Good or bad news

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Maya's pov
Evelyn stayed home for the rest of the week or on Friday she felt good enough to leave the house, but we didn't want to send her to school so she joined Carina at work. It's currently 3 pm and I'm at work, we agreed that Evelyn would walk to the station after school. We originally didn't want her to walk home by herself, but she got an Apple Watch a little while ago so we can track her down if anything happens, she also have her phone on her so I'm positive it'll be fine.
I'm sitting at the desk downstairs with Andy and I'm checking my phone probably every 5 second.
"Maya she's fine school just ended" Andy says taking the phone out of my hands.
"I know, I just..." I start then get interrupted by Andy
"Need to know we're she at every second"
"No or yes, but you know why" I say anxiously
"I do know why, but she is fine and in about 10 minutes she is going to walk through the door neither hurt, dead or traumatized" Andy says and I can't help but laugh. Just as Andy said, 10 minutes later she walk through the door, I quickly get up, run over to her and rap my arms around her.
"How was your day" I ask
"It was okay, but we got a shit ton of homework" she answers.
"Hey watch your language" I say with a stern voice.
"Sorry" she quickly apologize.
"Well how about we go up to the beanery and you get started on your BIG amount of homework" I say. She agrees so we walk upstairs.
" you want anything to eat?" I ask as Evelyn sits down at the table.
" no I'm okay". She have come a long way with her eating, but of course there are times where we have to remind or encourage her.
Just then the alarm goes of, I think Evelyn has gotten so used to the alarm and me having to leave that she barely notice. It wasn't a big fire so we only spent two hours at the scene before we headed back. I walk into the kitchen and find her in the exact same place she was when I left and still doing her homework.
"Hey sweetheart" I say walking up behind her.
"Hey mom, how did the call go" she asks looking up from her notebook.
"It went okay some small injuries and burns, but nothing to severe" I answer.
"What are you working on?" I ask.
"Just math homework, I finished my homework for today so I started on tomorrow's" she answered
"I'm going to take a quick shower then we can go home" I add. Normally I would have showered at home, but I was covered in smoke and sweat so I don't want to sit in the car like this. I'm trying to be as quick as possible, not just because Evelyn is waiting, but we called her social worker on Friday about the adoption and she told us she would give us a call back on Monday with an answer. We want to know if we are even able to adopt her before we talk to Evelyn about it. I quickly finish my shower, change into normal clothes and then we both head home.
Evelyn was talking about her day the whole car ride home. I love how far she has come with trusting us and everyone around her and most of the time I forget we didn't raise her. I hope she feels the same way and will say yes to us adopting her, because I don't know if I can handle her being taken away from us.

We walk through the door taking of our shoes before I walk into the kitchen. I see Carina sitting at the table and clearly something is up, but before I get to ask Evelyn walks in and Carina immediately put on a smile.
"Hey Bambina, how was school?" She asks
"It was okay we got a lot of homework, but I finished it all at the station." Evelyn answers,
"That's great, do you mind going up to your room I need to talk to mom about something" she asks and I get even more worried.
"Okay" she answers hesitantly. Evelyn leaves and the face smile on Carina's face disappears.
"What's wrong, did her social worker call" I ask starting to panic.
"She did call and uhm  they have found her birth father".

Carina's pov
I came home from work 5 minutes ago and I'm  in the kitchen when my phone rings. I look at it and see that Evelyn's social worker is the one calling. We called her on Friday telling her that we were thinking about adoption and she said she would gives us a call back today with an answer. I quickly answer.
"Hello this is doctor DeLuca speaking" I say and I'm sure she can hear the stress in my voice.
"Hi, you and your wife called on Friday asking about starting Evelyn's adoption right?" She asks.
"Si, that's right" I answer.
"Well is your wife there, there's something I need to talk to you guys about" she says and now I'm full on panicking on the inside.
"She's at work right now"
"Okay well you can just fill her in and we'll talk more about tomorrow when we all can meet" she says, what does she mean by all of us, why would she need to see us in person. Something is definitely wrong, maybe they found out that we weren't the right fit and there moving her to a different home.
"Dr. DeLuca are you there" the social worker says snapping me out off my thoughts.
"Yes sorry, what were you going to say" I ask trying not to sound to nervous.
"We have found her birth father and he would like to meet up tomorrow" just as the words left her mouth it felt like the whole world stopped, I mean I thought he was dead or homeless on the street. Before we started to foster her they tried to find her father, but said the search was unsuccessful. So I don't know why he suddenly shows up now, Evelyn has said she doesn't think she has ever met him and if she has it must have been when she was a baby because she doesn't remember anything about him, and her mom didn't talk about him.
"How.. I mean I thought you tried to find him before we started fostering her" I ask trying to get as much information as possible because I'm now the one who has to explain to a 12 year old girl who has never seen her father that he suddenly wants to meet her.
"We did try to find him and as you now we didn't, but I guess he heard about her on the news" she answers, but that doesn't make any sense, because how would he know what she looks like.
"How did he know what she looked like" I ask.
"Her mom sent him pictures, I guess they had a deal that if she sent him pictures every month he wouldn't come near her, plus he of course know her full name" I couldn't believe it, he knew about her and he probably knew about the kidnapping. Wait why didn't Evelyn's mom want him to see her, there has to be a reason for that.

