My chance

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I wake up that morning feeling disgusting, so I immediately make my way to the bathroom. I make sure the hallway is empty before I quickly walk to the bathroom, making sure to lock the door. I turn on the shower super warm and strip off all my clothes. As soon as step into the shower I can feel the burning sensation from the hot water. I scrub down my entire body, but it isn't enough. I can still feel his hands on me. I don't know why this is effecting me so much it's not like the other times, he just touched me that's it. This time doesn't count, no one would even care if I told them.

I'm sitting in the bedroom and my thoughts are again racing in my head, everything from last night keeps playing over and over again. Not just the touching, but the loud music and all the drunk people, and after that latter from my moms I miss them even more. I need a break from all  these thoughts, I need a relief. I remember the incident from yesterday, but its not enough. I searched the room, and my eyes landed on the pencil sharpener sitting on the desk. I take it apart, and it is surprisingly easy. A feeling of relief spreads through me as the blade break my skin and the first red line appear on my arm. Before I can do anything else I hear a knock on my door.

"hey Evelyn I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened last night, I shouldn't have gotten so mad last night, breakfast is ready down stairs if you want some" James says through the door and then I hear him walk back downstairs. It's so weird, one moment he's gets angry and yell at me for nothing and the next he's super nice. Or maybe he didn't yell at me for nothing I probably deserved it. I decide to go down stairs to eat breakfast because I'm scared that he'll get mad again if I don't, I have to enjoy it when he's in a good mood.

After the weekend I went back to school and we didn't talk about what happened. The last weeks before summer flew by and now it's finally summer. James is still acting the same, but I'm getting more used to it and I now know some of the things that trigger the anger. Like speaking back to him when he's in a mood, making to much noise when he is working, not eating all off my dinner or not doing thing exactly the way he wants them to be done. For example making dinner wrong, doing the dishes wrong or not cleaning things the way he usually does it. It can get exhausting sometimes, but like I said I'm getting used to it.
Since it's summer James doesn't have to work that much, but he still finds a way to be out of the house most of the time. Which I don't mind because I'm your of the house myself. Since I don't go to school every day, I have to find other things to use my time on. So me, Sky and Samuel spent a lot of time together. We usually hang out at Samuel's house, since Sky has an annoying brother and I have you know James.

I woke up to some weird noises coming from James and Layla's bedroom. This is like the 12th time this month. Since James doesn't come home until super late I guess this is the only time they have time together. I hate laying here listening to them, it brings me back to every time Sir or his friends would pay their special visits. I quickly get dressed making sure to use a long sleeve sweater to cover up the bruises from James grabbing my wrists and the cuts on my left arm. My watch cover most of the cuts, but better to be safe than sorry. I make my way out of the house as quietly as possible. When I get outside I start walking to the buss stop, it's 9 am so Samuel should be awake. I take the first buss to Samuel's house and knock on the door.
"Hey Evie, your earlier than usual" Samuel says. He is still in pajamas so I'm guessing that he just woke up.
"Come in" he adds

We get up to his room and I sit down at his desk while he sits down on the bed.
"So why are you out of the house so early, James flipped out on you or something" Samuel asks. Both Sky and Samuel knows most of what's happening at home, of course not all of it.
"No, he and Layla were at it again" I answer
"That disgusted" he says making a face
"Couldn't agree more"

Carina's pov
It's been about two months since Evelyn moved to her bio dad. Things are starting to get back to normal, but it still feels like something is missing. Before Evelyn moved we were fine being just the two of us, but now it's weird being just us. We are both working a lot, and because of our crazy schedules we are rarely home at the same time. But today we both have the day off.
"Honey I'm home" Maya says as she walks through the door.
"Ciao Bella" I answer from the couch.
"How was your shift" Maya asks as she walks up behind me and I look up from my book.
"Good a little slow, how about you?"
"Not slow a lot of fires" she answers
"Yeah I can smell the fire part" I chuckle, she pick up a pillow hitting me in the head.
"Hey" I say picking taking the pillow out of her hand and hitting her with it, we both start laughing.
"Well I guess I'm going to take a shower then" she says once we both stopped laughing, she starts walking away slowly. I hear her sigh.
"Something wrong" i ask looking up from my book.
"Oh nothing just going to the bathroom to take a shower all by myself, while you sit here all by yourself" she says turning around and giving me a look.
"You know how to get your way" I say getting up
"Well I've learned from the best" she says before we get lost in each other's lips while walking towards the bathroom.

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