Pru's birthday party

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Carina's pov
Today is Saturday and we are going to Pru's birthday party, Ben and Miranda have invited people from the station and some from the hospital. I'm a little nervous since I know there will be a lot of people and yes Evelyn knows some of them, but I'm not sure how she will feel about being around them all at once. The party starts at 1 pm and it's currently 7 am which means we have plenty if time to get ready and "prepare" Evelyn for all the people.
I still think about what she said yesterday, but I haven't talked to Maya about it yet. I was so tired yesterday that I fell asleep before she got home and right now she is sleeping. Normally she is the one that wakes up first, so I guess they had a busy shift and didn't have much time to sleep. I go and check on Evelyn who is still asleep. When I walk into our room again I see Maya starting to wake up.
"Buongiorno" I say climbing into the bed.
" good morning my love" she answers with her raspy morning voice. I lay down next to her and she immediately gets comfortable almost completely on top of me.
" comfortable?" I ask with a chuckle.
" mhm"
" how was your shift" I ask
" busy, we got called out to a big structure fire and there were a couple civilians who got injured, but luckily no firefighters" she says while resting her head on my chest.
" I'm sorry"
We lay in comfortable silence for a while before I remember what Evelyn said yesterday.
" Evelyn called me Mama yesterday" I say and she immediately look up at me.
" what"
" or I think so. She fell asleep on the couch so I carried her upstairs and when I put her down and said good night she replied 'good night Mama'"
" do you think she meant to say it" Maya ask now sitting up.
"I don't now I mean she was tired and half asleep, but maybe it means she's starting to to feel more comfortable here and not just see us as some random people who took her in" I really hope it is, but at the same time I don't want her to feel pressured into calling us something she isn't comfortable with.
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see" Maya says and I can here the hopefulness in her voice.

We lay in bed snuggling for a little while longer before we start to get ready for the day.

Evelyn's pov
I wake up and check the time on my phone and to my surprise it's actually after 8 pm. It feels good to actually get a decent amount of sleep.
Today is Pru's birthday party, I'm kinda nervous about it because I know there will be a lot of people, but I don't want to ruin this for Maya and Carina. They probably want to go and see their friends. I guess I'll just have to put on a smile and get through today. I lay in bed scrolling on TikTok for a while before I hear Maya and Carina in the kitchen so I decide to get out of bed. God this cast is really starting to annoy me, like just getting out of bed is a struggle, but I managed to do it and now I just have to get down the stairs.

"Good morning sweetie" maya says with a smile as I enter the kitchen. I smile back and sit down next to her on the kitchen island.
" how did you sleep?" Carina ask while preparing breakfast.
" good" I answer actually not lying for once.
" that's good" carina replies. I think she can tell that I'm not lying which means she can also tell when I am lying. My old mom.... I mean my mom was terrible at reading people, which sometimes was great since I didn't have to tell her about everything and could keep most of my feelings to myself, although sometimes I wished she'd asked so I didn't have to deal with everything on my own.
I have never been good at asking for help or letting people help and I guess 4 years in room all alone having to deal with everything on my own didn't really help either. So it's weird having someone who cares so much.
"Earth to Evelyn " Carina says snapping me out of my thoughts.
" what?" I ask
" I was asking what you wanted for breakfast" she replied.
" oh uh just yogurt I guess" I say
"Are you ok?" Maya ask with a worried look.
"Yes I'm fine" I answer, I don't know if I'm lying or not because sometimes I don't even know if I'm fine or not.
We finish eating breakfast and I go or limp or whatever you can call it up to my room and start getting ready. I brush my teeth and hair, I don't bother doing anything with my hair so I just leave it down. I walk over to my closet to find something to wear, it's getting kinda chilly outside so I decide on some jeans and a nice sweater since we are going to Pru's birthday party.

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