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Maya's pov
Today is Tuesday and it's currently 5:30 am and I'm getting ready for my morning run. I usually go for a run 3-4 times a week, sometimes more if I feel like I need it. It's like therapy, Carina think it's weird.
I get dressed in my running clothes and just put my hair in a ponytail. I check on Evelyn before I head out and she is peacefully sleeping in her bed. I'm happy that she is sleeping since she usually wake up really early. I grab my keys and head out the door. I love when I run and I can feel the wind in me face and my feet just run without me even thinking about it. I'm just in my own world thinking about everything. I 6 miles before starting to run home which was around 2 miles. When I get home it's about 6:30. I walk into the bedroom and see Carina starting to wake up.
" morning love" I say and give her a soft kiss on the lips.
" morning Bella" she say after we pull away from the kiss. I go to the bathroom to take a shower. When I'm done Carina is awake and getting dressed.
" how was your run" she asked while putting on her shirt.
" good, when are you going in to work?" I say and find some clothes to wear.
" I have to be at the hospital at 8 so I can drive Evelyn" she say.
" ok great, the chief is stopping by the station so I think Sullivan would kill me if I was late" I say.

Carina go down stairs and start breakfast while I go to wake up Evelyn. To my surprise she was still sleeping when I walked in, I just hope she didn't fall asleep at like 4 am and actually got some sleep. I slowly was over to her bed and sit down at the edge of the bed.
" morning kiddo, it's time to wake up" I say with a soft voice while I stroke her hair. She stir a little before opening her eyes.
" did you sleep well" I ask still in a soft voice. She just nod, it's funny to see how similar she and Carina is in the mornings. None of them is a morning person.
" well I believe breakfast is done down stairs" I say before standing up and walking down stairs.
" is she up" Carina ask as I walk into the kitchen.
" yes" I answer
" do you think she got any sleep" she ask
" I think so"
" that's good, I'm starting to get worried about her sleeping patterns"
" yeah me too"
We hear Evelyn coming down the stairs and stop the conversation we were having.
" good morning bambina" carina ask Evelyn when she enters kitchen.
" good morning" Evelyn say and sits down at the table.
" well I have to go to work have a good day at school" I say to Evelyn and walk over to my Wife and give her a good bye kiss before walking out the door.

Evelyn's pov
I arrive at school and go straight to the class room. Sky had a dentist appointment today so she tricked her mom into letting her stay home until the appointment, so I don't think she will be at school before after lunch. I sit down at my desk and just wait for the teacher to start the lesson. I've started to kinda like school or at least when Sky is here. I've also gotten a lot better at a lot of subjects like math, science and I have even started to get Spanish. I can't speak it yet and don't understand all of it, but it's better than nothing. The first classes were ok, it was a little boring without Sky. I pack up my stuff and head to the library as fast as I can so I don't have to talk to anyone. I like eating in the library it's so quiet and it's almost never people here.
It's about 10 minutes left of lunch, but suddenly I hear this loud alarm. I cover my ears, but it's still loud. Then suddenly I see people running outside of the library. I know I should probably get out, but I can't it's like my feet's are glued to the floor and the sound it's so overwhelming. I feel my chest start to get tight and I try to take a deep breath, but I can't. Then I see smoke. I now realize the alarm it's probably the fire alarm, yet my legs are still glued to the floor. The smoke is not helping my breathing, but I remember something I learned in kindergarten or something about crawling on the floor since it's less smoke down at the ground. I sit down it one of the corners and just hope someone will realize I'm not there and come looking for me. Just then I hear a big loud sound and one of the shelves start falling I try to get away, but it fall over my and all the books fall over me and now my foot is stuck under the shelf. The sound sounded like something exploding, so I'm not really sure what it was, but it made the shelf fall over and now I'm stuck under here and the room it's slowly filling with more and more smoke. The fire will probably reach me soon and then I'm definitely fucked. I guess this is it then. I now regret not talking to anyone except Sky because no one knows I'm here and they have probably forgotten that I even go to this school. Breathing start to get here hard now and I don't know if it's a panic attack or the smoke. I don't want to die like this, but when I think about it will anyone miss me if I die. I mean my mom is already dead so that mean I get to be with her so maybe it's not that bad if I die. Wait will Maya or Carina miss me, I'm not their real kid, but it feels like it sometimes and I would miss them if they die. I wish they were here with me, so I could at least tell them I would miss them and that they have done so much for me. To be honest I love them they are the only ones I have felt safe with except mom. And I haven't told them, I never tell them anything I don't even tell them how school was when they ask. They are probably sick of me never opening up and just shutting them out. If i out of this alive I need to tell them that I'm thankful for everything thing they are doing for me and I'm never shutting them out again. I've never really believed in god, I have never gone to church, but at this point I'm praying that someone will remember me and come and rescue me so I can be with Maya and carina.

