First day of school

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Carina's pov
It had been two weeks since we got out of the hospital and today is Evelyn's firs day of school. She has been going to therapy every other day and her therapist say she's ready. She also have had a private teacher coming by to she what level she's on. And if she can start up in 6 grade like the others at her age. She was smart for her age so they decided she would be in the classroom with the other kids and can get different tasks and stuff. She will also have some time outside the classroom with a special teacher and work on the social stuff.
The last two weeks either me or Maya have been home with her. There was one day I was staying home with her and I got paged so I had to take her with me to the hospital, but luckily for me Amelia didn't have any surgeries so she could watch her. Amelia was the only other person Evelyn trusted other than me and Maya. That was one of the reasons I was scared about her starting school. If she got a panic attack or got triggered in some way, I don't know if anyone can calm her down. We also bought her a phone so we can track her down and she can call us.

School started at 8 am so decided to wake her up at 6:30 so we wouldn't be in a rush, but when I got into her room she was sitting at the floor and just staring at the wall. She still sleep on the floor, we asked her if she wanted a mattress or anything, but she didn't want one. She can sleep in her bed if she want to, so we just let her sleep where she want.

Evelyn's pov
Today I was starting school. I haven't been to school since I was 8 and the last time I was at school I got kidnapped on my way home. So I you probably guessed I didn't get a lot of sleep. I didn't sleep well normally or 3 hours for me is pretty good, but this night I don't think I even got 3 seconds of sleep. At 4 am I gave up trying to sleep. Carina and Maya got me a phone and I found tik tok yesterday. I had heard of it before I got kidnapped, but I was to young to get it then. So I been up scrolling on tik tok since 4 am when carina came into the room. I heard her coming up the stairs so I put my phone away so I didn't get in trouble for being on my phone all night.
" Buongiorno bambina, did you get any sleep?" She asks. I just nod so I would have to tell her I didn't get any sleep.
" good, breakfast is ready down stairs" she say and walk out the room. I get up and go to my closet to find something to wear. I just decided on some baggy jeans and a baggy light green sweater. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth before I went down stairs. I entered the kitchen and sat down on kitchen island. Carina put a bowl of fruit in front of me, but to be honest I was to tired to eat.
" you have to try and eat something bambina"
I only managed to eat a few pieces of fruit, but I wasn't a really big eater normally so it was good enough.
"So I will drive you to school today and pick you up at 2 when school is done and then I have some surgeries, but Amelia said she could look after you while I'm in surgery. Sounds good" Carina say and I just nod.
" you also have your phone so you can call either me or Maya if you need anything"
This time I didn't reply I had to many thoughts in my head to actually listen to what she was saying. I didn't want to go back to school, there is way to many people and what If I get a panic attack and can't calm myself down. What if I can't get any friends, like no body want to friends with the weird girl who doesn't talk.
We sit and talk for a while before we needed to go. Carina tried to reassure me that is going to be ok, but I'm not so sure. We made sure to be there a little early so we had time to find my classroom before there was kids running all over.

We arrived out side school and I immediately feel my chest getting tighter. This is great I can even see the school without getting anxious.
" you ready to go in bambina?" Carina ask I just sit there quite for a bit before I nod. We start walking into school and I grip onto Carina's hand as hard I could, I don't want her to leave I want her to stay here with me all day or even better stay home with me all day.  We find my classroom and it was empty except a woman with red hair sitting at a desk. She hear us coming in and stand up and walk against us.
" hi you must be Evelyn" she say and get down at my level. I just nod still holding tight onto Carina's hand.
" well I'm mrs. drew and I'm really looking forward to having you in my class" she looked really nice, but maybe she is just pretending to me nice and when Carina is gone she will lock me up somewhere and everyone is just going to forget about me. She and Carina started talking about something, to be honest I didn't listen to a work that they were saying since I was in my own world looking around the classroom, looking for every place I could hide or escape if needed. Just then someone entered the classroom. I flinched and moved closer to Carina. It was a girl whit dirty blond hair, green eyes and faint freckles. She was a little taller than me and was wearing some black jeans with a pink t-shirt. I'm good at remembering details about people since i always did that with all the people who came into room to either rape me or just hurt me. I could tell you every little detail about every singer person. If you were wondering how I know that, it's because I had to say all of that to the police when I was in the hospital.
" oh hi Skylar, this is Evelyn and Evelyn this is Skylar maybe she can show you your desk while we finish talking" mrs. drew say as she looks at me. I didn't want to let go of Carina, but I didn't want to make someone mad or anything. I look up at Carina.
"It's ok bambina you can can go over there and I will be right her" she say and I let go of her hand. I walk over to Skylar and hear Carina and mrs. Drew start talking again.
" hi as mrs. Drew said I'm Skylar, but you can call me sky" she say as smile at me I give a faint smile back.
" you sit beside me and we sit in front of the teacher desk it's not the best place to sit since the teacher can see everything we do, but that's ok." She talked and smiled a lot, but she looked really nice.
"So is that your mom over there?" I didn't know what to say I mean should I just tell her now or do I need to give the whole ole kidnapping and a mom who killed her self story. We only met like two minutes ago I think it's a little early for that.
"No, that's Carina" I say softly hoping she don't ask more.
" oh ok she looks nice" she say I'm happy that she didn't ask more.
"She is" I say back just then other people walk into the classroom. I quickly make my way back to Carina and grab her hand. I feel like I'm to old to have to hold someone's hand on thfirs day of school, but in this moment I don't care.
" I need to go now, but you will be ok and remember you can call whenever you want ok" I nod, because I'm pretty sure if I try to talk now I will definitely cry. And I'm way to old for that. I let go of Carina's hand and I watch as she walks out before I walk over to my desk and sit down. 

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