On the run

668 22 3

Mayas pov

we pull up to the scene and Sullivan start to give out orders. Herrera and I are on fire attack so we get the hoses out and get ready to go inside. I look over at Travis and Ben who are treating the owners of the house. They have their back turned, but even though I can't see their faces they look familiar.
Herrera and I start our way into the house, as I walk in I turn around and the man being treated does too. I quickly realize why he looked familiar, it's James. As in Evelyns biological father, and the man she is living with. That means.... No it can't.
"Bishop you coming" Herrera asks already inside.
"That's James" I whisper making my way over to her.
"That's James, Evelyn's father" I say starting to panic. I didn't see her outside, I would have seen her if she were outside. Andy probably read my mind
"Montgomery do we have any civilians still inside"
She asks over the radio
"The owner of the house says that he thought he saw everyone get out, but that the kid is missing" he answers. My heart starts beating faster and my mind is racing a million miles a minute.
"Bishop, Herrera you are on search and rescue instead find out if that kid is still inside"
"He should have known that there were still people inside" I spat angrily as we make our way through the house.
"I agree, something has been going on with him And it's affecting all of us".
"First floor is clear, heading up to second floor" I say through the radio. The smoke is getting thicker and vision is close to zero. I open the first door finding a bathroom. I quickly search it.
"Bishop get over here" Herrera yells. I follow her voice into a room. Even through the smoke you could see the pink walls and the pink decorations. Honestly there's nothing but pink in here.
"Do you think this is Evelyn's room" Herrera asks.
"It can't be, she doesn't like pink and this closet is filled with dresses, which she also doesn't like" I say looking around the room.
"Maybe she has changed" Herrera asks
"Maybe" I quietly agree. Suddenly I stole over something poking out from under the bed. I take a closer look. It's the bag we packed her clothes in, and it looks like most of the clothes are still inside. So this is her room, has she really changed that much or maybe she didn't feel comfortable enough showing her real self with us.

We search the rest of the house finding it empty. So we get outside where people are trying to put out the fire.
"What if she's dead or maybe we didn't see her. What if she's still inside" I start to panic.
"Maya breath if she were inside we would have found her" Andy tries to calm me down, but the thought of Evelyn being stuck somewhere inside or worse dead is to overwhelming.
"Bishop, Herrera I just wanted to let you guys know that a couple of neighbors saw a girl running away so there are no one left in the house " Travis explained. I try to stop the tears, but to no luck.
" what's wrong with her" Travis asks
"James is Evelyn's biological father and that means the girl running was most likely Evelyn" Andy explains.
The crying turns into hyperventilating, and I can't seem to get enough air into my lungs. I feel Andy grabbing my hands
"Maya you need to breathe it's going to be okay, we will let the police know and they will find her"
"Is the aid car still here?" I hear her ask Travis
"Yes Sullivan asks for an extra, but the couple rode together"
"Maya Travis are going to take you to grey-Sloan and you need to tell Carina about this, so you can decide what you want to do"

Carinas pov
It's been a slow day so far, until I get payed to the ER. I walk into trauma room 1 and the second I see the patient I recognize who it is, Layla and next to her sits James. I freeze, what are they doing here?, where's Evelyn?
"DeLuca" Owen yells pulling me out of her thoughts.
"What do we got" I ask trying to be professional.
" 30 year old female, around 6 weeks pregnant with smoke inhalation" Owen explains.
"Do you have any pain" I ask Layla while examining her stomach.
"Only a little when I breathe"
"That's probably because of the smoke inhalation, I do want to do an ultrasound just to be on the safe side"
I quickly do the ultrasound finding nothing wrong so the other doctors take over. I walk out of the trauma room just in time to see Maya and Travis walk in.
"Are you okay, are you hurt?" I ask worriedly scanning her body for injuries.
"I'm fine or I'm not fine, but I'm not physically hurt" she explains
"I need to get back to work, take as much time as you need we will cover for you at the station" Travis says hugging maya before leaving.
"Does this have something to do with why Layla are in the ER?" I ask starting to put the pieces together. She nods.
"Do you then happen to know where Evelyn is?" I ask feeling myself getting worried.
"Can we go up to your office?" She asks and I can see that's something's wrong so we head up to my office.

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