Part 1: Witchcraft and Doctors

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Author's Note: Two things, 1: Yes, I know the girl on the right (who's supposed to be you, 'cause I don't know what everyone looks like) is smeared, but I have a good reason. My idiotic brother thought it'd be funny to throw my poor cat Moe on the paper, and Moe smeared ink all over the drawing. 2: AGH! I've been watching Attack on Titan and I'm at the episode where (spoiler) one of the Titans is killing the other Titans. SO INTENSE! Anyhoo, to the story!

You just sat there with a blank look on your face, petrified. You couldn't move or struggle against Steve's grip on your arm as he dragged you to the portal. All you could do was stare into the blank emptyness slowly taking over your vision. He was gone. Forever... Or... So you thought.

~Herobrine's POV~

I groaned. When I opened my eyes, I didn't know where I was. Nothing was any shade of red as it should be in my palace. All I saw was a bright greenish-blue surrounding me. I tried to sit up, but it was too much pain and I collapsed.

While I was on the little bed, I took in the blurry surroundings. All I could make out was a blurry... I think it was a clock, but it didn't have the sun or moon on it to tell the time of day... Some paper being held up with a plastic-looking pin, and the bed.

By the time my vision had cleared up, a man with a white, villager-looking coat stepped in.

"Ah! So I see you're awake!" he smiled, "By the way, I need to ask you a question,"

"Uh... Okay..." I said, rubbing my head.

"How in the world did you wander into an object so large it put a huge hole in your stomach?"

"Wha-? Whadya mean?"

"Just look at your shirt."

I looked, and indeed, there was a gigantic tear in my blue shirt and there was white on the inside of it. Now that, was a deep shade of scarlet.

"I didn't wander into anything. What do you mean by 'wander'?" I asked.

"Well, I'm no eye doctor, but I'm pretty sure putting glow-in-the-dark paint in your eyes doesn't help you see," the, I guess what (Y/N) is telling me, "doctor" said.

"Glow-in-the-dark? Paint? Eye doctor? What is this witchcraft you speak of?"

"Were you born into the medeval ages? Or do you have amnesia?"


With my exclamation, he left. Quite hurredly. That's what you get for bothering me, Doctor Man! OW! Fine! I'll erase it! Stop breathing down my neck, (Y/N)!

Anyhoo, I managed to get up and limp around the room. Ugh, this was humiliating. I was limping. In pain. I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT. I don't like (Y/N)'s world. It hurts too much...

~Your POV~

Steve had pulled your unmoving body into a corner and smiled an insane smile. His eye twitched.

"So... (Y/N)... How do you like the improvements to my house?" he asked.

You moved your head a bit to take in the surroundings. Not much had changed. Still just a boring old square house.

Steve pointed to a white wool block in a corner. "See? Look, I even have a bathroom with a toilet. 'Cause I heard you have those."

Your vision went black. Then turned misty. A voice came from behind you.

"My Lord, he really has gone nuts," it said.

That voice was familiar. "W-Wildpath?" you asked.

"In the flesh... Well, fur... Or... Um... Imagination? Ah, well, you get it." Wildpath confirmed.

"But you said I wouldn't see you 'till I died,"

"That large amount of psycic power being driven into your skull from Herobrine invading our privacy, and from the Slendies talkin', really messed things up. Herobrine somehow saw me being beat by Cassidy at poker! Me! The Poker Cat!"

You nodded.

"Oh, also, there are a few other peeps I'd like you to meet." Wildpath said.

Three people appeared from the mist. One was a bee hybrid, the other a squid hat-wearing girl, and the third, the Doctor. (I dunno. 'Cause I can.)

"Okay, so the girl with the brown hair, black and yellow shirt, bee antenna, bee wings, stinger, and weird sword-things coming out of her wrists, she's Juju. She's your conscience. (If I didn't spell that right, please tell me) The girl with the white squid hat, blue shirt, white pants, holding a blue sword, and straight, blonde hair, is Quail. But she likes to call herself SquidQueen. She's your derpyness. And the trenchcoat-wearing, extremely cu-, I mean smart guy is the Doctor. He's your intellegence." explained Wildpath.


"Hey! You didn't tell me (Y/N) was back! Is the physical form dead? Are we free? Also, you didn't let me finish explaining to you about gravitational lock Wildpath! Wildpath!" came Cassidy's voice screaming at the top of her lungs as she clumsily ran and accidentally tackled Juju.

"Hey! Do that again and so God help me..." Juju stated, then started mumbling curses as her sky-blue eyes flashed red.

You fell to the floor laughing. Why couldn't you hang out with these guys more often?

A/N: I'm sorry to those of you earlier readers about the "calling the Doctor 'Doctor Who'" mistake. But there's no need to think I'm an idiot or be upset. I was tired when I finished this up and was really just hoping to finish the story. So please, forgive me for my small mistake. And don't call me rude names... I don't find it pleasing in the slightest. I'm glad many of you decided to ignore it or simply and kindly voice your concerns. But I draw the line now. So forgive me, and I will forget any rude comments made. Thank you, your extremely patient author. Goodbye my peoples!

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