Clinic day

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Carina's pov
Today is Saturday and clinic day at the station. We are a little nervous about bringing Evelyn to the station with all the people, but she has been hanging out at the station after school since Wednesday and she has gotten pretty close with Andy. She even talked to Travis without me or Maya being there. She has also started to open a little more up, but I'm still concerned about her not sleeping. She will wake up at 2 am and not fall asleep for the rest of the night or she won't be able to fall asleep until 4 or 5 am. We have asked her if she wants to try some sleeping pills, but it seems like she don't want to sleep so she declines every time.

It's 7 am and we need to be at the station at 8am so we probably should have gotten up half an hour ago, but the bed is jest so comfy and I had an emergency c-section last night so I didn't get home before 11 pm. Maya woke up an hour ago and went for a run, I have no idea how she can do that so early.
"You are still in bed, you know we have to be at the station in an hour" Maya say as she walks into the bedroom.
"I know, I'm getting up now" I say, but still not moving.
"You know I need a shower so if you get up now maybe you could join me" she say with a smirk.
" I can't say no to that" I say and join her in the bathroom. After a hot shower( it was not only the water that was hot) we get dressed and while I go down to start breakfast Maya goes to wake up Evelyn or she is probably already awake, I just hope we didn't wake her. After 10 minutes the breakfast is done. Maya and Evelyn comes down stairs and we all eat breakfast before heading to the station.

Maya's pov
We arrive at the station just a couple minutes late, but Vic and Travis was also late so it okay. I change into my uniform and then go help the others set up all the stuff.
"Why were you late, you're never late" Andy ask while we set up the clinic.
" i went for a run and needed a shower and it may have taken a little longer than planed plus's we needed to get Evelyn ready" i say
" oh I thought I felt some swagger when you walked in"
" shut up" I say and we laugh. Just then a man walks in.
" hey sir are you okay" Andy ask. He had a wound on his forehead that was bleeding and looked drunk.
" yeah I just.. my head hurts" he say. Just then he falls to the ground. Andy and I manage to catch him before he hits the floor.
" we need some help over here" I yell. Warren and jack come running over to us and help us get the man on a bed.
" sir can you tell me what happened" I say and Andy start to check him out.
" I don't.., I should go" the man say and try to get up.
"I don't think that's a good idea, we really need to take a look at your head" I say and try to keep him down.

Evelyn's pov
Both Carina and Maya was at the station today. It was some kind of clinic thing, I'm not sure. Carina explained it on the way, but to be honest I was too tired to even try and listen. Maya and Carina was down stairs working so I'm sitting up in the beanery alone. I didn't like to be alone so I decide to go to one of the offices where you can look down at all the people working. It looked so different I have only been at the station a couple days, but the room was always filled with trucks and now it kinda looked like a hospital. I look down at all the people jack and Travis were talking to some woman and a child, Carina was organizing a shelf with supplies. Maya and Andy was talking and checking out a man. The man had a cut that was bleeding on his forehead. There was something with him, I feel like I have seen him before. He had blonde short hair and he was wearing glasses. OMG I have seen him before, it is one of the guys from room. I remember he was one of the first to come and visit me. When he walked in I thought I was getting saved and let me just say I was wrong.

