Valentine's Day

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Evelyn's pov
Today is Valentine's Day and I'm currently packing because I'm staying at Andy's. It's the first time I'm going to sleep away from Maya and Carina since I got here so I'm a little nervous. I'm scared that I will have a nightmare , and I won't have Maya or Carina to calm me down. Or what if I do something wrong and she will be mad at me, I mean she hasn't done anything to me and I don't think I have ever seen her mad, but a part of me is still scared that it will happen. It's the same part that is keeping me from fully trusting Maya and Carina.
" Andy will be here in 15 minutes, are you finish packing" Maya says as she enter my room.
" yes I think so" I answer closing my backpack.
" you sure you want to stay with Andy" sometimes I actually think they can read my mind. I nod, even though I'm not sure, but it's Valentine's Day and they deserve to have a evening to them self.
" well if you change your mind at anytime you call us ok" Maya say.
" I will" I say giving her a slight smile.
" I feel like you are more okay with this then I am" Maya says making me laugh.
" I'm just going to be gone for 24 hours" I say trying to believe it myself.
"Well I'm going to miss you even though it's only 24 hours " she says pulling me into a hug.
" There's almost no time to miss me, plus you and Carina will finally have some alone time together" I say.
"Are you saying you won't miss me" Maya say pretending to be offended. She starts tickling me and I fall down on the bed. I think Carina heard all the laughing because she appears in the doorway.
" Ca.... Carina me" I try to say while laughing.
" oh what did you say, I didn't quite hear you" Carina says even though I know she heard me.
"" I repeat
"Ok then" she say before walking up behind Maya and start ticking her from behind. Maya fall down on the bed beside me.
"Make room for me" Carina says as she jumps down on the bed beside me. We all lay there just laughing. After a little while we hear the front door opening.
"That's must be Andy, are you ready?" Maya says sitting up.
"Yes" I answer and grab my back pack and we walk down stairs.
After Maya finishes threatening Andy about anything happening to me, I say good bye and then we leave.

We are in And's car, on our way to her place. I'm still a little nervous about the hike staying away from home thing, or can I even call it home. I mean I have been living there for a while and I doesn't seem like I will be leaving anytime soon. I don't think I want to leave either, it's weird because I miss my mom and I would do anything to be with her and sometimes I even miss Room, but I have kinda gotten used to living there. Sometimes I have to stop myself from calling them mom and mama. I don't want to show them that I'm starting to trust them. I know they're nice and won't do anything, but if I for some reason have to get moved I don't want to go trough losing someone again. So if I stop myself from trusting them maybe I won't get anymore attached.

" I can hear you thinking, care to share" Andy suddenly says snapping me out of my thoughts.
" Oh it's nothing"
" ok then. What do you want to do today" she asks. I hate deciding things. For so many years I had no control and I didn't have to make a single decision on my own. The only decision I hade to make was if I were going to find a way to kill myself, so I didn't have to be there, but I guess my mom beat my to it.
" I don't know, you can decide" I answer
" well Vic is coming over if that's okay with you" she says.
" yes that's okay" I say I know they always fight over who's my favorite, but to be honest I don't have a favorite.
" well then first we need to go to the store and get a lot of snacks and I mean a lot, because since we all are single on Valentine's Day we get to eat all the snacks we want and then we can watch all the movies we want and have shitty karaoke, does that sound okay" she adds.
" yes" I answer.
A little while later we pull up to her apartment and we drop of my stuff before we drive to Vic's place and pick her up.
"So what are the plans for tonight?" Vic asks from the backseat.
" a lot of snacks, movies and shitty karaoke" Andy answers.
" sounds fun, better than spending Valentine's Day with some random guy" Vic says.
"That was your plan, finding a random guy to you know" Andy laughs, and of course I know what "you know" mean.
" yes, so I'm glad I get to spend it with you guys instead" she answers.

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