She gave me a little more information including that he used to be a addict, but according to him ha has been sober for 4 years, we agreed on meeting at her office at 11 am. I have no idea how I'm going to tell Maya or Evelyn. After hanging up I stay in the exact same position just staring at the wall and I think I stood the for a while because suddenly I hear Maya and Evelyn walk through the door. I ask Evelyn if she can go up to her room for a while so I can talk to Maya alone and maybe she knows how we can tell Evelyn.
"What's wrong, did her social worker call" she ask starting to panic.
Maya knows me so well and I guess it written all over my face that something is wrong
"She did call and uhm they have found her birth father".
«W..What, how" Maya stutters, I can tall that she's just as confused as me. I tell hair all the information I got.
"How are we going to tell Evelyn?" Maya asks while pacing back and forth.
"I think we just have to say it as it is, be there for her and show her that any reaction is okay , since we don't know how she'll react" I answer trying to calm her down, while also trying to calm myself down.
We wait 5 minutes so we both could let the news sink in before walking up to Evelyn's room. I knock on the door and wait for Evelyn to say come in before we both enter the room. She is sitting at her desk watching her phone, but look up from it as soon as we enter the room.
"We need to talk to you about something" Maya says with serious tone. I could see the fear building in her eyes.
"Have I done something, if I have I'm so sorry pleas don't send me away" Evelyn begged with tears starting to form in her eyes.
"Come her Bambina" I say sitting down on her bed. She sits down between us and I can see how anxious she is.
"Your social worker called me earlier and they have found your father" I say honestly. She get completely silent.

Evelyn's pov
I don't know how to react, I didn't even know he was alive. My mom never talked about him so I don't know if he's nice, but by the way my mom reacted when I asked about I don't think  he is.
"Do I have to meet him" is the only thing I manage to get out.
"We have a meeting with him and your social worker tomorrow at 11 am, but we are going to be there the whole time" Maya explain. I don't want to meet him, there was definitely a reason for why my mom didn't want me to meet him.
What if he's a bad person?
What if I have have to live with him?
What if he's going to take me back to Room?
Maybe he's not my dad and it's just someone who worked for Sir and they are there to take me back?
Maybe Maya and Carina doesn't want me and they hired him to play my dad so they didn't have to take care of me anymore?
I feel my chest getting tight and my vision is super blurry.
", M..ama" I stutter, it feels like I can't breathe.
"Look at me bambina can you take a deep breath" she says with a calm voice.
"I... I can't"
"Follow my breathing" she says taking deep breaths. After 15 minutes I manage to calm down and I'm now laying down between my moms, I'm resting my head at mama's chest and mom is stroking my hair, I'm fighting hard not to fall asleep.

Maya's pov
I hate that we have to make her meet him. I don't get she doesn't get a say in this, I just wonder why he wants to meet her after all these years. Evelyn has fallen asleep on Carina and I now remember that we forgot dinner and she didn't eat when she came to the station after school, but I don't want to wake her since she's probably exhausted after that panic attack.
"Are you okay?" Carina half whisper so she doesn't wake Evelyn.
"Yeah, I just feel so bad for her, she should have a say in this if she doesn't want to meet him than she shouldn't have to." I answer.
"We forgot dinner" she says
"Yeah I know and she didn't eat anything at the station, but I don't think we should wake her because I'm not sure she'll fall asleep again"
"You're right, we can just hope she has an appetite tomorrow so she at least have something for breakfast" Carina says. It is still early, but I think everyone was exhausted so we all fell asleep in Evelyn's bed.

How do we think the meeting will go?

I now I'm not the best at updating, and unfortunately exams are coming up soon, so I don't know how often I will be able to update. I do have a couple chapters saved up, and to be honest I know myself and I suck at studying. I usually just wait until to day before. So I might be able to keep updating.

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