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Evelyn's pov
Maya and Carina left to get something to eat so Amelia offered to stay with me. I like Amelia, but I want Maya and Carina to stay. At the same time I get that they need a break if they have stayed her all night.
" how long was asleep for" I ask Amelia trying to break the silence.
" about 10 hours" she answers. She sits down at the end of the bed.
" so how are you feeling except for the leg" she ask. I don't really like that question is the same as 'are you ok'. When I was in room I got so good at hiding me feelings so I never know what I can say and to who.
" fine I guess" I say not really wanting to talk about what happened.
" well I brought some paper and pencils so do you want to draw with me" she ask.
"Ok?". She hands me a paper and takes out pencils. She start to draw, I can't see what she is drawing. I start on my own drawing I decide to draw the field of flowers where I saw my mom. I love drawing, I don't do it often, but when I do it's really fun. We sit in comfortable silence for a while just focusing on our own drawing before Amelia say
" wow you are really good, what are you drawing?"
" it's a field of flowers" I say looking down at my drawing "and that is me and my mom sitting under a oak tree" I say pointing to the oak tree in the drawing.
" well it's beautiful" she say. I look over at her drawing, I still can't see what she is drawing.
" I could say the same about your drawing, but I've been told it's not nice to lie" I say and she chuckles
" what do mean I'm a excellent at drawing" she say and look down at her drawing.
" I can't even see what it is" I say trying not to laugh
"What do you mean it's a unicorn in a forest" she say acting offended.
" oh so that's a unicorn, I thought is was a big dog with a weird forehead" I say and laugh.

Maya's pov
We went to the cafeteria and got some coffee. After talking for a while Carina got paged so I decided to walk back to Evelyn's room. I get closer to her room and I can hear her laughing. I love the sound of her laugh.
" what are you laughing about" I say as I walk in
" Amelia's drawing skills" she say. I look over at the drawing and to be honest I don't even see what she was supposed to draw, but it does look like a dog with serious problems.
" I'm sorry Amelia I have to agree with Evelyn" I say.
" do you know what I'm leaving and I'm taking me beautiful drawing with me" Amelia say acting offended. She stands up and leave. I look over at Evelyn's drawing
" your drawing on the other hand is beautiful, I didn't know you could draw" I say and look closer at the drawing.
" thank you" she say and look down at her drawing.
" who is that" I say seeing two people in the drawing.
" it's me and mom" she say while looking down at her drawing. I can see her starting to tear up. When she first started living with us she couldn't even think about her mom without starting to cry, but after going to therapy for while it got better. She still doesn't like to talk about her though. I sit down next to her and she rest her head on my chest. We sit like that for a while and I let her cry it out. After a little while her crying calms down.
" I saw her" she say still resting her head on my chest.
" you saw who?" I ask
" my mom" she say and takes a deep breath before she continue.
" when I was sleeping I uhh I saw mom, but it wasn't like a dream it felt so really and I could feel her and we talked. It sounds insane I know and you probably don't believe me, but I want to believe that is was her and that she knows I'm okay " she say and I can feel her starting to cry again.
" hey I believe you and I know your mom knows you're okay, she is probably watching you and she is definitely very proud of you" she looks up at me and give me a sad smile before she say "Thank you"
" for what" I ask
" for fostering me and not giving up on me even though I'm a little broken and don't open up so fast" She say and look down at her hands.
" you are not broken Evelyn, you have been through a lot and we will always be here for you even if you don't open up to us we just want you to know that you can" I say and she look up and give me a smile. We stay like that for a while and eventually she falls asleep. I think the pain meds knocked her out. I decide since I'm kinda stuck under her to try and get some sleep myself since I was up all night. It didn't take long until I was out too.

Pov Carina
When I was done in surgery I made my way up to Evelyn's room. The surgery didn't take long it was a quick c- section and both baby and mom are doing good. I'm walking up the stairs when I hear something calling my name. I turn around and see Link.
" hi dr. Deluca I was just wondering how Evelyn is doing and I'm sorry if I made her uncomfortable earlier" he say.
" that's ok, I actually was on my to check on her I just got out of surgery" I say
" ok then let me know if you guys need anything"
" I will , by the way do you know how long she will have to stay here" I ask hoping she can go home soon and not have to be stuck in that room.
" I have talked to Amelia and there are neurological reasons for her to stay so I just want her to stay for observation for a day or two to monitor her leg and then she can go home" he say.
"Ok thank you" I say and walk away. When I walk into Evelyn's room I see her and Maya asleep on the bed. I take a picture of them and decide to let them sleep knowing that they need it. I sit down in the chair in the corner and do some paper work.
After about an hour I hear Maya starting to wake up.
"Good morning love" I say and walk over to the bed and give her a kiss on the lips.
"How long was I asleep for?" She ask with a tired voice.
"I don't know I got out of surgery about an hour ago" I say trying not to speak to loud since Evelyn is still asleep.
"How did it go" Maya ask
"Great both mom and baby are doing great and no complications" I say and I get a smile from Maya who is still tired.
"How did it go with Amelia" I ask looking over at Evelyn to make sure she's still asleep, which she was.
" good I think they were laughing when I got back" she say ,now starting to actually wake up. I was about to say more, but Evelyn started to wake up. Maya stroked her hair as she woke up.
" hi bambina did you have a good nap"I ask her with a soft voice. She nods still not completely awake. I sit down at the end of the bed and we just sit there talking about nothing. It's mostly me and Maya who is talking, but we manage to get her to participate a little in the conversation. After talking for a while we realize it's 1 pm and time for lunch. Evelyn don't eat much which is understandable and the rest of the day we relax in bed and Amelia brought some board games. Evelyn won almost all of them, we may helped her a little or at leas me and Amelia. Maya don't like loosing so she wasn't happy with us letting Evelyn win which only made it funnier. After that Maya went home to sleep in a real bed, but I stayed with Evelyn.

I'm not sure if I like this chapter, but it will do. I'm not sure sure when I will post the next chapter since all the teachers have decided to give us some kind of test or something, but since I'm not really interested in learning Spanish or about our DNA I got this chapter done instead.
Did you watch the fall finale and if you did what are your thoughts?

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