talk about things for hours whether it was a my day or the role plays I made with my dolls.
" you okay?" Andy asks noticing that I suddenly went quiet.
" yeah I'm fine" I answer looking down at my hands.
" how has living with Maya and Carina been" Andy asks.
" I love living with them it's just, I miss my Mom" I answer honestly.
" I get that, I also missed my mom so much, and even though I had my dad that loved me enough for the both of them I still missed her. And I know Maya and Carina love you so much, and they will continue to love you even if you use time to open up. You also have to remember that you can let Maya and Carina in and let them love you without replacing your mom" Andy says and my eyes immediately starts to get watery. She hugs me and we just stay in the hug for a while before a very tired Vic walks into the kitchen.
"Good morning" Andy says to Vic
"Yeah, yeah good morning or whatever give me a pancake" Vic says clearly not fully awake yet, both me and Andy laugh at her response.
" can you not tell Maya about what I said" I say to Andy.
"Of course, but only if you don't tell her that we forgot to feed you dinner" she says.
" deal"

We spent the next hour cleaning up the living room, I also packed up me stuff.
"You ready?" Andy asks.
" yep" I answer picking up my backpack
"Bye Vic" I say to Vic who is crashed on the couch. She only raid her hand in response.

After a short drive we're home, and we both walk inside. I barely get inside before I feel Maya and Carina pull me into a hug.
"I.. I need air" I say, cause I'm pretty sure I'm seeing the light.
"Sorry bambina, but we've missed you" Carina say letting go.
"I've only been away for like 24 hours" I laugh.
"The longest 24 hours of my life" Maya says.

After Maya had made sure with Andy that I was still not hurt,dead or traumatized she left and it was only us three left at home.
"So did you have fun" Carina asks as we sit down on the couch.
"Yes, we made cupcakes and we watch so many movies....." i explain excitedly. I continue to tell them all about what we did and they sit there and listen to everything, which was nice since even though my mom loved me she was a single mother and had to work a lot so there wasn't always time for me.
We spent the rest of the day home and we also ordered dinner since I guess neither Maya or Carina wanted to cook. While eating dinner we talked about random stuff, but then I remember what Vic said
"Maya what's a mafia?" I ask and they both went silent.
"Where did you here that" Maya ask
"Uhm just something Andy said" I say since I didn't want to tell them that I saw it in the description of a movie since then I would have to tell them which and it didn't look like a movie a 12 year old should know about.
"Well it's a person who uhm" she starts saying looking over at Carina for help.
"It's a bad person who does bad things for money" Carina say.
"Oh okay" I answer
We continue to eat dinner and talk about random stuff and for a moment I forgot they weren't my real parents and I forgot all about room and Mom. When I went to bed and after Maya and Carina had said good night, I felt bad for forgetting her even if it was only far a little while. It weird because I don't want to forget her, but sometimes it ruins my whole day when I think about her because I get sad. I also feel like it's stopping me from moving on.

I'm sorry this chapter is really short the next one it longer, but I just didn't know what else to add to it. How long do you guys prefer the chapters to be?

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