Today is the day

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Evelyn's pov
Today's the day, the week has gone by so fast, but at the same time so slow. I haven't been to school since the meeting, I think mom and mama wanted to enjoy every second of me still being here and I wasn't going to complain about not going to school. It was also nice spending some extra with my moms, but it was hard to not think about the fact that I will have to leave them soon.
I haven't been sleeping great, but moms let me sleep in their bed so I can at least get a couple hours of sleep. Eating hasn't been easy either, but I don't want mom and mama to worry about that too, so I suck it up and try my best.

I wake up in between my moms, can I still call them that? I think they're both asleep. I don't know the time, but I can see the sun slightly shining through the blinds so it's not the middle of the night.
"Good morning sweetheart" I hear mom say with her raspy morning voice. She is a really light sleeper, so she probably woke up when I did.
"Morning" I quietly respond.
"It's still early to you maybe want to try and get some more sleep" she asks.
"No I don't think I can" I answer.
"How about we move to the couch, so we don't wake up mama, because I don't think we want to deal with an angry Italian at 5:30 in the morning"
We walk down to the couch and put on a random movie. I lay down in mom's lap and she starts stroking my hair, normally that would have made me fall asleep within 5 minutes, but my head is so full with thoughts so it's impossible to fall asleep now.

Mama comes walking down the stairs right as the movie ended.
"How long have you two been up" she asks
"Since 5:30" Mom answers she didn't sound angry. When I first moved here I was so afraid of waking them up at night because I thought they would be mad, but they haven't yelled or gotten mad at me once. They get more mad if I don't wake them up.
"Do you want to help me with breakfast while we let mom get ready" mama asks me, I love helping mama cook.
"Yes!" I say.

Me and mama make pancakes and bacon, she have taught me how to make her pancakes, French toast and I have tried to learn her lasagna recipe, but that's much harder that pancakes and French toast.
I little while later mom comes down stairs, and we all sit down at the table. I can't believe this is the last time I'm sitting at this table eating breakfast with my moms. I will never get to cook with Carina or go to the station with Maya ever again. No more family dinner and no more movie nights. I didn't even realize I have started crying.
"Bambina you okay" mama asks.
"I'm sorry" I say now crying even more. I'm sitting next to mama and mom is sitting on the other side dog the table. Mama immediately wrap her arms around me and I continue to dry into her chest.
"You have nothing to be sorry about" she comforts me
"Yes I'm ruining our last morning" I say still with tears running down my face.
"No you are not ruining anything, you are always allowed to feel your feelings, you never forget that"  she says. After a while I finally stop crying and I'm able to eat my breakfast. When I finish breakfast I go upstairs to get ready. I have packed most of my stuff yesterday, I felt bad for taking it with me since moms had payed for it. Mama helped me pick out an outfit for today, it was nothing fancy just some loose fit jeans and a Grey-Sloan hoodie. I have packed my station 19 t-shirt. After getting changed I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair.
"Have you packed all of your stuff" mama asks as she walks into my room.
"Almost " I answer from the bathroom
"You okay?" She says standing in the doorframe.
"I don't know what to do with my hair"
"Do you want me to braid it for you?" She asks and I just nod, I'm going to miss her doing my hair in the morning.
"What if James doesn't know how do to my hair or maybe he doesn't want to" I say getting more anxious.
"Maybe he will learn how to do it" she answers, but she didn't convince me and I don't think she convinced herself either, but I didn't say anything. We sit there in comfortable silence, I try to take in these last memories.
"All done" she says kissing me head.

I exited the bathroom looking at my almost empty bedroom. I pack up my last stuff before bringing my bag down stairs. I walk over to the couch, I sit there just staring at the wall, my mind is still racing and it's exhausting. I feel someone sitting down next to me, but I can't move my head or my eyes I'm just stuck staring at the wall.
"What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours" I hear Maya ask.
"A lot" I say now finally able to look away from the wall
"Do you want to talk about it" she asks
I don't say anything just lean back resting my head at her chest.
"I want to say with you and mama" I whisper.
"I want you to stay too, but I'm sure James is super nice and I know it's not going to be the exact same as living with us, but even though it's different doesn't mean it has to be bad" she comforts me. Carina join us on the couch and for probably two hours we sat there just talking. 
"I now we won't be your legal guardians so we can't really decide what you do, but no dating until your 25 ok?" Maya says making both me and Carina laugh.
"But if you do, stay safe especially when it comes to sex"
"MAMA!" I yell.
"What it's important"
"I think I'll just not date until I'm 25" I say interrupting her before she can say anything else.
We continue like this, they giving me advice, some that I probably won't need, but it's nice hearing that they will still care about my future even if I'm not their daughter anymore. I sitting there listening carefully to every word.

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