First station day

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Maya's pov
Today is Evelyn's third day of school. Yesterday and the day before that she went to the hospital with Carina, but today Carina had a surgery scheduled for 2, plus's she had to leave at 5am this morning because she got paged to a trauma, so Evelyn is coming with me to the station after school. I'm really nervous about her meeting everyone, she still get really nervous around strangers especially men.

Since Carina is at work I have to take her to school. I got up at 6am and took a shower, got ready for the day before I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. When Carina is at work I usually just have a energy bar since I'm not really a breakfast person, but I will be a little late to my shift so I will make a protein shake. I make my shake while I prepare breakfast for Evelyn. She usually have some fruit or yogurt. I made her a bowl of fruit before realizing I have to make her lunch. She doesn't eat much of her lunch, but I pack it anyway. When I'm done it's already 7 am so I go upstairs to wake up Evelyn. I don't think she is sleeping well because she is always really tired. When I walked into her room she was actually sleeping in the bed, she didn't have any blanket's or pillows, but hey it's progress. I walk over to her bed and sit down.
" hey kiddo it's time to get up" I say softly while I stroke her hair. She starts to slowly wake up , she was not a morning person just like Carina. When I'm sure she is awake and won't fall asleep again I tell her breakfast is ready down stairs. After 10 minutes she comes down stairs dressed and ready for school.

                                                                        Her outfit

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                                                                        Her outfit

She sit down at the table and I put the bowl of fruit in front of her. She looked tired as usual.
"So how did you sleep" I ask
"Good" she say and eat a piece of fruit.
" well Carina is busy today so you will have to come with me to the station after school. As soon as I say that I could she her whole body tense up.
" is there other people there?" She say and she has stopped eating her food.
"Yes there is, but they are all super nice and none of them are going to hurt you. You can stay with me the whole time and I will ask them not to get to exited"
"Exited?" She ask
"Yes they have all been waiting to meet you since I told them we were fostering you. Especially Andy and Vic" I say. She just let out a simple ok before going back to eating her breakfast. She still wasn't eating as much as we want her to and Arizona say if we don't get her to eat more soon we will have to put on a feeding tube and I really don't want to put her through that. When she was done we packed up her bag and drove to school. I dropped her of and told her I was going to be there at 2, then I drove to work.
I was only i little late and lucky for me Sullivan hasn't had his morning meeting yet. I walked into the beanery where the hole team was finishing up breakfast.
"Wow maya bishop is late, I didn't think I would ever see that" Travis say as he sits down at the table. I give him a look before explaining why I'm late.
"Yeah Carina got paged to some trauma and I had to take Evelyn to school"
"Speaking of that when will we get to meet her" Andy ask
" she is coming to the station after school today, but please be calm and do not scare her" I say. They finish breakfast then we start our day.

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