A trip to the hospital

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Evelyn's pov
We arrived at the hospital I was glad we was done driving because I didn't like it. All I wanted to do was see my mom. I wondered if she would recognize me or if I would recognize her. I got pulled out of my thoughts when the door opened.
" are you ready to go inside" maya asked me.
" walk?" I asked because I didn't want do be strapped down to the thing I was lying on.
" yes you can walk if you want" maya answered me. I got up. It hurt when I move but I am kinda use to being in pain. I got out of the car. Maya was behind me which I didn't like because I felt like I didn't have control of people when they were behind me. I started walking then I stopped. The hospital was full of people. I took Maya's hand I don't know why I did it because I didn't want to trust her but she felt safe. We walked into the hospital I held tight on to her hand. I guess they had called and said that I would come in because the police was there. A doctor came up to us she had blonde hair and a teddy bear on here doctor jacket. She sowed me over to a bed and closed the curtains.
" hi, I'm doctor Robbins what's your name" she asked me.
" Evelyn" I whisper
" that's a really nice name, is it okey if we get you change into some other clothes" she say with a comforting smile. I didn't know what to say because sir always decided when I get to change clothes and what I would wear.
" I eh I don't know, did sir say that is was ok" I ask because normally if I broke the rules he would punish me. I looked up at maya, she knew were he was last time so maybe she had asked him.
" oh sweetheart, you don't need to ask him you are in charge now ok, you can decide everything we do" maya said.
" I don't want to wear this T-shirt anymore" I whisper.
" ok then do you want anyone to help you get change" the doctor asked me. I didn't want anyone to touch me or see me except mom.
" is mom here yet so she can do it" I asked and I could see both of their faces drop. They looked at each other before the doctor spoke up.
" when you went missing your mom got really sad and she didn't know how to deal with all of that pain so when they didn't find you she killed herself " the doctor said struggling to find the correct words. I didn't know what to think, say or feel the only thing that made me survive this thing was that I thought my mom would want my to be strong. Suddenly my chest got tight and it got hard to breathe everything began to spin a then it all went black.

When I woke up I was in a different rom and I was wearing a weird dress with an open back. I looked down at my hand and there was this thing in it. I pulled it out and it started to bleed. I tried to get out of the bed but I couldn't. I felt so weak and then everything just hit me. My mom is gone and I am in a random place all alone. I felt a tear escape from my eye. I laid down in the bed and silently cried. I have gotten really good at crying silent since sir didn't like when I cried. Although he treated me a little rough I kinda missed room. It was quite and here in the outside it was many people and sounds. I was lying there crying when the doctor came in.
" hey what's wrong" she ask and walk closer to my bed I flinched away from her and she stops. And she sees my arm and that I pulled out the ring in my arm.
" I really need to fix that" she says to me. I jest nod and she comes over to me and fix it and she told me that it was called an IV.
" is there anything you need?" She asked me when she is done. I shrug because I don't know what I want I never got to decide what I want.
" do you want to get Maya, she is waiting in the waiting room since she was worried about you" she asks me. I nod why did I nod. She is a random person I meet why did I want her to come in. I started it cry again. I don't really know why I am crying, but I just needed to cry. I hear the door open and I look up. Maya was standing in the doorway.
" hey Evelyn. Is it ok if I come in?" She asks me. I find it weird that everyone is asking me before they do anything sir never did that. I nod and she come in and sit at the end of my bed. I just started to cry even more since it reminded me of my mom.
" is it ok if I give you a hug?" Maya asks me. I nodded again. Why do I keep saying yes. She sits beside me and put her arms around me I put my head on her chest and just cried.
" do you want to tell me why you are crying" she asks in a calm voice.
" I want my mom and I miss room" I say it felt good to have someone to talk to.
" I get that, I there anything special you miss from room?" The firefighter says.
" it wasn't many people and sounds" I say.
" I get that people can be scary but none of the doctors here will hurt you" she says. We just lay there for a while before the door opens and the doctor come in with two police officers.
" hey Evelyn is it ok if these officers asks you some questions, Maya can stay if you want" the doctor say.
I nod and the officers walk a little closer and start asking all kinds of questions. What did the room look like?, Did he ever let you out?, did he ever hit you?. They also asked really personal questions like did he touch you or did he ever made me do thinks I didn't like with him? I answered all of the questions some of the words they used was hard to understand, But Maya explained them all to me. When they was done I was so exhausted. That also said that I should get a rape kit, but I'm not so sure about that. I don't want someone being in that area. The police officers left and it was just me and maya.
" do you want to get the rape kit" maya ask me. She always had this calm voice. I just shrugged since I don't want to say that I'm scared because sir says that being scared is for babies. And if I would show any signs of weakness he would hit, kick or rape me. And I have already broken so many of his rules by now that he probably would kill me if i go back. It was like Maya could read my mind because the next thing she said was. " it's ok if you're scared, you have been trough a lot, but it's really important that we check if there are any tears or if you have any STD's"
I didn't know what an STD was, but I didn't ask.
" okay " was all I could get out.
" I will get a nurse and a doctor" she said and went out of the rom. It was weird, but I was kinda sad when she left and I wanted her to come back.

