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Carina's pov
Time has gone by so fast, after Pru's birthday party things seems to be getting better. Evelyn started doing her schoolwork at the station so she wouldn't be stuck at home all day, and before we knew it, it was December.

*December 1st

It's the first of December, Maya and I love Christmas and always start decorating the house as soon as it's December. Since it's Thursday Maya and I have to go to work and today Evelyn wanted to come to the hospital instead of the station, or I think it's more that Maya had to leave at 7am and I don't have to leave until 9am, but I get it I don't like mornings either. So I let her sleep until 8am while I get ready and make breakfast. I don't bother making anything fancy so I just make oatmeal with some fruit.

I walk into her room and find her with her feet on the pillow and her head on the end of the bed. She moves like crazy in her sleep and her that's why her hair also looks like a bird's nest when she wakes up. I can't help laughing before I go over to her bed.
"Good morning bambina, it's time to wake up" I say softly while stroking her hair trying to wake her up, She only pulls the covers over her head.
" I know it's early but you have to wake up" I pull the covers of her face and she start to wake up, when she open her eyes she looks confused to why she is laying the wrong way in her bed.

I get her out of bed and while she is getting ready I go down and pack up my stuff. After a couple minutes she comes limping down the stairs, Callie said she could take a look at her leg and if we are lucky we can take the cast of today.
" good morning, here's your breakfast" I say handing her the oatmeal.
"Thank you" she replied with a tired morning voice.
"Did you sleep well?" I ask her, I have noticed that unless we ask her, she won't tell us. So we make sure to at least ask about her day or how she sleep so she at least have the chance to tell us. This time she just nods as she usually do.

We eat our breakfast and when she is done she go up the her room and pack her backpack with her school stuff. Then we are ready to go.
We arrive at the hospital and head up to my office to put our stuff down and so I can change before we go to find Callie for her appointment.

Callie check out her leg and take an x-ray to see how the leg has healed. And now we are sitting in the room waiting for Callie to come back with the results.
"Do you think my leg has healed?" Evelyn asks breaking the silence.
"I don't know bambina, but you have done everything Callie said, so I'm sure it has healed just fine" I answer. We sit for a while talking about nothing when Callie entered the room.
"So I got the images back and it looks great it has healed exactly how we wanted it to, so if you promise to be careful we can take the cast of today" she explains and I see the smile grow on Evelyn's face.

"Ok do you promise to be carful?" Callie asks when she is done removing the cast.
" I promise" Evelyn answers.
" Ok then you are good to go" Callie say while writing something in her chart.
"Thank you" Evelyn says, I help her stand up so she can get used to putting weight on her leg.  She takes some time to get used to walking on her leg again, before we slowly start to make our way to my office. We are about half way to my office when my pager goes of
"Shoot, ok ehh I have to go, do you remember the way back to my office" I ask
"Go straight to my office and stay there and do your schoolwork ok"
"I will" she answers and I run of.

Evelyn's pov
I walk back to Carina's office, I pretty much know my way around the hospital now. I sit down in the couch she has in her room and start my school work. First was math and it was just a worksheet which didn't take long. I have always been good at math, it was the one thing that always made sense, plus my mom was pretty god at I too so it reminded me of her. Especially when I was in room and nothing made sense, like I was a normal kid in one second and the next one I was stuck in a room all alone without any clue on how long I'll be there or if I ever would get out. I would do math in my head like calculate how big the room was or figure out how many seconds I had been there if it had been 5 days or 105.

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