Maya's pov
It was a slow day no big calls so the team was just doing chores and stuff. Me and Andy was checking hoses when the alarm goes of. The address sounded familiar, I don't know if we have been called out to this address before. When we get closer to the address I realize why it sounded familiar, it was Evelyn's school. I can feel my anxiety building up. What if was hurt or even worse. I think Andy also recognized and we have known each other for a long time now so she saw exactly what I was thinking.
" hey it's ok, she is most likely standing outside with all of the others" Andy say giving me a supportive smile. We arrive at the scene and Sullivan start to give out orders. Me and Hughes are on search and rescue, Warren and Montgomery are on aid car, Herrera you go and ask the principal if they are missing someone and all you others are on fire attack.
" they are missing 3 students one from 3. grade, one from 5. and one from 6." Andy say to Sullivan stuttering a little bit when she say 6.
"Bishop, Hughes we have 3 students possible inside" Sullivan say and we gear up and head inside the building. I didn't have time to check in with Andy if she had seen Evelyn, but I'm trying to focus on doing my job. It's weird feeling this way about someone, I never thought I wanted kids, but Evelyn it's just something special about her. Even though we haven't known her for that long I feel like she is ours and I don't think I could handle it if something happens to her. We continue to search the school and we find two children in one of the bathrooms. We bring them outside to the aid car and Warren and Montgomery take over. Before we go back in I try to look for Evelyn in the group of students standing outside, but I don't see her.
"Andy have you seen Evelyn yet" I say quickly to Andy giving her a worried look. I can see Andy's face change and I know what she is going to say before she say it.
"No she is not outside with the others and none of the teachers has seen her" it felt like my heart actually broke into a thousand pieces.
"I can switch with you if you want" she asks, but I had to do it myself. I put my mask back on and start walking into the building again. Vic is not far behind me. We search all the classrooms and bathrooms, but nothing. The fire is starting to spread and I know soon we won't be able to see a thing. Where could she be.
"Bishop we need to get out" Vic say, but I'm not getting out before I have my kid.
"No, not before we find her" I say and continue to search the hallways
"Ok, but try to think then where would she hide" Vic say with a desperate voice.
"I don't know, she doesn't like strangers and the fire started at Lunch so there is no way she was in the cafeteria, she's probably a quiet place where there are no people" I say trying to think.
"Well we have checked the bathrooms are there any other places" Vic ask.
"Herrera ask one of the teachers if there are any places at the school where there are usually no students" I say over the radio. It quiet for about a minute before she answers.
"The principle say no one ever goes to the library and they don't really use it" Andy answer. Of course why didn't I think about that earlier. We quickly walk to the library it's hard walking fast since you don't see anything in front of you. When we get to the library there are something blocking the door. After a little while we manage to get it open and it was just shelves and books every where.
"Evelyn are you here, call out if you can hear me" I yell and nothing. I take of my mask and try again. Vic try to get my mask back on, but right now I don't care. I then hear a little Cough form under one of the shelves. Vic also heard it and we start to look under all of the shelves and then I see a little foot sticking out. I lift up the shelf and there she is. Laying lifeless on the ground, I try and feel for a pulse, but nothing.
"Hughes I found her, but I have no pulse and she is not breathing" I say in a panicked voice.

So have you guys watched the first couple of episodes of season 6 and if you have what are your thoughts.

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