New friend?

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Evelyn's pov
I'm currently super late for school since I tried to use Google maps, but am super bad at reading maps, even Google maps confuses me. I run into school and storm into the classroom.
"You are late Evelyn, care to explain" the teacher says looking at me, she looks really mad.
"I'm sorry I... um I overslept it won't happen again" I don't want the whole class to know that I'm late because I moved to my dad who lives super far away and he didn't have time to drive me so I had to walk the entire way without knowing the way.
I make my way to the back of the classroom and sit down next to Skylar. The teacher continue to talk about whatever she was talking about when I interrupted.
"Where have you been the last week, do you have any idea of how lonely I've been?" Skylar whisper so the teacher won't her us talking.
"They found my bio dad and I'm currently living with him" I whisper back. Skylar is the only one I feel comfortable enough to share this with, but since we're in the middle of class I can't really explain any further.
"WHAT!" She yells out shocked forgetting all about the rest of the student sitting around us and the teacher still talking.
"SKYLAR do not interrupt when I'm talking I don't want to hear anything more from you" the teacher says sounding super mad.
"Sorry" she quickly apologize.
"What" she repeat but now whispering.
"I know, I guess he suddenly got the idea that being in my life what something he wanted...." I start to explain, but get interrupted by the teacher who is now even more mad.
"Okay enough from you too, from now on you both stay quiet and I'm sending a text home to both of your parents" she explains. Fuck, James is going to kill me. We didn't even talk that loud so there's no reason for the teacher to flip out and notifying our parents, or her parents and my whatever James is, all I know is that he's definitely not my dad.
I stay silent for the rest of the class, I try to pay attention but I can't help but overthink how James is going to react. I hate being yelled at by people and especially grown ups. It just brings me back to room and when Sir would yell at me for crying or breathing to loud.
It felt like an eternity, but the bell finally rang and I could just get out of there.

It's time for lunch and we make our way to the cafeteria. Since the cafeteria always is super crowded we usually sit in one of the tables in the corner. We sit down and Sky takes out her lunch, I was in such a rush this morning so I didn't have time to pack a lunch. I miss when mom or mama made my lunch even though I rarely eat it I still appreciated it.
"Where's you Lunch" Sky asks taking a bite of her sandwich.
"I didn't have time to pack one, but it's fine I'm not that hungry" I answer. The first part is true, but I'm lying about the second part, it's my fault that I didn't pack a lunch so she shouldn't have to worry about me.
"Here you can get my Apple" she offers.
"It's fine, really don't need anything"
"You need food plus you would be doing me a favor since I don't like apples, but my is in a 'we will only keep healthy food in the house' phase." Sky insists handing me the apple.
"Thanks" I say, chuckling at what she said about her mom.
We continue to chat when a boy I've never seen walk up to our table.
"Is it okay if I sit here? " he asks shyly not really looking at us.
" yes of course just sit down" Sky replies giving him a smile.
"I'm Skylar, but everyone calls my Sky and this is Evelyn everyone or at least I call her Evie" she explains to the boy sitting at our table.
"Nice to meet you too I'm Samuel and everyone calls me.. uhm well Samuel" he says making both me and Sky laugh.
"Well it's nice to meet you to Samuel" Sky giggled.
The rest of the lunch period was used to get to know Samuel and tell him about the school and some of the students. He was really funny when he first opened up. After lunch we made our way to the last classes of the day.
Im happy that the day is over soon, but I can't stop thinking about if James are mad at me or not. Or we all know that he's definitely mad at me, but the question is how mad.

I walk through the door to find the house completely silent. I walk as quietly as possible as I can towards to stair hoping that if he's home that he won't hear me.
"Where do you think you're going?" I hear his deep voice ask behind me.
"Uhm upstairs to do my homework" I answer him quietly keeping my eyes fixated on the floor.
"Look at me young lady" he yell's making me flinch.
"Tell me why I got a call from your teacher saying that you and a fellow student were disturbing the class" I can see the anger building inside off him, I swear I see steam coming out of his ears and his veins are popping out.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I whisper.
"I'm sorry" I repeat a little louder.
"If you are sorry you wouldn't have done it, I'm sure you only did it to make me look bad, but I promise you no matter what you do, you are never going back to those faggots"
I feel tears threatening to fall, but I won't let him see them I can't be that weak.
"Go up to your room I don't want to see you for the rest of the day" he says before walking back to his office. I run upstairs collapsing on the bad and I let tears fall.
It's been an hour and I still can't stop crying, and I feel my chest tightening. I want mom and mama I pull out my phone, but quickly remember that James deleted their numbers. I try to remember mom's heart beat, mama's perfume and how they can call me down every time I have a panic attack. After a while I manage to calm my self down and I end up falling asleep from all the crying.

I wake up and look at my phone to see what time it is. It's 7pm. I hear voices coming from down stairs, so I quietly and carefully open my door and make my way to the top of the stairs. I see James and Layla sitting at the table eating dinner and laughing at something. They look so happy, everyone look so happy when I'm not around. I walk back to my room, find my backpack and take out my homework. I have a lot to catch up on since I've been gone the entire week.

After 2 mental breakdowns, one panic attack and none stop crying I finish all my work at 11 pm. It probably would have taken a lot less time without the crying, but all the work was so hard and I didn't know how to do half of it and apparently my response to that is crying. Im exhausted and tired, but I don't want to fall asleep. If I'm sleeping I won't have control over my surroundings. And I know James didn't hit me and he doesn't look like that type of guy, but maybe at night when no one can hear him.

School have started and I'm currently sick so when I get home from school I have no energy to anything but lay in bed, but I'm trying to write when I have the energy for it.

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