*flash back
I have no idea on how long I have been here, I think it has been a week, but I don't know. I'm sitting on my mattress thinking about how much I miss my old room with all the dolls and a big pink Barbie house when I suddenly hear a sound. Sir hasn't been down here a lot and he was here not long ago so why would he come back so soon. Maybe they have found me and the police is coming to save me, but what if they don't know I'm here. I need them to find me. So I scream "help, help I'm in here"  just then the door open. I was relieved, but then I saw that it's not a police officer.
" hey little girl, do you want to play a game" the man say.
" no I want to go home, I miss my mom, are you here to take me home?" I say and tears escape from my eyes.
"I'm not here to take you home, but we are going to have so much fun" he say and close the door, then he start making he's way towards me. I move as far as I can into the corner, but he keeps walking towards me. I can't move. He sits down in front of me and I can feel the alcohol on his breath I didn't like that smell. It reminded me of  all the Christmas parties when all the grownups drank until they started acting weird and walk wobbly. My mom never drank, she would always stay right by my side and when all the grownups would start to act really weird she would take me home. He started to touch my hair and not in a nice way like mom did it, but in a creepy way. I close my eyes, but I could feel his hand on my body. Now he wasn't just touching my hair, he was touching my chest and my stomach. I tried to pull me knees up to my chest to stop him, but he took my knees and hold them down hard.
" stop " was all I could get out
"Stop?, I haven't started yet" he say. Just as he say that he push me down. I was only wearing a big t-shirt. No u underwear, no socks and I know socks don't seem that important, but right now that is making me feel even more vulnerable . I open my eyes and I see his blonde short hair and he was wearing glasses, I pull the glasses of him and throw the across the room.
" hey you keep your hands down" he say and slap me across the face. I shut me eyes again. Then I feel him lifting up my t-shirt.
"Sit up" he say. I do what he say because I don't want him to hit me again and maybe if I do what he say he will let me out. I sit up and he pull of my t-shirt off. I use my hands to cover up my chest, but he remove them immediately.
"Don't be shy" he say and push me down. I was laying on the thin completely naked. My eyes is still closed and I'm never going to open them, but I can hear what he was doing. I hear him remove his belt and pull down his pants.
"Wh...what are do.. doing" I say. It is hard talking because of the tears.
"We are going to play a game, you just lay still" he say. I didn't like this game. I wanted to play the games me and my mom used to play. Then I feel something weird and it hurt. He start doing it faster and it just hurt more and more. I cry and I try to scream, but nothin comes out. I can feel his hands on me, one of his hand was touching my chest and the other one was touching me on my private place. My mom always told me that no one got to touch me in places I didn't want them to, I could always say no even to a hug. No matter who it was I could say no, but I told him stop and that I didn't want to, so why is he still doing it. He was making weird noises and after what felt like minutes he scream in a weird way. Them he got up and left room. I stayed on the floor just lying there and crying.

*End of flash back

My chest was getting tight and I couldn't breathe. I can't see him again, if he find me he will take me back and to the same thing that he always does. I'm sitting on the floor when the door open. I flinch and try to get away, but I was stuck I couldn't move.
"Hey bambina breathe, you need to take a deep breath" I hear Carina say. I was relieved that it was Carina and not the man, but I still couldn't breathe.
" can I give you hug" she ask. I didn't want to be touched now, but I needed to feel safe. So I nod. She moves over to me and pull me into a tight hug, I lay my head on her chest and I can feel her heart beating. I try to follow her breathing and after maybe 10 minutes I have my breathing under control, but I'm still crying.
" can you tell me what's wrong Bambina"
" he is here" is all I managed to say.
"Who's here"
" a guy that was in room, he did something and now he is back and he is probably going to take me back" I manage to say between sobs.
"He is not going to take you back, but didn't they arrest the guy" Carina say while she is playing with my hair.
"They arrested sir, but the guy that's here only came to visit" I say. She pulled out her phone and I think she was texting someone, but I don't know who it was. We stayed there on the floor. I was resting my head on her chest and she was stroking me hair, she did it just like mom. After some time Maya came into the office.
"They got him" she say to Carina as she sit down next to me.
"Got who" I ask
" the man the police came and took him in" Maya say, I don't reply. We sit there in comfortable silence, it kinda feel like we are a little family. After some time they have to go back to work this time I sit down stairs where they can keep an eye on me. I take out my book and read a little. I think I got lost in the book because before I new it they were done putting away the clinic stuff.
" Evelyn are you coming, I think Travis have made dinner to the team" Maya say. I get up and we go up to the beanery and join everyone at the table. They talked about all the patients they've had today. I just sat there and listened to it, I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat anything and neither Maya or Carina asked me to eat. I think they understand that I'm not hungry after what happened today.
Maya had to stay and finish her shift, so me and Carina went home and for the first time in forever I fell asleep as son as my head hit the pillow.

Hope you like this chapter.
comment if you hav any suggestions

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