Part 7: Grassfire

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I woke up tethered to a table. A couple people covered head to toe in these white jackets scooted around making the most annoying noise possible. I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming.

I took a deep breath and asked in the most innocent and confused voice that I ever could portay, "Um... Excuse me?"

One of the people turned to me, they had on a gas mask, "Yeah?"

"Uh, why am I here? I was supposed to be going home today..."

A deeper, gruff voice came out from another person, "Yeah, sure ya are. That's why Sean and Dean had to shoot you. And why they also reported that you teleported into the vents and tried to give Sean a heart attack,"

Okay, innocence wasn't going to work. Time to see what they're gonna do to me. I dropped the act.

"Fine, you got me. I'm no innocent little bitch," I said, "What am I here for, though? Are you people that scared of anything with actual intellegence that you instantly lock it up?"

The first one that spoke sighed, "Yeah... I guess we are. Yet, we give the rest of society the hope of finding anything with real intellegence. It's something about our 'curiosity'. Or really, hunger for power. Anything more powerful must die,"

"Ha, you got that right, Grass. If any aliens try to mess with the human race, we'll show them who's boss," came the other one.

I could imagine Grass's face turning red beneath that mask, "For the millionth time, it's Grassfire. Once I get out of here, I'm changing my name to Grassfire. Stupid hippie parents..."

"Aw come on, why do I have to be poked and prodded at?" I asked, "I won't bother anyone. I'll just come back to where I came fr—"

I was interrupted by a sudden exclamation from one of the people looking at a table with a tiny telescope. "Look at this everyone! This is amazing!"

Everyone flocked toward the tiny telescope.


"How is this possible?"


I wanted to know, "What? What is it?"

Grass, or Grassfire, turned to me, "You seriously don't know what's inside yourself, do you?"

"Well, it depends. What is it?"

"Your entire body structure isn't made out of atoms!"

I gave Grassfire a confused look, "What're atoms?"

"Little tiny orb things that everyone and everything is made out of,"

"Oh! Like coding!"

"Exactly! You're made out of coding!"

"Oh, I knew that. I thought you people were made out of that stuff too. Or just some really squishy gel stuff,"

"Where do you come from?"

"You gonna believe me?"

"After knowing you can see fine with no pupils, you can teleport, and you're made out of coding, I'll believe anything,"

"M'kay. I came from the world of Minecraft,"

"Woah. Seriously?"


The deep voiced person spoke, "Grass, stop flirting with the specimen and do your job!"

"Grr... Shut it Gabe!"

Damn it! I was getting too caught up with Grassfire! Suddenly, I came with an idea. If Grassfire didn't want to do whatever the Nether they were planning on doing to me, I could use that. Maybe I could get her to sneak me out!

~Your POV~

It had been nearly three months since Steve had killed Herobrine and you still barely ventured off. You just sat there in a corner, silently thinking to yourself. Steve had tried to get you outside a couple times, but you refused to.

"You killed him... It's your fault..." was all you would mutter.

Sometimes, you just wandered around the growing house, dragging Herobrine's sword behind you. Scared Steve to death. You were glad Moe and Bob had followed you. You would squeeze the poor cat, although before the incedent, he would scratch you. Now he must've felt sorry for you and allowed you to squish him. Bob would sometimes drag a steak to you to try to get you to eat. You sighed, they were both wonderful friends.

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