Homeschool and Movies

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Carina's pov
It has been a couple of days, it's Friday and the first week of homeschooling is done well the first days. Me and Maya have switched on staying home and one day Evelyn came with me to the hospital, which was great because link could check out her leg and she also got to spend some time with Amelia. Today Maya have to work, but I got the day off. I don't have much planned for today since Evelyn got school.
Maya's alarm goes off
"Ugh, turn it of it's to early"I say and turn around to Maya
"Sorry, but it's 6 am that's not early" she say
" ok, it may not be that early, but I don't need to get up for work so I could have slept at least for one more hour" I say not even opening my eyes.
" well if you don't have to get to work that means that we have some extra time. So how about I make it up for you, in the shower" she say with a smirk.
" well I'm awake now" I say and we get up.
After a hot shower maya gets dressed and head in to work. It is now 7 am and I'm walking to her room to wake her up. Technically I don't have to wake her up so early since we're not driving to school, but I like to keep the same routine.
" good morning bambina" I say as I approach her bed. She groans and turn against the wall. She isn't really a morning person either, but she's usually not this mad when we wake her.
" how did you sleep" I ask, but I kinda already know the answer to that question.
"Like shit, the cast is in the way" she say still facing the wall.
"I'm sorry" I say and move over to her bed.
" but you still need to get up" I add
" if you get up now I will make French toast for breakfast"  she instantly sits up " promise?" She ask
" promise" I say. I get up and start to walk out the room.
" carina" I hear her say behind me.
" yes"
" you forgot to help me out of bed"
" omg sorry" I say and she laughs. I help her get out of bed before I go down and start making the French toast.

Evelyn's pov
I'm so tired, I couldn't fall asleep because of the big cast on my leg and when I finally did I woke up not even an hour later because of a nightmare. I hate having nightmares they always feels so real and is just a reminder of everything. I wish I could just have a nightmare about being kidnapped and wake up knowing it was just a nightmare. I can probably take a nap in one of the classes since they can't tell if I'm awake. I get dressed in some sweatpants since they are the only thing I get over my cast and a random sweater. I love homeschool I can wear whatever I want without anyone looking at me weird.
I make my way down the stairs which takes a while. When I finally get down the stairs a have to limp my way into the kitchen. I have crutches, but I don't like using them.
" you know you have crutches right" carina say as I sit down at the kitchen island.
" I know I just don't like using them"
" so it's easier to limp around the house"
"Mhm" I say and nod my head
" well ok then" carina say and hand me a plate. I ate my breakfast and then went up to my room. Well the Zoom meeting doesn't start for another half an hour so I guess since I can't go to the library I'll just watch TikTok. I don't know how I survived so long without anything to entertain myself with. Or maybe I was too busy trying not to get killed.
The first class was math and I thought math couldn't get any more boring , but oh boy was I wrong. At least I understand what we are doing. Well next class is science, unlike math I have no idea what I'm doing. I can see the teacher talking, but I have no idea what he is saying. It's like my brain turned off the volume. Why is he talking so much, I know I need to pay attention, but I just can't. I'm so tired, I actually think I fell asleep with my eyes still open. After 30 very long minutes of trying to stay awake while he talked we had to answer some questions. This would have been easy if I paid attention, but I was too busy trying to keep my eyes open.
" ok I can do this, first question" I tell myself as I read the question. And I give up. I can feel myself getting stressed and when I'm stressed I cry, but I can't cry now. Because if I cry I will not be able to read.
" don't cry don't cry" I say to myself, but it's not working and great now I'm crying.

Carina's pov
I'm reading some work emails when I hear something coming from Evelyn's room. I walk up to her room and as I get closer I can hear small sniffles coming from her room.
"hey are you okay" I say as I open the door slowly.
" yes sorry" she say while trying to wipe away her tears.
" you don't need to apologize and are you sure you're okay" i say. She doesn't like to ask for help or talk about feelings. I think she got so used to being alone and dealing with her feelings on her own that she forgot that it's ok to ask for help and talk about things.
" I just can't answer these questions, but it's my fault" she says with her head in her hands.
" why is it your fault?" I ask curious about what she meant.
" I was tired so I was to occupied trying not to fall asleep and couldn't get myself to pay attention to what the teacher was saying" she says and I see her eyes starting to tear up again. I know sleeping has been hard for her and a big cast on her leg didn't help.
" it's not your fault you were tired and couldn't keep up, I know falling asleep is hard when your head won't turn of and I'm guessing the cast isn't helping either" I say sitting down in front of her.
" but even if it's my fault or not I still need to answer the questions"
" what are you learning about then, maybe I can help"
" DNA, genetics and stuff like that" she says still looking at her computer.
" well good thing I went through medical school then"

We finish the question and I know the teacher don't want us to help, but she was tiered and if she would have try to do it on her own, she probably would have had a mental breakdown. After that we had lunch and then she had the rest of her classes.

When she was done I ask her is she wanted to go down stairs and watch a movie, she said yes and I helped her down the stairs. I picked out some snacks while I asked her to pock out a movie.
" have you decided on a movie" I ask as I put the snacks down on the table.
" no, I don't know what kind of movies I like, sorry" she say and look down
" you don't need to apologize, actually it's a good thing you don't know because it just means we have to watch them all" I say and she looks up at me smiling.
" well close your eyes and say stop" I say and start scrolling through the movies.
"Stop" she says after a while.
" and it will be Annie"
" is that okay?" I add, she nods and we start the movie.

When the movie was done we ordered some pizza. Maya wasn't going to be home until like 10 pm anyway. When the pizza arrive we put on another movie. It was so nice seeing her laughing at the movie and having this moment just the two of us. We were about half way through the third movie and I feel had head resting on my shoulder. I look down and it looks like she is asleep.I really hope this is a sign that she's starting to trust us more. I decide to let her sleep and watch the rest of the movie.
The movie is done, I look at my phone and see that it's 9 pm. I don't want to wake her up, but she can't stay here all night. I decide to carry her up stairs, she wasn't that heavy so it was fine. I carefully put her down on her bed.
" good night bambina" I say and stroking her hair.
" good night Mama" I hear from behind me on my way out. Did I hear that correctly, I turn around and see her eyes still closed, but she wasn't fully asleep. Maybe she was so tired that she didn't notice or it just slipped out of her and she didn't really mean it. She has been living with us for a while now and I have always hoped that one day she would be comfortable enough to call us her moms, but at the same time she has need through a lot. We will always love her regardless of what she calls us. I still have a little hope that she meant it.

I'm sorry I haven't updated so often school is just a lot now and I'm kinda running out of ideas, I still have something I want to write, but please comment if you have any suggestions or ideas.

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