Getting saved

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Maya's pov
My alarm went of and I got up and got ready for a morning run. Running in the morning always helped me with stress. Carina and I decided a couple weeks ago that we would get a Forster license and it had been a lot of stress with home visits and all of that stuff. When I got home from my run carina was standing in the kitchen making French toast. I hugged her from behind and she feed me a bite of the French toast.
" mmm, that might be better than sex" I say and she laugh's
" that sounds like a challenge" she say.
" so when do you come back from work" I ask her
" I should get of at 8 tonight unless a trauma comes in" she answer. We eat breakfast and talk about random work stuff. Then I pack up my stuff and drive to work.
When I arrive at the station I get dressed and walk into the beanery where the rest of the team is having breakfast.
" good morning bishop" Travis say as he pour coffee into his cup.
" morning Travis" I answer back
" do you want any breakfast" Andy asks me
" no I ate at home, carina made French toast" I say and sit down at the table.
" wow, look at you. A year ago you wouldn't even eat breakfast you would have just a protein shake " Andy say and I laugh. We talk for a wile before Sullivan has his daily morning meeting. The hole team hates them. Right after the meeting the alarm went off. We got to the scene.
" ok team. Hughes, Montgomery you are on fire attack. Warren aid car and Bishop, Herrera search and rescue "
Me and Andy run into the house. It was full of smoke. And it smelled like gas. It probably started as a gas leak and then grew into a fire. We went into the living room and there was 4 men sitting in the couch and on chairs around the table. There were empty bottles of beer and cigarettes lying around. We got them out and into the aid cars. Two of them got driven to grey Sloan and the two other sat on the grass with oxygen mask's.
" who is the owner of the house" I ask one of the men.
" that would be me" the guy answer with an annoyed tone.
" are there anyone left inside" I ask the guy
" no " he say as she coughs. I was about to walk away when I hear the other guy whisper " what about the girl" I quickly turn around again.
" sir if there are anyone inside you have to tell me if not you are responsible if they die" I say. I can't believe people will lie about this stuff. He doesn't answer and just look down at the ground.
" sir" I say with a firm tone. He still doesn't answer so I look over at the other guy.
" ok there is a girl in the basement you have to go down the stairs and trough the little door and then there is another door" the guy say. I can't believe this . " Herrera. We have another civilian inside" I say and run into the house again. Andy runs after me into the house. We go down to the basement and see the door I try opening it but it's looked.
" Are you sure there are anymore people in here" Andy ask.
" yes the guy said there was a girl inside" I say as I kick down the door. We walk trough the opening and I see another door. This one was also looked. Andy kick it down. The room was small and all I could see was a plank on the floor, a mattress and a box with some books. On the mattress in the corner I saw the girl. All she was wearing was a grey oversized T-shirt. It had a lot of holes and looked like it never had been washed. She was sitting with her head between her knees and she was shaking.
"Please don't hurt me" she said and she sounded like she was holding back tears.
" you are ok, we are not going to hurt you but can you come with us we need to get you out of here" I say I slowly walk over to her. Andy stays in the door, I think she read my mind so we both new we had to be careful and not overwhelm the girl. She tried to get further away from me but since she already was against the wall she couldn't. I could see that she started to panic.
" hey, I'm not going to hurt you I'm maya bishop, can you tell my your name" I say calmly. She looks up at me and I see her beautiful, but scared blue eyes. She quickly look down at the floor again.
" Ev... Evelyn" she stutters. And then it hit me I look over at Andy who also had the same look. About 4 years ago there had been a 8 year old girl going missing on her way back from school. They looked for her for around a year but after that they closed the case. Not long after that her mom killed herself.
" ok Evelyn do you think you could come with us outside" I ask her as I sit down next do her.
" no I.. I can't, I'm not aloud to leave room" she says she still didn't look at me and I could see the tension in here body.
" who said you are not to leave rom" I ask her
" sir" she says it seems like she tried to keep her answers as short as possible.
" Herrera, Bishop do you copy" Sullivan asks over the radio. Evelyn flinched at the sound of the radio. Andy got out of the room to answer Sullivan.
" hey you're ok, it was just our Captain, he is wondering when we will come out, because there has been a fire and the house isn't safe" I say. She looks up at me.
" is sir outside" she asks me in a worried tone.
" he was outside, but I think he is at grey Sloan now" I answer . I feel so bad for her she had been locked up in this room for over 4 years.
" ok" she says and looks at the floor.
" so do you think we can go outside" I ask her. She nodded.
" can you walk or du you want me to carry you" I ask.
" walk" she says. I get up and then she slowly gets up too. It looks like she is in a lot of pain. I start to walk trough the door and I see that she struggles to walk.
" here take my hand you can lean on me" I say and reach out my hand. She is a little hesitant about it, but after thinking about it she takes my hand. I help her up the stairs and out of the house. She looked around and flinched at every little sound. I walked slowly since the fire was put out long ago it wasn't any chances of smoke inhalation or anything like that.
When we walk outside the team was starting to pack up the stuff. She covered her eyes as soon as we got out since she hadn't been outside in over 4 years her eyes are probably really sensitive. I walked over to the aid car and Warren got ready to check her out. But as soon as she saw him she flinched away from him and grabbed my hand tighter.
" Warren, maybe you shop switch with Herrera or Hughes" I say and give him a look
" yes of course " he say and walk away.
" you can come and sit on the gurney here" I say and point inside the aid car. She look at it and thinks about it, but she decided to go inside. She sits down at the gurney.
" ok, I need to listen to your lungs and heart with this, it doesn't hurt but I need to lift up your shirt" I say and show her the stethoscope. Before she could answer Andy came walking over.
" the police want to speak to her" Andy says. I can see her body tense up.
" do you think they can wait until she gets to the hospital" I ask because I don't think it's a good idea to put anything else on her now. It was weird, but I just had this feeling that I needed to protect this girl.
" yeah. I think that's ok. Do you guys need some help in here?" Andy asks.
" i think we can do the check up at the hospital so can you drive" I say
" yes of course" Andy say and close the doors.
We started driving and I could tell she was scared and uncomfortable.
" are you ok" I ask since I didn't get to check her out.
" I don't know" she say. My heart broke hearing that. We were quite for a couple minutes before she spoke up.
" where are my mom" she ask still not looking at me. I don't know what to say because I'm pretty sure there aren't anyone else named Evelyn who was kidnapped 4 years ago. So I knew that it was her mom that had killed herself, but I couldn't say that to her.
" we will find her when you arrive at the hospital" I say since I didn't want to break the news to her. Then we arrived at the hospital.

So this is chapter two. I don't know how often I will be posting, but I'll try to post as often as possible.

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