Part 39: The End

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"Y'know... I think I might know a few things about Notch," Steve stated cautiously.

"What is it?!" Hero asked, grabbing Steve's shoulders and clenching his hands.

"First, let go! That fucking hurts!"

Hero let go, a slight blush of embarrassment dusting his cheeks. "Sorry, little bro,"

Steve grumbled and continued. "Notch wasn't too careful in his word choice when he took over my body. One thing he kept repeating was to take (Y/N) from Herobrine and keep him miserable forever. He also kept saying something about 'taking me away from him'. I dunno what that's all about. He didn't say a whole ton, but I hope that helps,"

"And the boob strikes again," Jeff sneered.

Hero hissed and slugged Jeff in the arm. Hero's acting weird, you thought to yourself. Steve shuffled to you while Hero was chasing Jeff everywhere, his hands on fire.

"Do you... Do you know what's going on? Herobrine's never done this before. Let alone call me 'bro' like he meant it. Has he gone mental?" Steve asked.

"You mean more mental then he already is? Probably," you replied.

"No. I mean, he's nice. To me,"

"So? He's not the supposed heartless monster you think he is anymore,"

"No! Would you just listen for once? Herobrine's never been nice to me at all. Not the whole 'kill me' thing. No, I mean 'little bro' 'sorry'. That's never happened. Usually when he mentions the brother thing it's with a sneer,"

You tilted your head down to Steve, standing on your tiptoes to gain the extra height. "Would you like me to go ask him, then?"

"Yes, and stop showing off how tall you are. It's not my fault I've gotten shorter over the years,"

"Whatever," You went flatfooted again and walked over to Hero, nabbing him by the collar as he launched at Jeff again. "Hero, I need to ask you something,"

"Yes?" He snarled, trying to get out of your grip.

You smacked him on the head. "First, calm the fuck down. Second, why are you being so nice to Steve all of a sudden? He says you were never nice to him,"

"Notch must have messed with his memories... I was nice to him. He was the first person I actually liked. I taught him everything, built him his home, saved him from monsters a plenty, and even helped him defeat the Ender Dragon. But don't worry, Endy's fine. Notch told me he would make Steve not trust me anymore. He must have removed Steve's real memories and replaced them with bad ones. Hey, where's BEN?"

You looked around. BEN was gone. He was nowhere to be found. "BEN? Where are you?" You called, walking around.

You suddenly heard loud screaming. One of a deeper voice, and another of a higher, but more angered tone. Right out of the nearest hallway, two extremely distinct figures came into view. Notch and BEN. "GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING ASS HAT! I DONT CARE IF YOU OWN THE WORLD, IM GOING TO KILL YOU FOR TORTURING HEROBRINE AND (Y/N)! IM GOING TO KILL YOU, YOU COWARD!" BEN screeched, waving his Master Sword high in the air.

"GO AWAY! I DONT LIKE YOU!" Notch screamed in fear.

You and Hero ran to the two screaming men, and grabbed BEN before he took the final blow. "Lemme kill 'im! HE DESERVES TO DIE!" BEN snarled.

"No!" You screamed.

While you and Hero were still holding the thrashing BEN back, Notch took the chance. "I'm done with this game! I'm selling it to Microsoft! But not before I do something..."

Herobrine x Reader: Eternal BondWhere stories live. Discover now