Maya's pov
I left her rom to go and find Robbins to let her know that she agreed to the kit. I feel bad for leaving her is was just something special about this girl. I walk over to dr Robbins who is standing at a nursing station.
" hey  dr Robbins. Evelyn agreed to the rape kit"I said
" oh ok I will page dr Wilson it's so sad that we have to do this on a 12 year old" she said in a little sad voice.
" yeah I know. How is she otherwise" I asked I don't know why I asked that. This should be just some random girl I saved, but is not.
" well she is really dehydrated and malnourished. She is also really underweight and weak" Arizona said.
" oh poor girl I can't believe she had to go trough all of that" I say while Arizona and I stare at her trough the window. She has her back facing us but you can tell she is crying.
" and after surviving all of that she is just going to be throw into the foster system" Arizona said and hadn't really thought about it.
" isn't there another family member" I ask I really don't want here to be put in the system.
" no her mom didn't have any siblings and we can't find anything on her dad and both of her moms parents is dead" Arizona said in a sad tone.
" have they called CPS" I ask
" yeah they are on their way" she answers and then Jo shows up.
" hey you paged" she says and look at Arizona.
" yeah, I need you to do a rape kit on this girl and check for internal tears" Arizona says and give her the chart.
" omg is this the kidnapped girl" yes Arizona says.
" just imagine being 8 years old walking home from school then just getting dragged into a wan. And being hold hostage for 4 years." Jo says while she look at the girl inside the hospital room. Arizona got paged and had to run of so Jo walked into the room.

Evelyn's pov
I was laying in the hospital bed crying when a woman walked in she had pink scrubs. Maya told what they were called earlier. It was hard to learn all this new words. I got kidnapped when I was 8 and hadn't gone to school, but I had learned some stuff in the books I read.
" hey Evelyn. I'm dr Wilson, but you can call me Jo" she said in a calm voice.
" hi" I whisper. I didn't like talking so much. Sir said that children should be seen not heard or in my case I shouldn't be heard or seen.
" do you want anyone in here while I do the kit" she asked me. I wanted my mom but she was gone. I looked at Maya who were standing out side.
" you can have Maya here if you want" I said still in a calm voice I liked it. Sir always used to yell at me. I nodded and she waved Maya in. She started the test and it was horrible I tried my best not to cry, but it was hard. When she was done I was exhausted. I didn't really know what she was checking for, but I didn't want to know either.
" I have to go and check something, but I will be back" maya said. I didn't want her to go, but I couldn't say that. When she left it was just me and Jo.
" you okey" Jo asked me. I had gotten that question a lot, but I don't know. So I just shrugged.

So here's chapter 3 hope you like this story so far.

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